CNN's Anderson Cooper calls out President Donald Trump over a tweet he retweeted that claims the Clintons were somehow behind the death of billionaire financier and accused sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein. #CNN #News
Anderson Cooper calls out Trump for pushing conspiracy theory

The unprovoked denial speaks volumes !!
@Alan aka FANG I DISPISE Donald Trump for the games he is playing and getting total fools like you to believe him.
@I wish I was wrong
congrats !!! …. you HAVE consistently achieved the goal of your Username….
MANY TIMES OVER, including here & in other threads.
@Alan aka FANG
silly brainwashed MAGA puppet….. there is NO PROOF of either Trump OR Clinton EVER being on Epstein’s Island…. and no credible accusations of either guy ever being on the island…. just conspiracy bullshit from both sides claiming they were there.
WHAT THERE IS PROOF OF, in videos, AND by Trump’s own words in taped interviews, is that Trump & Epstein were New York party friends for 15 years in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, including numerous parties in Manhattan AND Mara Lago where Trump & Epstein were yucking it up like frat boys, as they ogled women half their age, and this is ALL DOCUMENTED ON VIDEO. and 2 women from Epstein’s past harem of underage sex trafficked women, HAVE publicly & legally accused Trump (& his corrupt attorney Dershowitz) of sexually molesting them at private parties hosted by Epstein, in his New York home and Miami home.
WHAT THERE IS ALSO PROOF OF, as documented by Secret Service Records, and Epstein’s Plane Flight Records… is first, that Clinton was NEVER present in Epstein’s New York home, Miami home, or at his island…. AND that Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane around 4 times ALL occurring OVER 15 – 20 YRS AGO, and ALWAYS travelling overseas to humanitarian events & fundraisers, in which the Secret Service was ALWAYS present, Clinton was never alone with any women on the plane, and all women who were on plane, were interviewed in recent years stating they never experienced anything themselves, nor ever saw Clinton doing anything improper. NO WOMEN from Epstein’s past sexual liaison history, have EVER accused Clinton of anything.
No bro, it’s just you, it has always been you

Is it just me or did Anderson smell Don Lemon’s fingers too?
@MrMistrEnigma accept he didnt get it for free like that bartender..he had to pay for it
You Mean You People
@MrMistrEnigma AKA “the double don lemon drop”
maybe with a twist
Has Fredo calmed down yet Anderson ?
Don gave him a hand job. He’s better now. Bartender not so much
Yeah Fredo’s co-worker StinkFinger massaged his prostrate. Things are all butt-er now.
Frittos are a tasty snack!!!
the conspiracy theory of….FREDO!!!!
Frittos are a tasty snack!!!
Seth Rich knows
Yeah… all about the Bowling Greene Massacre, you tool.
2 years of investigation on trump and none of his accusers committed suicide.
How do we know, mr. Orange makes news into bullshit lies. NRA told him shut up or else. A few days later epstein was dead. Maybe a warning to potus wasnt enough so, no more back ground checks and to see to it Epsteins dead. How many have tRUMP thrown under the bus, like the guys in federal prison.
@Phillip Brown Calling someone Fredo is the equivalent to calling them Steve Urkel or Barney Fife, it’s an insult, yes, but it’s like calling someone an incompetent boob. I am Italian and can absolutely tell you that calling us Guido is the N word. If Fredo were like the N word, Cuomo would have stopped letting his guests use it on his show, but he hasn’t. I have never heard it used like the N word.
@Phillip Brown By the way, if Fredo is like the N word then why did Cuomo affectionately refer to himself as Fredo on the Chris Salwa Radio Show? Here’s a link to the radio clip on YouTube, it isn’t spam.
@Phillip Brown I’m not faulting Cuomo for being upset, but threatening to throw someone down the stairs and over reacting to a verbal insult made Cuomo look like an unhinged idiot. If someone shoots you with a water pistol, you don’t hit them in the face with an ax. Cuomo totally lost his cool and it looked really bad. Plus, if Cuomo did hit the guy, then Cuomo would be the one going to jail for assault.
Oh man, this guy is getting more and more vengeful every single day
Has Jeffrey Epstein’s body been cremated yet? (To get rid of the evidence he is alive)
Epstein cremated himself twice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Epstein is dead. The Trump conspiracy theories prove TRUMP was behind his death to cover his own back.
He comes up with conspiracy theories about other people ever time he is the guilt party. Look at his track record.

anderson cooper knows… is he in danger?
Hmm, does Anderson’s mom’s swimming pool make the link to the “art” at Tony Podesta’s house where young girls are scantily dressed with rosy little butts?
I thought there was proof that Bill Clinton was on the ‘Lolita Express’ 26-27 times.
Yea they found 27 dry cleaning receipts for curtains.
Had to be Clinton.
Keep hearing about this so called “proof” against Clinton, yet I’ve seen actual video of Trump partying with Epstein. I’ve seen him say he can get away with molesting unwilling women because he’s famous. Its obvious that Trump had at the very least as much contact with Epstein as Clinton.
Also Clinton isn’t currently president nor is he running for president…
Who had more to lose if Epstein made a deal? The current president running for re election who is being protected from indictment by his position… or some old washed up politician who will undoubtedly never run for office again.
There’s just no hope for people who believe Trump is a good president innocent of all accusations.
@Dan L There’s no hope for you either pal ! . .
Hillary 6 times proven by flight logs
Are people only allowed to think what the mainstream want you to think!?

Yet he is pushing the conspiracy of Russian collusion with no evidence???
Except for the evidence that does exist and we can all read about in the Mueller report?
@Emperor Kim Jong-un Mueller also said that if the president didn’t commit a crime it would have said that…and if the only reason he isn’t in jail is because he’s president how is the guy not guilty of one of those instances or have you heard no obstruction no collusion so much you believe it…and if the Mueller report doesn’t do it for you…we still dont know if hes double dipping we still haven’t seen those tax returns but this is the guy yaw support blindly but if he was black he would’ve never got your vote…selective morals is very scary in the Republican party right now can’t call yaw conservatives have you seen the stock market and the national debt…were bleeding money under trump lol Bush 2.0 and I promise if Obama was doing what trump was doing he wouldve been impeached!!
Iro, wrong! Who told you that crap? I watched the whole thing. You were lied too
@Brendo Xd like telling maghan to fire Mueller…Lying about knowing about the hush payments…just those 2 would have any other president impeached..private bone spurs basically has control over the DOJ hence barr basically not conveying the actual facts in the report to begin with…because I mean Russia rigging our elections to help trump win isn’t a good thing right??or are you cool with that
@Pokarot Don’t forget the unanimous consensus of the entire U.S intelligence community
Oh you mean like the russian conspiracy you and CNN have been pushing for the last 2.5 yrs. Ok i get it
Lola Lola
If you think CNN is involved in a conspiracy, why are you here?
Anderson Cooper know all about conspiracy and meddling. He and his ilk were conspiring and meddling in the 2016 election to make Hillary the winner. The proof is all over Youtube, chock full of videos of their one-sided coverage….which is more than I can say for Russian meddling…which was not an issue DURING the election but suddenly became a matter practically OVERNIGHT after Trump won.
Speaking of conspiracy theories hows that mueller report
Have you even read the report, do you know what’s in it
@isaac shaw I read it. The Idea of Mueller claiming he did not bring charges ,due to a SUGGESTION OR POLICY ( read that policy) is so beyond stupid. Obviously put there due to lack of any evidence. You honestly think Mueller who threatens and ruins lives is going to be stopped by a SUGGESTION , what would you say if bar ,who had no obligation to release
the report wich was a long standing POLICY. Before you go on about obstruction and those ten examples , you should hear how all of them relevent info was left out Which Mueller has gotten into trouble before
Seems you Dems like Harris have a problem. Mueller is REBUBLICAN in name only. Not to mention he had the opportunity to talk about it in his public hearing. Where he was able to answer any question except grand jury ones. THANK YOU BARR. What else can be done for you fucking scumbags?
@Michael ARMIJO You’re a blatant-liar. Mueller has to follow the policies of the agency/entity he’s operating for…
But, facts – right?
“obviously put there due to lack of evidence” – that evidence was IN THE REPORT, which you’d know – if you’d, really, read it.
Try harder.
@Iro Mueller was nothing more then an old senile,blathering loser…(some people say he faked it in front of Congress who knows!)
But to me he just appeared to be a stupid old idiot that should have been put out to pasture long ago!
@isaac shaw did you?
All the Clinton’s shady friends keep disappearing. Trump tweets about it. CNN:How dare you sir!
@John Iverson What is the point of your statement and how is it relevant to the original post?
all of trumps friends are in or going to jail, says a lot about how crooked trump is and his turn will come 20121 when he and family go on trial.
Mister Earwig…my point is …you are a moron.
How much clearer do I need to be? How are them there pork rinds?
@Hawkzblade By your prediction, Trump stands to be around for a couple done millennia. Fine with me.
But Trump has the friendly photo with Epstein…Bill’s friend?
CNN pushes conspiracies non-stop for over 2 years. Russia, Russia, Dog Whistle, Dog Whistle. But oh no Trump retweeted a guy!!
I hope everybody is totally convinced after all you heard it from CNN’s own Anderson Cooper, lol!
Greatest president in US history Donald J Trump where is Fredo
The Epstein and CNN Illusion.
Man, CNN gets TROLLED on YouTube lol