CNN's election law analyst Jonathan Diaz breaks down what voters and President Donald Trump can expect when it comes to the Supreme Court's involvement with the upcoming presidential election. #CNN #News
Analyst: ‘Incredibly concerning’ Trump would tout SCOTUS election role
Let him keep talking!!!! Maybe, the Supreme Court all will have to recuse themselves!!! Let him keep talking….
🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
The Democrats and Basement Biden want to keep us locked up and take away our freedoms.
– No Thanksgiving
– No Christmas
– No weddings
– No parties
– No Easter
– No 4th of July
– No work
– No school
At this point I’d rather take the chance of catching the china virus just so I can enjoy my freedom!!!! The recovery rate is over 98% so huh yeah I’ll take the chance!!!
🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
@Nis Num you have only the facts on Trump and you don’t admit the facts on Biden, this man is senile and corrupt, he is a danger for Americans.
@Michael Zolotov Losers post nonsense. You posted nonsense. Winners post facts, and back them up. I posted facts.
@Smoothjock as per freaking usual. Sheep. 🐑 . This is a prelude to this election.
Trump is admitting that he’s planning on stealing this.
Yep. ..admitting he’s going to steal it. Nothing like an honest crook, eh? LMAO
He’s not the one pushing for mail in ballots that can be easily manipulated….and he didn’t say anything remotely close to that.
Wow he has them on blast🤣😂 sad😔
@Fast Internet no he is not.
@Greg Maclean Trump is crazy, it’s your fault along with everyone that voted for him in 2016. He should have never been president.
Donald trump: If we have democracy, I’m going to lose. If we have law & order, I’m going to prison
Trump family will make a run for Russia.
According to Hunters hardrive ,Joe biden covered up his sons pedophilia problem , he knew hunter was seeing minors and did nothing ! Fbi and delaware police are now investigating this issue .
another nobody on youtube….
And If we have it my way, we have tyrantism….
Biden family too
If they vote in his favor it will literally be the end of everything good.
@jadavision well done. You summed it up nicely. What he has not done wrong is a way shorter list.
STW Echoing lil tiny echoes! 😭
Kind of like the democratic party
You are one of those who doesn’t have eyes to see.
The Lord had made it clear… the Chosen One will remain in his position of power.
Those whose dares to challenge the Lord’s decision to serve SATAN are bringing all sorrows upon themselves.
@James Ricker Normally I’d agree with you, but the Republican party has ceased to exist except in name. The REAL GOP was grand indeed, but if Regan could see it today, he would hang his head and cry. Lincoln would turn his back on the whole bunch.
It has to be a complete landslide both with the popular vote and the electoral. We have suffered with this sociopath for four years and enough is enough.
@Kim Chalifoux voting Trump
It will be that and it will be for TRUMP, Priceless by far. FYI
@Jennifer Aashiem No no, Trump enthusiasm is through the roof
Joe is doing worse then hillery at this point
Absolutely agree!
What the hell. So this guy is really serious about getting reelected at any cost. What do you expect from a loser who cheats in Golf?
@The Jezebel Resistance and Biden likes little girls so TRUMP 2020
@MrArchangel73521 why is he going to jail lol
@bayskiff90 free thinking Americans are hard to find around here, I love reading CNN comments
Trump 2020!!!
Cheats on everything – golf – taxes – wives – colluded with foreign countries
When that statement backfired, Trump will claim he I was kidding. Stay tune
10/23/2020 Lude Media: President Trump Question who is “the O”; U.S. Media: If Biden Dealed with CCP
10/31/2020 Lude Media: Third Hard Drive of Hunter Biden Change the Situation of PresidentialElection
Omg, he just said it was taken out of context
@Dorian Shades of gray nobody has to spin anything his comb over, his weight and his spray on tan make him look bad
Enough of the entertainment..
@Dorian Shades of gray This will likely be the only time I agree with a Trump supporter. But only about the SCOTUS jab, everything else is predictably horrible. Also, media spins things. CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS, etc. Always have, always will.
Everything about this Failure is terrifying and we should all be worried.
@Joe Jx There will be blood shed this time yes! And I would rather die than live under fascism anyway.
@Joe Jx And the other side of that coin is Trump supporters are going to start shooting us if they lose! When both sides are this ready to die for their cause.. well, here we are.
@Herakets Games Your comment is so good, I want to print it, frame it, and hang it up 👍
@Timothy Dixon Thanks dawg.
@Herakets Games 👍👍
He’s just trying to convince himself he has more than a snowballs chance in hell.
I can’t believe he just openly admitted that if he loses he’ll steal the election, using his loaded Supreme Court loyalists.
@Dorian Shades of gray his “ throwaways “ comments as you called him is what makes him so dangerous!😷🇨🇦
Dorian Shades of gray So let me get this straight.
Your defense of Dump is essentially “No, he wasn’t talking about cheating the election in THAT way, he was talking about doing it THIS way!”
You realize you’re not helping him at all, right?
@Lady Morgue it’s pretty easy then, just make sure you vote on time so your voters count.
@Jason Presley it’s pretty simple really. How many of Trumps team were indicted specifically for conspiring with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election? The answer is none. End of story.
@Dorian Shades of gray actually it’s not that simple at all although I will admit that I’d agree that’s probably either the limit of your understanding or an indicator of your hypocrisy one or the other.
Trump is clearly counting on the SCOTUS to save him, a court where 3 of the nine are more devoted to Trump than the law.
Really? Throw away the will of the people? Seriously? What’s the point of having an election? Why not just declare yourself leader for life? Sign one of those trapper keeper laws then hold it up and show everyone with a dumb look on your face
Noooo, Amy doesn’t owe Trump any favors 😉
@Donnie TRUMP Seriously, what is your deal with Amy? Do you have a crush on her? That Stepford Wife thing she’s got going on is attractive
to you?
@BILLY 😂 Don’t give the nut 🥜 any ideas! 😂
@Faith Worldleader anyone that votes for Biden is merely a Trump hater, they don’t like Biden as a candidate. Trump has literally done more for this country than any other president in history, but the brainwashed morons that watch fake news refuse to accept that. Trump will be reelected by a landslide or Supreme Court decision.
My dad aways told me a desperate man, will do desperate things to hold onto power I never truly understood that til now
Wise man (your dad)!
I agree, Biden and the democrats are acting seriously desperate.
@ItsHaze They are out raising the gop by millions upon millions😴….and haven’t thrown any typical rallies for THE RIGHT REASONS. While Trump was holding them, then got sick and still held them.
@ItsHaze I was talking bout Trump but ok
They are not judges in the Supreme Court. They are Politicians in Judge clothes.🤔🎃
10/23/2020 Lude Media: President Trump Question who is “the O”; U.S. Media: If Biden Dealed with CCP
10/31/2020 Lude Media: Third Hard Drive of Hunter Biden Change the Situation of PresidentialElection
@Charlotte he’s not going to lose. Common sense should tell you that
The Supreme Court is an extension of the Senate with lifetime appointment. Republicans have now 6 lifetime senators while Democrats have 3. There is zero for Independents.
@Charlotte It will help Trump if he loses. These “justices” are a lot of things, but one thing they aren’t is dumb or short on memory. They know which side their bread is buttered on and they (like virtually all Repub politicians these last 4 years) are scared poopless not to go along with what Trump expects of them. If the election is sufficiently close that it ends up in the Supreme Court, there’s only one way it’s going to end. I just wonder how many more Americans will die from Covid between now and 2024.
Fact Check: Although appointed by presidents, lifetime tenure creates judicial independence. Some of the most liberal judges in the Court have been appointed by Republican Presidents. It is actually the only independent branch of our government and by consequence the most important check and balance. The idea that the Court is politically bought it’s swayed is clearly a false statement.
This is a straight-up, self-declared enemy of Government By and For the People.
@Alex Seidel That’s not a fact and several instances of evidence actual prove the opposite. But that aside, how is it that you interpreted Trump’s SCOTUS words to mean that collection of words he in no way even used? Why not just take his words verbatim, it’s clear as day that way: _”If we WIN Tuesday, OR THANK YOU very much Supreme Court, shortly THEREAFTER.”_ He means exactly what he said, if he doesn’t win on Tuesday then he thanks the SCOTUS for giving it to him later.
@Dean Soings Loads of proof. Just the MSM and Big tech are part of the capture of sheep. Its over if Biden wins. NWO 2021 Reset why do you think they are acting like this? Never seen it in my life before. It’s scary. I live in London and everyone cannot understand why Biden is your pick.
@Alex Seidel You spelled Republicans wrong. Google it…voter fraud is minimal, but when it does happen it’s usually Republicans doing it! Like putting out FAKE Ballot drop off boxes that say official (but they’re NOT). Repubs did that in California. A judge ruled that they had to remove them, and they REFUSED. #RepublicansCheat
@Alex Seidel That, to use a neutral term, is simply inaccurate. Why don’t you guys stop with the Democrats bad. By the way, I don’t trust either party as far as I could throw them, but to paint R’s as paragons of honesty and fair play is laughable.
This is the 1st election where voter fraud has been an issue. It’s not true that it’s been by Democratic voters.
The Trumpist mailman who threw out ballots comes to mind. Trump has been casting doubt on the integrity of our voting system and the peaceful transfer of power. Keystone’s of Democracy.
As well as casting doubts on science and reality itself. Trump is pernicious, he’s gotten into some people’s heads where they know he and his poisons don’t belong.
I imagine some fervent trumpy’s will secretly be glad he’s gone. He must be very energy consuming to follow.
He’s finding every way to cheat! He steals from his own charity! He obviously has no shame and will try to steal this election.
“I don’t think science knows” -person who claimed there were airports in 1776.
I don’t even want to THINK about what the clown must be using for jet fuel for his brain in the oval office.
and pandemic in 1917 gawwwd
Oh yeah I’m sure that wasn’t taken out of context at all 😂 echo chamber alert
He didn’t claim there were airports in 1776, he misspoke and meant to say something else. Yeah man, just ignore it when joe says things like “I’m joe biden’s husband” or “I’m a proud democrat running for the united states senate”….just keep being obsessed with Trump. That dude lives in your head rent-free 24/7.
@David M do you ever really want to THINK though? Not really
This doesn’t scare me in the least. Someone will “handle him”. And I can’t wait. Stop talking about it. It just eggs him on. He need to be physically removed and then ignored.
Best comment ever!!! 💯💯💯
Well, friggin do it, stop talking about it, for cris sakes …….
“Ghosted” Happy Halloween, everyone!
4 more years. Stop blowing hot air.
His wife cracked me up when she said Trump has been fighting for LGBTQ rights….. these people have no ounce of shame in their entire being.
Trump was the first president to openly endorse gay marriage….your hero obamba didn’t even do that.
@Gloria K again, EXACTLY what rights are being denied?
Lolololol. Then why is Trump the only president that out a memo out wishing the lgbt community good luck and praised the things they have accomplished? Lollllolol. The bought puppet Obama was against gay marriage until after he became President. Loloollolololololol.
Go learn something. Maybe turn off cable entertainment? Might help your iq.
LMFAO !!!! This must be the joke Tiffany told people this week .
Did Joy Reid’s homophobic tweets crack you up awhile back? Why wouldn’t Cnn cover it? Lololololololololololol
If the election is CLOSE (Swing States are a toss up) the Supreme Court will decide the outcome. That’s why it’s important to VOTE overwhelmingly to make sure there is NO DOUBT.
@8Lights8 I’m voting Biden. Nothing to do with income. We’re doing fine over here. It’s more to do with a peaceful nights sleep.
Trump 2020!!
@YogiMom ToFive He’s just a troll Yogi and been a very busy one at that.
@Nomadic Media these are fake polls they haven’t even started counting votes yet, Biden is going to get crushed, do you know how this works ? Must be a demorat
@8Lights8 you K ow trump actually doesn’t get his wage right? Btw NO politician has next to no money… literally none of them ESPECIALLY not biden.
Why is everyone so afraid of This coward. If he loses, he loses. Period. Just drag him out kicking and screaming. PLEASE! Oh yeah, then prosecute him. Throw away the key.