U.S. President-elect Joe Biden commented on U.S. President Donald Trump's refusal to concede the election saying it could damage his legacy.
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gaslighting anyone?
Who is?
Uniter States Secretary of state today went on TV & stated ” There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump presidency ‘ & everything is just fine. Trump will retain the office guaranteed !
@Edward clark Mike Pompeo said that, your as nice as the democrats who think it’s ok to mug 1/2 of America out of thier votes
@Rohit Mohan we’ll see
@Florida Scot Mike Pompeo is like trumps henchmen……. it’s like thanos’s servant if you watch avengers lmao……Pompeo will go down on someone if your orange daddy asked him to just like yourself lmao XD
@Rohit Mohan Orange daddy ? So you think China Joe is better for our country ? You gotta be kidding me
Nice to see that, based on the comments, foreigners/Americans are viewing Canadian news channels on YouTube. However, I do have a favour to ask. Before posting please double check your spelling and grammar. For example: know the difference between “your” and “you’re”. Thank you/Merci.
The whole establishment has become an embarrassment starting with the corrupt democrats especially with this fraudulent vote stealing joker!
America/Patriots 2020
You are an embarrassment to America
I’m just waiting for the dragged kicking and screaming part
Biden will have a heart attack when he finds out. Poor guy
The end of elections.
Gore took 37 days to concede.
Shhhh! Don’t mention history which might in any way disrupt the current narrative!
No trump should not concede, they should drag him out embarrassingly like an animal and toss him in jail
U realize he lost by like 500 votes right? He wanted a recount. They wouldnt let him, he had to fight in court over and over….won it in states court…they took it to supreeme court and conservative judges all sided against. Set a horrible precedent If they did a recount and followed up on the butterfly ballots Gore had every chance of winning it.
Bye-bye sleepy Joe and not soon enough for me.
You can leave with your WH Demon anytime! What a stupid comment! Take the blinders of and see the big picture! Deaf, Dumb and Blind FOOL!
@The Viking who’s the fool? Name calling, the last stage of denial. Happy dreams.
wtf? He hasn’t even been inaugurated yet
This guy is going to prison for fraud using hammer scorecard
Take off the blinders and see the big picture! Deaf, Dumb and Blind FOOL!
Yes they have to put trump in prison for all his crimes !
@Rohit Mohan you must spend most of your time trolling. Wow. You are a goof.
@Jebus Christ what can I say, it is funny messing with you idiots XD …. I just cant believe how stupid you trumpers are!
Bye Joe
Trump your fired!
I’d refuse to concede too if there was ample evidence of ‘glitches’ throwing thousands of votes Biden’s way, on ballot counting machines used in dozens of states
There is no evidence your just delusional because you will do anything for your orange daddy
@Rohit Mohan Are you against election transparency? Better tell the lawyers filing lawsuits that you’ve determined there is no evidence lol
@Polly Ticks who said anything about election transparency……you idiots are claiming fraud with no proof just like the flat earthers or anti vaxxers you see how idiotic you sound….
@Rohit Mohan See how idiotic you sound aligning me with flat earthers or anti vaxxers .. yikes
@Rohit Mohan Election Transparency and FRAUD RUN Deep together you moron. Get out much?
Honestly, this kind of language coming from Democrats is rich. How hard did they try to overturn the 2016 result, even well after Trumps’ inauguration? They did nothing but kick and scream and whine for 4 years over Trumps’ fully legitimate win in 2016, and now they’re asking Trump to get over it and move on. LOL. Trump should have the grace to step aside willfully, but the hypocrisy coming from the Democrats is astounding, as usual.
Also Jeff Epstein didn’t kill himself
There is no way Joe got more votes Obama
Did you personally count every vote? It’s over. You lost. Joe Biden has been elected by a democratic vote.
@Solexx X “Did you personally count every vote?” Look up the term hypocrite then hypocrisy. Careful your tribalism and lack of objectivity is showing.
Even Hillary
With all his free time Trump can write a book from President to prison
Relax, time will tell where the embarrassment lies…….
Ooooo very ominous, I like it.
@Chloe Engstrom u will like it even more, going fwd by the days.
If you can’t tell already, you are the embarrassment. Just like 2016, trump is saying “If I didn’t win, they cheated” like a 4 year old toddler
Dunno Trump: Can I legally change my name into Joe Biden???
TRUMP 2020
Yes.. looser trumpet 2020
Now let’s witness the disappearance of BLM.
Biden is going to deputize them.
This guy is not strong and enduring, he wont last another four years.
@Yak1B well theres a bunch of videos on youtube that will confirm this
Harris is going to take him out a week after being sworn in.
@Jebus Christ First she will take him down, that should do the trick.
@Richard Thompson seriously though, a strong breeze would probably break every bone in the old farts body.
Four years? More like 4 months!
Can someone please check if that’s a real human being?; I suspect it may be an android.
Hm, you think they would have done a better job
@Chloe Engstrom Yes I agree; he’s lacking passivity.
TRUMP 2020