During Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) focused his claims about her sentencing record in child pornography cases on one particular case, known as US v. Hawkins, in which she sentenced the offender to three months. CNN's Erin Burnett and legal analyst Elliot Williams discuss.
#CNN #News
Well in this situation how many of those politicians on both sides have gotten caught up in a sexual misconduct case some of them with even with minors so it’s a weird that he’s asking those questions for a politician
@Boomshakalaka so your for child molesting. A real winner u must b
@EVERREADY TO PLAY wtf are U talking about? It’s a democratic thing to molest. No republican judges are for lightened sentences. Theres like a handful of dem judges that are. A real winner u must b trying to defend anything for child molesters.
@AfroSamurai215 when you have some evidence on gaetz we will believe you. Anonymous sources are also know as lies. Why are you defending child rapists with deflection?
@AfroSamurai215 there u go thinking u know things again. U side with a molesting class. Great job
@EVERREADY TO PLAY she went beyond federal guidelines to let pedos do there thing. Try again
Its just funny how she always points out that Congress has a lot of thing to do with lawmaking, uh uh uh, does Hawley know that he is supposed to make laws and not join insurrections?
@First Name Last Read the case. I’m sure its public.
@Steecie Just posting my opinion, sorry if you’re offended.
@Elizabeth Stanley That was more of an accusation than an opinion. It’s OK. Such goes internet forums. Just don’t expect someone to not respond to something like that. I have not quoted any news media here. I happen to be a junkie of what goes on in our country politically and extensively pay attention, read and do my research from all sides. I intentionally watch C-Span with no commentary. So….
@Steecie I’m a news junkie as well. I have no problem you voicing your opinion as I’m very tolerant.
Explain how so rather than making asinine, pathetic claims
Perhaps she should rule on the Matt Gaetz case and let me hear from the Republican party after that ruling.
Judge Brown ,what is a woman?” I don’t know I’m not I biologist” She’s a political hack.
They must all be replaced
How do such people make it into office? That lot should be expelled from Congress!
How much did you pay for your AOC autographed bar coaster on eBay? Did you frame it?
@Smoke King The 17 yo pervert was of a different race ?
@Andros C 17 year olds? Wtf are you taking about. You talking about Gym Jordan?
@Joe Dye Only a racist would be putting out false and misleading information destroy a person of color.
Right, anyone like her that protects pedophiles should be ran out of town and put in jail
Look at his face- he doesn’t comprehend anything she is saying, nor does he care.
@Datotherguy don’t describe empathy as foreign, he’ll hate it even more!
@The Blade
I’m not the one who can’t define what a *Woman* is….
@Jamtommy Ok genius. Let us know when you also complete Harvard Law and an appellate judge seat and we can talk about your nomination. Mmmkay?!
Shes a disgusting human for keeping pedophiles out of jail
@Jamtommy ya that shows shes part of the “narrative”
Hawley, Cruz, Cotton together aren’t more qualified than justice Brown. The line of questions were embarrassing from U.S. Senator’s
@Tj Widener whataboutwhataboutwhataboutwhataboutwhatabout WHAAA WWWWWHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Keep crying, boris. Hope you don’t choke on your borsch.
She can’t even define what a *Woman* is.
This is hilarious.
Why do we permit them crooks to ask questions to a New judge of the supreme court ? I would of thought that they would select people that are “just” and have fair questions to the nominee…
All this grandstanding person did was flip, flop, and flap his lips
he was trying to make himself look good for his daddy 45 in which he failed miserabley. Judge Katani Jackson took him to kindergarten with her response.
Who cares about child rapists, I hate trump!
Josh Hawley commenting on responsible decisions is the height of irony.
Meriam Webster. Lol give me a break.
No. Change comes anyway. America isn’t interested in socialism the progressives are why democrats are leaving the party. They’re nuts.
Im a conservative. Smack center.
Anyone can be accused. Someone accused should be investigated. So far that investigation has drawn nothing.
I bet it’ll happen now since the far left has become “progressively” perverted.
There are guidelines. She consistently went BELOW the guidelines and recommendations, so..
@Charlotte Colley
What about him?
I think we should see *his* laptop because every conservative accusation is a confession.
Maybe take a look at hunters laptop and Ashley’s diary. Ask yourself why would a kiddie sniffer nominate a pro pedo justice. Ask yourself why you are defending her. CNN fired a pradophile producer that brainwashed you pedo sympathizers
They are all disgusting, look into hunters laptop, disgusting
I have respect for this woman whether you agree with her or not she sticks with her convictions. When she rules on a case I am going to be a complete monster. I am respecting her here.
@Veronica Rainone you respect kiddie doodlers. Ok
@EVERREADY TO PLAY Democrats never recover from drug addiction
Wow… That look on his face when she said “18 year old”. He was like “oh… Didn’t know that” and “I wonder if the kid was white?”
Eye cue on that thing?

Well done yanks
Does it matter? Looking at who is the current president, dems are weak on racism. Joe’s 94′ crime bill is basically responsible for why BLM protests.
@J’syoutube Legally they are an adult but that doesn’t mean mentally they are..
He knew he was 18. 18 is not 8, like the victims he raped. Out in 3 months to rape again. Great judge
All the faculty and staff at Yale Law School are thinking: how did we let this guy in?
@Stevie Wells it was all made up goofy. Do you people live under a rock?
@Mary Lamb The entire right is a culture of trolling. You constantly scream into every mic you get in front of you. More right wing misinformation was spread on Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social media sites than virtually else. Just because you’re too stupid to understand what Free Speech in the constitution actually means is just another reason you should think a little before you write things that embarrass you.
All the faculty at cnn are like “we have to get this soft on pradophile justice in”
@John Dough Faculty? It’s not a University John. You know that place you didn’t attend. Just looking at the spelling and the grammar and the sad pathetic idea that the sentence is trying desperately to communicate. Trump loves the uneducated. He didn’t finish the sentence…He loves the uneducated because they’re easy to feed lies to. They’re easy to grift. Have you donated to his latest one? The plane? Trumpy needs a new plane. Go get him one John while the adults are talking.
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is just another Kamala Harris in office and she wants to push the New World Order agenda
We need to question him about his Capitol Riot involvement.
Oh no
Just wait for dark maga
You clowns are still talking about Jan 6th???? Go out and get a job. You will need it with all the inflation and high gas prices.
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is just another Kamala Harris in office. Thanks again Biden for screwing the American people over.
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is just another Kamala Harris in office and she wants to push the New World Order agenda
Josh Hawley comes on and even my cat walks out of the room.
Is your cat vegan?
That’s seriously the best you can do?
I know , something about him is very creepy.
Blah blah blah, Pfizer documents, blah blah blah, bill gates believes in eugenics, blah blah, blah
Let’s grill Hawley for everything he has said and done. He will be barred from holding public office, arrested and sentenced to life in prison.
How So? Any evidence or just making hyperbole?
@David Smith 1.6.20
I didn’t know Hawley was on trial here.
She protected pedophiles effing disgusting
I absolutely love how often Judge Jackson refers to “required by Congress”. What a beautifully subtle and appropriate response to these questions. Hawley, Cruz, Graham, Blackburn et al are grasping at straws due to desperation that Judge Jackson is an actual JUDGE, unlike any of TFG’s appointees.
@Debbie de Zwaan fantastic response Debbie….a lot going on inside jasielhole’s “heard” lol. Sounds like orange man baby living rent free in his attic.
@Truth Seeker I wouldn’t vote for her but if I asked you to define a woman give me a definition really fast don’t look it up either do your best
Rose Connolly Judge Jackson is equally unqualified for this position. She’s only getting it because she is black……..just like Kamala did.
@Cat Bee the Dragon-Sidhe he doesn’t know that…or anything but his maggot brainwashing
@The Blade very astute the blade.
Could you try explaining it to new fentonay
That doesn’t sound like an apology to me. One can express regret for a situation without apologizing for it.
Honestly what is she supposed to say? She isn’t sorry come on!
@uhohhhsteven yes, we all are born sinner so you must fight your urges and sick thought.
@Veronica Rainone she supposed say what about Gym joydan?
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is just another Kamala Harris in office and she wants to push the New World Order agenda
Someone should have taught this guy that regret that something happened is not an apology, even if the same word happens to be used in the communication of these two ideas. One would have thought that basic English comprehension would be a required skill for senators.
Congress never addresses sex trafficking and child porn and the only time we’re hearing it now is when there’s a Supreme Court nominee very disgusting and sad this is what it takes to bring it up yet we know it’s Congress fault for not having the proper laws. Hawley has shown us who he was a long time ago.
For my part, whenever someone goes into “help me understand” mode, especially someone such as Hawley, I know patronizing arrogance and condescension will almost invariably, and swiftly, follow. Hawley and his ill-k do NOT want help in understanding, they want a launching pad for their own talking points.
Very few senators dare to admit publicly that they understand very little of their own work. Hawley does that here, respect for that! We also see how difficult it was for him, even when it is pronounced in a calm tone, to make the matter his own. We can also clearly see that this judge is used to explaining things to teenagers with little social development.