Analyzing how Andrew Scheer has approached the election

The Scrum panellists, featuring Rona Ambrose, break down Andrew Scheer's latest poll numbers and share their take on his overall campaign.

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Analyzing how Andrew Scheer has approached the election


  1. Hiring a Liberal war room strategist to use Soviet like smear tactics against who he perceives as his biggest threat? Yeah I’d say he’s run his campaign like a complete dirt bag. The only difference between him and Trudeau is he’s a better liar


  2. 🇨🇦VOTE🍁PPC🇨🇦
    Scheer had zero strategy during this campaign.
    His policies were taken from Maxime. He is so assured a victory. He did absolutely nothing. He just attacked Trudeau like a child. If Canadians vote Scheer in. Then the deserve what they have coming. Just more of the bs Trudeau has given for 4 yrs.

    1. And you are in denial. Scheer’s campaign has been a shambles. The guy has feet of clay. Terrible way to win the confidence of voters when he comes off as a bumbling stiff.

  3. Michelle Rempel is a natural speaker and is as sharp as a tack. Surprised that she has not sought the leadership.

  4. The question is, why is Scheer getting any credibility at all? He has done nothing but lie, and he has no platform. He is simply not credible. ABC, Canada.

  5. Question is if the carbon tax is repealed will prices go back down? I think the corporate greed monsters will leave price levels where they are rather than reducing prices back to where they were before the carbon tax. Corporate greed as normal.

  6. The answer is – his dirty-trick army of trolls. That’s where he spent his money. That’s who has entered every comment on every message board.

  7. If Andrew Scheer feels he has to do these things to win, what does that say about his plans? They are unacceptable plans. They don’t add up.

  8. Sheer just blew it with the news of a dirt campaign to stop the PPC and Max from getting his message out. He is a LIAR to the core. In my mind, he has lost any sense of credibility.

  9. question: Why can’t Andrew Scheer break out of the 30s %?
    Rona: I don’t know but Andrew is amazing and perfect and awesome and amazing and it resonates.

    Audience: … okay?

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