1. The guy in the WH, sometime I wonder if he thinks everythings going on during administration is just a reality show. Evidently he has no clues on what he’s doing

    1. Oh, he has a clue all right. Problem is, the only thing Trump cares about is lining his pockets with taxpayer money.

    2. But that might be how trump is motivated by putting into reality awesomeness only trump could execute unequivocally singularly excellent.

    3. He’s President. You’re living in Mom’s Basement eating her Cheetos.

      Yeah, he has a clue.

    4. @Steve Ford Revolution is coming!!! Punk, you had better RUN and HIDE, like the little girl you are!

    1. He didn’t. He was appointed by a corrupted electoral college. He actually LOST the popular vote by almost THREE MILLION ballots.

  2. As a former marine and an Iraqi war vet, I stand with Mattis. To hell with evil and dictators.

  3. I would first say General mattis needs to remember when he was involved with insurrection act in 1992. I would also say Anderson Cooper needs to remember when he was trashing mattis on a nightly basis

  4. What this is feeling like is that the US will have to decide if if it wants to move together with human rights and dignity for all– ONCE AND FOR ALL.
    OR perish by insisting on continuing the standard way it has been operating for centuries.
    Difficult times indeed.

    1. Nick j We won’t be voting until November so Trump has 6 months left until he’s no longer the president

    1. Do you even know who he was and why he really said this?? Mattis was fired by Trump… He’s still pissed

    1. @seriously??? “How illiterate can you possibly be? I hope your a third grader…” Oh, the irony. Stay in school!

    2. Wrong the world is with us. We had nothing to do with how the government acts in this country you see us out here protesting. There tired of this bs and all the segregation.

  5. “Divide and conquer” that’s the motto of the whole thump gang, right out the nazi playbook.

    1. Now all y’all have to do is start fighting each other. when will that happen? that’s what we’re waiting for.

    2. abraham binisreal Americans may bicker amongst themselves but woe to any outside force that would dare to test the might of the red white and blue.

  6. The military MUST DECIDE.


    They took an oath to *uphold the Constitution, not their commander in chief.*

    1. @AP AS no, Military have to disobey unconstitutional order, even from the president, that’s UCMJ is all about.

      US military is not a partisan mob like Commie China PLA or like the Russian military to their generals.

    2. That constitution says I’m 3/5th of a man.. I don’t feel the same about it but good point ig

    3. @coderwitch Right because Reagan Or Bush or George W did not run the country in the ground , they were Presidential and had honor. They were everybody’s president, they did not just pander to their base the whole term.

    4. Rasist cop to jail. Saveges to be shoot. Protesters to protest. No fhilosophy and ideaology, IT is so call freedom, witch not everybody have.

  7. So 3 years ago 45 was singing his praises. Now 45 is trashing him because he went against him. Very mature 45.

  8. Thank you, General Mattis, This is what I’m talking about, General Mattis is standing on what he believes, a man with honor. You have my respect.

    1. Oh please… Mattis is just still pissed about getting fired by Trump. He was pissed then and pissed now. He’s just using this opportunity to take a shot at trump.

  9. I know for a a]] Fact the Military service members LOVE Mattis….he’s a God in the Armed Forces. if He rebukes the President then that says alot

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