CNN senior political analyst Ron Brownstein points out a trend that has led to the losses of Trump-backed candidates in the 2022 midterms and Republicans’ below-expectation performances.
#RonBrownstein #CNN #News
Analyst identifies troubling trend for GOP in wake of Warnock’s win

Thanks Georgia for standing up for Democracy. Voting for a man who cares about all people.
Now try telling us what Warnock has done for “ALL people” of Georgia 😒 I’ll wait…
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr Space Karen is wrecking Twitter just like the orange clown is wrecking the Republican party. It’s great!
@Fritter Foof Gerrymandering and voter suppression
@NunyVanstta135 nah… that’s GQP’s play…
@NunyVanstta135 negotiated a bi-partisan bill to lower the price of prescription drugs for Georgians. Now, tell everyone which matters more to you……………………………………………………….. vampires or werewolves?
…..The World Watches and we are soooo 🙌👏🙌👏🙏Thankfully Rev. Warnock came through with flying colors!! – We Hope he will be Solid in his Promises!! and really HELP his State
@Damon Katos If Republicans had nominated any of the other candidates who sought the nomination for this Senate seat, Raphael Warnock would have been dispatched on election night. The 2.5-point margin of victory for Warnock is literally his best case scenario.
I am extremely pissed about the outcome of the runoff, because nominating Herschel Walker was an unforced error on the part of Georgia Republicans, but if Warnock’s victory further decreases Trump’s chances of being nominated again, that may be the one good thing to come out of this debacle for Republicans heading into 2024.
A world is watching and they saw that there’s a lot of people that voted for somebody that has a kindergarten mentality. If you don’t know who I’m talking about, I’m talking about Walker
@John Saint Clair Sr.
Yeah, that is b/c they are Republicans, and unfortunately many of them don’t care what candidate it is, just as long as it’s not a Democrat.
He has made an excellent start!
He’ll be worth 400 million in four years
“trump will burn the GOP party to the ground” – bill barr
He can’t do that without their help. And they are helping.
@Joey S It’s not dangerous considering what the GOP has become. But full agreement on getting the best candidates to step up!
United We Stand, and the far-right is fine with that.
Why is this a surprise ,the man said before he ran he was to destroy democrats and republicans.
“. . .with my help.”
Well, who could have seen this coming for the GOP?
The whole friggin planet… that’s who!
A getting-more-satisfied-everyday view from afar
@Human Beings R Thinking Beings George Soros is your godfather of insanity
another MAGA troll get a life. hey Walker lost 51-49 Senate what a win for Warnock.
@Amos Alphonso it’s hilarious when you idiots use make America great again as some kind of insult shows your intelligence, and when a team celebrating the win realizes the refs were bought game was fixed it’s not a win
@Aizen Lorde Codify Roe? It certainly was a mistake for the Dems to trust/believe Drumphs Supreme Court nominations, that they would abide by precedent [and leave Roe vs Wade alone].
Sadly, the women of America had to have their rights removed, to wake a few citizens up and see the error of their ways.
And then there’s…
Rejecting student debt reform, objecting to the Infrastructure Bill [and then demanding $$$ from it], objecting to vet medical help, objecting to gun control after continual mass shootings (including schools), injecting religion into politics & schools, setting the crazies (eg: Major FU Greene, Gym J, Boobingbert…) loose, standing behind the Big Lie (after 2 years of no-proof), promoting no-ideas/unqualified candidates, promoting White Supremacy, voter obstructionism and gerrymandering, portraying Putin as a lesser evil than immigrants coming across the border…
…just a few of the nails in the Rep coffin.
Besides the obvious perpetrator-Drumph, time to make Bannon, Miller, Stone, Fox et al accountable!
Just a few thoughts from afar
@Michael Aaahhh! The old “whataboutism” again (but with no examples).
You forgot Hunters laptop!
Get rid of all enablers of Trump .
That would be getting rid of every elected Republican with the exception of maybe half a dozen honourable ones.
Voters will do it when they have the opportunity according to constitutional guidelines and in a peaceful way because rushing and forcing the process doesn’t work.
@Brian Wurch I bet your head hurts every time you try to think. Ty our
@Danny Cai 4th amendment
Gas is down, and Corona is down, GOP loses both ways, we’re getting back to fine, despite the opposition party.
@CDani You are unaware of reality if you think that. Gas prices are NOT set by supply/demand. It’s been that way for decades. I’m near 70, I’ve seen this a bunch of times. Gas prices are political.
This temporary easing of gas prices is political.
Have you not seen this exact same thing happened at Christmas shopping season each year lately. Granted, the base wasn’t $4.25/gallon like this time, but it comes down each year and then goes back up in January, after purchases are done, when we are paying off the bills.
@shane brooks stop going to the same gas station, if they gouge you like that.
I just paid $2.83.
@Ray Russell i live in northern kentucky. every gas station is 3.50 +
@Lee Holland I worked in the auto industry, now retired. Yes, I’ve heard of that corporate welfare Act.
However, NO, we are still relying on China for chips. The expected start-up of the US plants is 2024, from all the info I’ve read.
And the companies getting the money will likely double the price we paid to get them from China, in spite of the free cash clueless Joe hands out from OUR taxpayer-funded Treasury.
I am in agreement Trump did us no favors managing the economy or bringing jobs back. I’m looking to vote for DeSantis. We all need to tell Trump “you’re fired!”.
@shane brooks I’m looking at the Kentucky gas map right now. Gas along the Ohio (excluding Louisville) is in the range of $2.49 to $2.89 all over the place. Even Louisville and across the river from Cincinnati, I see sub-$3 gas. You are being gouged at your station if you paid $3.50.
We the people have spoken 🗣️ and spoken loudly!!!
@Billy Versace You keep presuming way too much, i certainly won’t take advice from someone who supports authoritarianism if its their own party’s. You’ve let yourselves sink to a completely unacceptable level. Good luck with you social contract breaking, see how well its playing out for you.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr was georgia stolen TOO?!??
Doesn’t matter Plan Z Murderous Agenda still in affect ok misfit Republican re tards!
USA 🇺🇸 🌎 🇺🇲 🇺🇸 🌎 🇺🇲 🇺🇸 number 1 gop number 2💩
@Wieslaw Maciag Can I borrow one of your dresses?
Trump has done it again! Congrats Warnock!
The Republican base were again used and abused by 45. He chose Walker to represent them and they fell for it. They will never learn. But he loves the uneducated.
👍 You are absolutely right.
Trump: “The Best People” 🤣😂
Keep getting those Trump endorsements, best thing ever for the democrats, 😂
Yep, Trump is the gift that keeps giving . . . to Democrats, lol!
GOP tried to suppress Georgia voters and they failed miserably.😂
Congratulations and thank you to all the sane and decent Georgians!🙌🏼
@Libby Ral 🎯
@sylvia nix troll be gone.
@Aizen Lorde Your reply sounds exactly like what an un-American fascist, racist, and homophobic Trumpanzee would say!
How did the gop suppress votes? Democrats run conspiracy’s about voter suppression and wealthy they still win . gop tries it and no shame on you. You people are really hypocrites.
Finding a GOP quality candidate is like finding a polar bear in Sahara. The GOP is not the future.
@HemiHead664 SAme here and now they have a NEW chapter they are rolling out….trying to alter our history…to something that makes them FEEL better. Since WHEN was history about making anyone FEEL better?????? Something is seriously wrong and flawed within their ranks.
That’s GQP.
@Larry Thank you. I did mean “defund.” Typo.
I don’t mind that the GOP fail to recognize their faults. Keep it up!
Despite having mirrors and audio feedback they have their head in the sand . Maybe they should drop the elephant and take up an ostrich as a mascot .
just wait until you find out what was injected in you, if you took it, and I think the Dems was behind it
@Mike Graham 🤭🤣😅😅😅
@bianca RIP
@Mike Graham LMFAOROTHF!!🤣🤣 I prefer laughing to resting!!
as someone that was a lifelong republican, i won’t vote for them again until they abandon the trump cultlike behavior
Yeah me too. I left the party in 2016 when Trump became the nominee. I will NEVER vote for anyone Trump backs!
Repent and believe in Jesus. John 3:16 KJV – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
John 3:3 KJV – “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Good man.
Yeah Republicans clearly should understand get Trump away from the party…. game over!
Long line of turds already:
What troubles me most is the number of people who still vote for these people.
@James Rosse Yes Trump has done a fine job of proving that hatred sells in America. But the majority of American’s have now caught on to Trump’s schtick and aren’t buying what he’s selling anymore. And by the time the DOJ get’s finished with all of Trump’s sordid criminal behavior that reality will become far clearer than it already is. Republicans will have to find a new Messiah to carry their message of hate.
just wait until you find out what was injected in you, if you took it. I think the Dems was behind it.
@ms 3533 You support Trump, who has said he wants to pardon the convicted Jan. 6 criminals if he is re-elected? Shameful.
@Roger McMillan Yes a strong 3rd party to bridge the Gap between the far left and far right is desperately needed in the U.S.
Ranked Choice Voting in primaries and general elections could help reduce the power of extremist candidates from both parties and promote more centrists, bipartisan winning candidates—as well as allow third party candidates to have more voice and maybe even some small successes.
“I hate the same people you hate”. The Republican platform in one sentence. How’s that working for you?
😠 Fuk sallyostling what you saying here
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Or Musk for that matter.
its okay to hate evil. . remember that Fascist are about irrational hate
And everything is someone elses fault!
The Republican Party is not going to get rid of MAGA, the Republican Party is MAGA
Congratulations to all of the US that stood for Warnock. All is not lost for you. In the face of this horrid republicans, Warnock and what he stands for shows hope in a more decent political future..
If you vote republican across the board you are stupid. Same with voting democrat across the board. Let’s just take a look at Warnock’s net worth five years from now
Props to all those Georgians who waited outside in bad weather to vote. It’s great to see the state taking democracy seriously no matter which way they voted
@Joshua Bailey you better pay attention to what is going on, be sure to get your vaxs, and boosters. They just came out and said you need one every 2 months. The unvaccinated blood will be worth 100 times it’s weight in gold. RIP.
@Mike Graham 😂😂😂
laugh at me all you want, I don’t care. But if you took them, you should get a regular heart screening, a D- dimer test, and a HIV test, yes they put a HIV strain in the bioweapon.
@Mike Graham You’re a poster child for the reason why internet access needs to be restricted to those who pass a standard psych eval
@Mike Graham 😂😂😂
Yeah… Old Liz hit it right on the mark. “Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain,”
@Deplorable Neanderthal aha, so you piss on your oath to defend the country from ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC” by saddling up with the people literally trying to spark a civil war. very “america first”………..
Get paid they pay for their own defence 2% GDP by 2024
@bladestorm viking I served honorably, can you say the same Sir or is your whole point but, but,but January 6th?
@Just Me Well thank you for your Military service to our country.
@bladestorm viking never pissed on my oath to our country. I served honorably and followed orders of my superiors. But I have eyes and see whats going on with today’s leaders. All that aside I work among soldiers each and every day loosely. I still think that our current force is good and professional despite getting alot of criticism from both Republicans and Dems. I still think we have great soldiers in the ranks and with alot of diversity as well so we are still doing things right in that regard.
“Voters need more than I hate the same people…”
But that’s all the GQP wants.
As a non-US citizen i have always had a great deal of love and affection for the US and it’s citizens. Donald trump singlehandedly turned me into someone who despaired when witnessing how so many millions could support a deceiver, a liar, and an accuser. The results of these elections have brought me great joy and i can now once again proclaim “God bless the U.S.A.!”…christos yannakou, a son of man…
Oh there be a lot of us here crapping on these emotionally fragile countrymen.
Trying to wake em up, but they don’t want to be woke, they want to be asleep. 🐑
Believe me, a lot of Americans were in despair after the orange troll took the White House. The relief on electing Biden was incredible, as were the wins in this last election. Many of us were terrified at the thought of trumpism spreading and taking hold.
The fact that a little over 1.7Million people, thought that Walker was qualified to be their Senator is disturbing
Millions of Christians still worship Trump.
“disturbing” is the understatement of a generation and then some
When will the USA stop voting for reality show contestants ? How about a degree in Political Science instead.
Just ask them if they were in this crowd when you see them.
Very disturbing.