CNN's Anderson Cooper reacts to President Trump's barrage of tweets discrediting mail-in ballots, insulting his political rivals and making unsubstantiated claims about Joe Scarborough, the host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe".
#AC360 #CNN #News
CNN's Anderson Cooper reacts to President Trump's barrage of tweets discrediting mail-in ballots, insulting his political rivals and making unsubstantiated claims about Joe Scarborough, the host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe".
#AC360 #CNN #News
He spend half his term in Florida if he wanted he could have gone there TO VOTE.
“He supports mail in voting for a reason” I guess a global pandemic, 90K+ deaths and 1.6 million infected in the US alone isn’t reason enough…
Antoinette Gross Touché
ADM nuf said
Unless its a republican state
Why shouldn’t the country open back up? We have to go back to work and be cautious. Cuomo is what made this virus what it is.
We could expect a whole lot of cheating, within the republican party when voting starts.
Literally the dumbest man to ever hold public office.
Another person confusing their opinion as a fact.
@Leo Eastwood But tRump is much worse than baby Bush….. it’s hard to believe anyone could be though!
@God Save My Life What are you talking about?
God Save My Life yea what R U talking about!!It sounds like u were channeling ur iner Trump.
forgot about Clinton, Obama and Jimmy Carter
Our Military votes by mail!!!!! America don’t stay home in November please, please vote!!!!
Lots vote by mail….he wants to pick and choose who votes….I hope his absentee ballot never gets counted….big butter butt…
T: Hey Crazy Sanders and Sleepy Joe!
N: Hey Morbidly Obese!
he can’t go to vote in Florida?He’s there all the time golfing.
Well it’s not like he can just get up and go anywhere at a moment’s notice can he? Oh wait, he has a plane AND a helicopter at his beckon call!!
President Obama loved going to get ice cream and coffee when he was destroying our country’s reputation.
That was a reply to 45 going for golf…
@TastyTerps that’s laughable, who did you say was destroying the country? Who’s in the office right now and what’s he doing?
As a German, I look to the US and think: „There is no way that this Country went down that Road…“
Sad and scary….
We hope the vote will change something!
@justsaying It is my belief they will improve as we learn lessons from all this, but it won’t in Biden’s time. It would have in Bernie’s or Liz’s. Yet Biden my be what we need now. I think his VP will be more important and I think he will pay attention to her.
@ozi oz No. AMERICANS will have to do something very drastic.
Honestly, for good and smart Americans, this is a living nightmare. The worst part (or best part) for me is that it showed me exactly who some people are. Some in my extended family that still support him. For me, I will always and forever look at them as stupid or cruel or both. I’ve put it in my head that it’s the equivalent of them joining a cult. They don’t know any better. Meantime, it’s costing American lives and Trump and the Republicans are destroying our great country.
Friend u didn’t intend hate with ur comment but in America there are many ppl who hate themselves. Im sure you can tell. Your history isn’t currently on trial. Who u are doesn’t even matter just truth. You are 100% The only thing sadder than our president are the ppl that support such natural nonsense
@Carlos Stranger So what are your thoughts on slavery and the Confederacy?
I just shake my head that this president gets away with all this crap!
He can do this because his opposition cannot be taken seriously.
CNN is scared to call it what it is: Extortion.
Lets call out the elephant in the room it’s name is – extortion
That comment about Mr Scarborough – how is that NOT slander and libel?
Megan Williams because it’s based in fact… She was pregnant with his kid…
he knocked her up….
@Don Hardcastle And you have proof?
Twitter should be held accountable too for allowing such garbage.
Don Hardcastle are you sure you’re OK? People are starting to worry.
The lifetime fraudster is terrified of a level playing field, and of FAIR play.
I’ts nothing more than Trumps continuation of wait for it…. abuse of power!!!
Y R Y’all SUPRISED at what 45 says
He definitely has something mentally ill going on with him
Trump is a malignant Narcissist. That is a personality disorder that is not treatable. Mental illness is treatable. Big difference.
“.without authorization by a rogue secretary of state” actually means a secretary who is not rogue authorized it.
I agree with the comment by Cindy Weir…I have never in my lifetime heard a public official much less the President of the United States talk like this. This needs to end if not by the 25th amendment by voting blue in November. So sorry that anyone has to put up with this.
Me Sim: Please pray for us.
Pls close his Twitter account Please
I don’t think trump is smart enough to spell words he can’t pronounce, I believe Barron is tweeting for him!
I don’t believe Biden can complete a sentence
Can’t rig voting machines if we vote by mail. I also want a receipt for my transaction!
Troll for tRump makes counterfactual claim. Possible Russian troll creating “alternative facts”. Not surprising for those fools. Voting machines leave no paper trail for verification like vote by mail leaves.