Andersen: ‘Evil Genuises’ Have Allowed In All Types Of ‘Exciting Falsehoods’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Writer Kurt Andersen joins Morning Joe to discuss 'Evil Geniuses,' which looks at the leaders who have shaped the U.S. economy. Aired on 01/11/2021.
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#Andersen #Falsehoods #MSNBC

Andersen: 'Evil Genuises' Have Allowed In All Types Of 'Exciting Falsehoods' | Morning Joe | MSNBC



    1. Good one real good one that little tiny tea and then the rest in high big letters rump that was a good one actually made me laugh

    2. @Spidey Senses 2020 democracy is now finished after big tech was allowed to censor all speech and control all content , it’s no different then Nazi Germany . when they used the same tactics to control the population ,in the end they ended up paying the price after a short lived suppression of it’s citizens freedoms .

    3. @Spidey Senses 2020 your about to see the biggest event in America history that involves every person in the country in a few weeks , orchestrated by the Democrats and it will effect everyone , it will be something the blind democratic voters never seen coming . Just be ready.

    4. Were the republicans more interested in “healing the nation” and “understanding” with Osama Bin Laden when he attacked America on 9/11? Did they decide to just let the terrorist attack go like they are proposing to do with Trump? There is no healing the national PTSD without as much justice as possible first. These Baby Hitler Riots were arguably worse than 9/11, just not in terms of death count. But the images are even more searing because the threat came from within, the targets were more high value, and these domestic terrorists actually broke into the seat of power of the USA. Oh yeah, AND the entire world got to watch the whole debacle minute by minute via all the footage on iPhones!

      I hope the GOP NEVER recovers from being absolutely COMPLICT IN THIS. Even now they are still cowardly AF.

  2. They’ve closed the Washington Monument due to threats from right-wing American extremists. Not al-Qaeda. Not the Taliban. Not ISIS. American right-wing extremists.

    1. I wonder how they’re going to make the claim that the vax is effective, after already using language that established Covid the ultimate cause of any Covid-related death! For instance, if a person dies now after taking the vax, is it gonna be listed a covid death on the death certificate? Or will that individual have died of whatever natural causes that we were all are once familiar with, pre covid? 🧐

    2. @Kyle Gesin it’s sad, scary, and coming to a town near you. This cult needs brought down with force. They endanger every decent American.

  3. Only the Republicans have been under Federal Court supervision for 35 years, since the 1982 Consent Decree, because of voter suppression and intimidation.
    Literally a criminal organization that has to cheat to win at the polls.

  4. First, prosecute all the riot instigators starting with the orange monkey and reverse Citizens United. The only thing CU did was attract criminals.

    1. @foed spaghetti But trump went to so much trouble to prove that he is mentally competent enough to stand trial for his many, many crimes that it would be a shame to doubt him.

    2. I wonder how they’re going to make the claim that the vax is effective, after already using language that established Covid the ultimate cause of any Covid-related death! For instance, if a person dies now after taking the vax, is it gonna be listed a covid death on the death certificate? Or will that individual have died of whatever natural causes that we were all are once familiar with, pre covid? 🧐

  5. They tried to impeach him the first time – Repubs wouldn’t listen, and look what happened

    Hopefully history won’t repeat itself

    1. @J Groovy Democrats wanted to bring in people they had not interviewed by their own choice, they had the time! What part of Democrats trying to build a case against trump after already impeaching him don’t you understand?

    2. History already repeated itself!
      Perhaps not the American but then it is pretty short compared to other countries’ …..

  6. When the rich make money, they spend it among themselves. When the poor make money, they spend it on the rich.

    1. is this why america has engulfed the kardashians, the apprentice, the bachelor, real housewives, etc and allowed this garbage to enrich rich producers like Andy Cohen and Mark Burnett. These two individuals are complicit in profiting off of the dumbing down of america

    2. @Tony Jenkins I think “They” know the idea is to keep Nein sausages and only pass on one – this pun is die Wurst !

    3. @Jake Spur Social media [such as the tube of you] allows one to profit off popular – junk food like content – also. what has been super bad are the social media companies that have profited from deliberate misinformation. 500K American will be dead by April thanks to the propagation of such falsehoods and – these companies make $ on top of that data mining the shizzle out of us.

    1. Not everyone cares about money. My stocks have gone way up in the past four years. Not worth the lives lost during this “administration”.

    2. Yes, a maxim of mine is that if you ever come across something you don’t understand why it happened, that doesn’t even make sense, look for the money.

    1. You think all those crazy people just go away when Trump is out of office? The GOP has been fomenting this for decades and foreign governments noticed and took advantage. Trump was just the match to the powder keg, but it’s lit now. The country is divided, not in half, thankfully, but that division can’t be fixed without cutting off the sources of mis/disinformation, and I don’t know how you do that without flat out shutting down the Internet.

  7. “There are those who believe that if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them.” – William Jennings Bryan, 1896

    It just goes to show, if one has eyes, that rich people don’t create jobs. Jobs create rich people.

    1. Every cult has intelligent members. Intelligent people are as prone to manipulation as anyone. It’s not about being dumb, it’s about being vulnerable. We are all vulnerable at times, it doesn’t mean we should be preyed upon and manipulated.

  8. “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

    On January 6, the world witnessed the truth in Voltaire’s words on Capitol Hill.

    1. @Tyeler Nowell not when it’s the sitting president of the country they live in.they have acted as a publisher not a platform. If I was Trump, during the inauguration I’d launch a lawsuit and sue jack Dorsey personally. When he wins he owns twitter.
      In addition twitter is going be taking a massive hit in the wallet regardless.
      BTW that’s just from trump,imagine if the owners of parler join in.

    2. @Frail Bones Biden I see you joined YouTube on Dec. 1, a month ago. What took you so long? Did you finally have your 12th birthday, so Mommy lets you use the computer now?

  9. So right on. Many of the wealthy Americans and Republicans are just interested in more money and more for themselves. They don’t care about the people or the country

    1. It almost seems like it becomes a sociopathic video game for some of them. Running up the score and trying to be the absolute best. Being rich is just the starting point.

    2. Very true ! The fossil fuel industry is to blame for the science and climate change denying idiots that support Trump !

  10. I’ve never understood the greed for more and more money when you’re extremely rich, but many of the rich don’t seem to care about anything else. It’s sick.

    1. If only people valued practical Bible truths…
      “But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge men into destruction and ruin.
      Instruct those who are rich in the present system of things not to be arrogant, and to place their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God, who richly provides us with all the things we enjoy.”
      1Timothy6: 9,17. Online Bible-

  11. It’s like Fox and Donald took a page right out of Goebbels’ playbook.

    “It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition, and a psychological understanding of the people concerned, that a square is in fact a circle.”
    — Joseph Goebbels

    Goebbels in 1941 said, “There are so many lies that truth and swindle can scarcely be distinguished.”

    1. “Just remember….What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening,” Trump said on July 24th, 2018. Sounds a lot like the line from George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984: “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
      And of course the compliance of when Inner Party member O’Brien tests protagonist Winston Smith’s ‘allegiance to Party truth’ by demanding that Winston sees 5 fingers, instead of the 4 he is holding up.

  12. Repeal “Citizens United” and ignore all Repulsicons’ demands to get it back! Best yet, dont ever vote for ANY of them!

    1. Nice idea, but you won’t get this SCOTUS, stacked with conservative justices, to do so. It will take legislation to get campaign finance reform.

    2. We need to bring back the Fairness Doctrine as well. We have to cut off the spigot of propaganda, lies, and hatred from OAN, Newsmax, various talk radio, and FOX. This is how they’ve managed to radicalize and brainwash so many people.

    3. @Parker Ripley Repeal a U.S. Supreme Court Decision? Maybe pass a new law regarding limiting dark money and wait for the inevitable lawsuit that would be sent through the lower courts and maybe be heard by the Supreme Court in ????? years.

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