1. From Mexico: my afternoons will not be the same. We love you Brooke, will miss you on New Years with Don Lemon.

    1. @Mr Green I reported you too. green was hitlers favorite color and you have it in your name so I’m offended❄️

    1. Maybe that’s why she is leaving CNN becuae she want’s to get away from all of the awful ignorant people who work at and watch CNN.

    2. Good luck to you Brooke in what ever path you take. As a Canadian I have enjoyed your show for years. You are a true professional in every thing you do. All the best to you and your family!

  2. A woman of brilliant mind, so patient with everyone in every situation on her platform of profession. You will be immensely missed, Brook. Thank you for your service.

  3. You’ll never see my comment Brooke but I want to let you know you will be missed. You’re so good at your job. Best of luck beautiful! And yes I’m gay so I can say that.

  4. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.”

    Beautiful words Brooke. Almost as beautiful as you. You will be missed. Thanks for leaving your mark on our minds and hearts. ❤️🙏😢

  5. I’m incredibly impressed by your presence and your professionalism. CNN was lucky to have you and I’m sure they feel that way. It’s good, actually terrific, to se another professional woman enjoying such career growth.

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