CNN political commentator Ana Navarro calls out several Republican senators, including Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), for getting the coronavirus vaccine after President Trump downplayed the pandemic.
#CNN #News
CNN political commentator Ana Navarro calls out several Republican senators, including Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), for getting the coronavirus vaccine after President Trump downplayed the pandemic.
#CNN #News
Marco Rubio acting opportunistic is as surprising as Trump refusing to concede.
@G hrvyck why does that matter? There is no legal and legitimate way that Donald Trump wins this election, when you do the math. So what’s your point?
@Cropper Copper You’re an expert, how? Where did you obtain a law degree, Walmart or out of a box of Cheerios? I earned mine from a university law school as did two of my daughters. @020 election is not final until officially declared by congress, in house chambers, on January 6th 2021, NO matter what MSM BS stories say.
@maksss glatkikkk WTF is that?
I agree with Ana. These senators are such hypocrites.
Ana we need to pray and be thankful to God ,why no comment at all against democrat not republican only.
Ana you can speak better than how you talk.
@Santa De Jesusa Ana will never say anything good about Pres.Trump or CNN would fire her. Thank God for the Trump vaccine!!
@Elon Tusk All the conspiracy theory nuts can step to the back of the line….not to say they shouldn’t get it, because we need as many as possible to get here immunity….but they avoid not go ahead of people who have done everything the right way, while they were attending super spreader events
AOC got her shot
I am Hispanic and I strongly dislike that she is a representative for the Hispanic community in the media. I do not like her personality, her approach, the way she speaks, and I’m afraid that some might even gain prejudice against the Hispanic community because of her. She has such a repelling personality. She does not represent me as a Hispanic. I feel that whites sometimes pick stereotypical Latinos to make them representative of us, and it’s a disgrace, because if the Hispanic community could vote, her personality is off putting and most would not choose her.
Everyone who said it was a hoax and refuses to wear a mask should be at the back of the line!!
@Aeria Cross Pfizer and Moderna are giving the vaccine out for “free”. Guess who set up the funding for that ? (of course nothing is actually free)
I’m not even getting in line
Or not in the line at all… Let them continue denying the virus exists!
Exactly…I say make them wait for their herd immunity to kick in
Rubio is the type’a guy that will run out of a burning building leaving women & children behind…like George Castanza…but less charming.
His Dumbo Ears simply Fly Him Away .
@Carlo Ferraro Castro died years ago. Rubio’s relatives are the ones at the tijuana border selling MAGA hats for 10 cents profit each
@angel paige how can you even type so bereaved over your cult leader’s horrible shameless loss?!? Trump needs MORE MONEY, you should send him yours if you were a TRUE patriot. Also, drink MORE BLEACH.
Completely agree!
My mother is 92 yoa. She’s also Marco Rubio’s aunt, his fathers sister. Funny how he didn’t offer her his vaccine. SMH
Evidence please, if you don’t mind.
@Tom Rhodes So i assume you don’t have a family doctor or health insurance…because you don’t have need them?
@Enrique III if he didn’t get the vaccine, you’d be complaining about that
Money and power bring out the core of a person’s soul. It’s obvious he is selfish. I hope ur mom stays safe.She should talk to her Dr. to see when she can get the vaccine.
Konstantin Meyer best platform and best teacher, I love him….wow didn’t know any one on here Mr Daniel
Little Marco is irresponsible Like “leader” like follower
No wait….
The “honorable” Marco Rubio?! LOL
They should go in front of camera and state that Coronavirus is not a Hoax before they are allowed to get the vaccine. Spineless!
Toh yes
oh wow
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Ana says exactly what she’s thinking and she doesn’t hold back. She has had my respect for many years.
She’s fearless and strong woman.
Toh yes
oh wow
No, they haven’t lost touch. They were never in touch, and they never will be in touch.
It’s so unfair and truly sad.. it seems he would be the first to jump into the rescue boat when the ship is sinking.. hell be damned women and children!
Foh yes
oh wow
Funny how bearly 8 months back leading crypto currency traded for about $7000, it’s currently trading above $22,500 , I’ve always told those who have cared to listen that crypto currency in general is here to stay , it’s our present and our future in the market , the BTC chart would obviously reveal immerse gains recorded by holders within this period , but that’s just earning in bit compared to what crypto traders earn weekly , been coping the signal trades of renouned trading expert Daniel Wright to near perfection , made over 11btc within two months of trading , for strictly trading related troubles , Daniel may be reached on what’sap + 1 (78 65 27) 2947 and tale.gram @ Danielwrightfx. The world is waking up to digital currency, let’s move with it
The people who denied this virus’ severity and made life hell for doctors and nurses should be LAST IN LINE!
First in line are the “hero’s work here” liars that protected empty ER’s and ICU’s to line the pockets of their employers. So be it!
@Moon Pie Face troll who joined three days ago. Crawl back into where you came from comrade.
@Kim Clarke
16tril plandemic and Patriotic act Joe will seal the deal.
I wouldn’t give them the vaccine
We just puppets
Well, well, well he’s soooo special… for someone who doesn’t think it’s a big deal, he sure made sure he got one FIRST. Jerk!
“600 dollars? That pays for like 4 hrs of hush money for Stormy Daniels. “
Ana: “600 Dollars!? That pays for like 4 hours of hush money for Stormy Daniels!”
Ana’s another damn fine Republican.
They’re rare, but they’re out there.
Ana calling out her own parties is satisfying.
@Ben Madriz That’s just not true. Where did you see that?
@alumpyhorse on the View
Doh yes
oh wow
@Ben Madriz from what I’ve heard and seen of her on the View, she was Republican before there was a lot of radicalization. She didn’t want to have anything to do with the truth-denying authoritarianism , party over country movement that has risen up in the last four years. I heard her say that she has changed to independent because of how things went with Trump.
It all makes no sense, how so many be so easily fooled to vote against themselves. We need to keep fighting for the underdog, and hold people accountable
“600 dollars pays for 4 hours of hush money for Stormy Daniels”. That was hilarious, just look at Brooke’s reaction.
I would say it’s more like 30 minutes.
How much did Farty Swalwell pay the China spy he was sleeping with?More than $600?
Brilliant. Snorted.
Mic drop!!
“$600 that pays for like 4 hours of hush money for stormy Daniels”

she savage for that!

This. The blatant hypocrisy of the GOP is mind blowing.
Right wing politicians and media should be the very last people to get the vaccine.
Funny how bearly 8 months back leading crypto currency traded for about $7000, it’s currently trading above $22,500 , I’ve always told those who have cared to listen that crypto currency in general is here to stay , it’s our present and our future in the market , the BTC chart would obviously reveal immerse gains recorded by holders within this period , but that’s just earning in bit compared to what crypto traders earn weekly , been coping the signal trades of renouned trading expert Daniel Wright to near perfection , made over 11btc within two months of trading , for strictly trading related troubles , Daniel may be reached on what’sap + 1 (78 65 27) 2947 and tale.gram @ Danielwrightfx. The world is waking up to digital currency, let’s move with it
Did he think folks wouldn’t see him? Yet another “duck and grab the water” moment! Marco Rude-ee-o is about as authentic as a Taco Bell Burrito!
I totally agree with Anna on her assessment of this Covid-19 vaccination regarding senator Rubio!