An Effort To ‘Stifle’ The Flow Of Information To Congress? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The office of the director of national intelligence will no longer offer in-person briefings to congressional intelligence committees about election security and foreign election interference. Sen. Angus King and John Brennan discuss. Aired on 08/31/2020.
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An Effort To 'Stifle' The Flow Of Information To Congress? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

An Effort To 'Stifle' The Flow Of Information To Congress? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. I sure hope when this administration is voted out that they are held accountable for their crimes against America. They should all be tried for treason

    1. @Robert Letto glad u can copy and paste Google. Now which Democratic presidential nominee or senator or politician anywhere in the United States advocates for Marxism?
      Give me specific policies and speeches where they expound Marxist ideas.

    2. @Robert Letto Hey , As Long as They are Tearing down those Racist Rebel Statues , I’m all for It , ha , ha , ha ,

    3. Believe me if Pelocis, if I spell her last name right, still living and in good health! That’s going to be the first thing on her Agenda! That will probably be the happiest day in her life, to see Trump loose, and Trial him on everything

    4. Carry on with the negativity your keeping his base warm for him,thank you continue to say horrible things about our leader your actually helping him

  2. “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”
    ― Maximilien Robespierre

  3. We got a Russian Asset in the Whitehouse. Now Russian Assets have Infiltrated the Intelligence Agencies from Top to Bottom……😊☝

    1. @Whicker Boy Whacko Boy, glad to see still have your copy & paste option but it’s still just letting you post old, Insignificant news. ANY chance for an improvement in the future, even if it’s distant?

  4. Trump is exactly like that crazy guy in Belarus rigging the elections and running around with a assault rifle. Trump is destroying America.

    1. @Jeffrey Dahmer Вы строите замки из песка. Мы, американцы, переломим вашу жизнь. Грядут перемены. Скажите Путину, что он следующий. Он, как и вы, не переживет этого нарушения демократии. Скажи ему.

    1. Чемпионат России ушел на небольшой перерыв, связанный с играми европейских сборных в Лиге наций, где нашей национальной дружине предстоит помериться силами с командами Сербии и Венгрии. На перерыв в ранге лидера довольно неожиданно ушел московский «Спартак», а «Зенит» и «Локомотив» пропустили красно-белых вперед, явно недобрав в последнюю летнюю неделю очков.

    2. @Mike Smith Вы строите замки из песка. Мы, американцы, переломим вашу жизнь. Грядут перемены. Скажите Путину, что он следующий. Он, как и вы, не переживет этого нарушения демократии. Скажи ему.

    1. The public has no right to be informed of what is going on in the white house, punkinwell pathological liar and psychopath

    2. @Whicker Boy um, which news agency can I get this bit of doctored information sir/mam, please, please, please tell me so that I can relate to what you are trying to propagate

    3. @Whicker Boy friend I am not the one who is detached from reality, where I am from we live and deal with reality every day

  5. This is a treasonous act by Trump. Again colluding with a foreign enemy to overthrow United States democracy. Fact-checked this is Treason. Vote blue 🌊🇺🇸🌊

  6. #ByeDon2020!!
    Vote Biden as if your life depended onit…u lost a LOT of ur lovedOnes bc ofTrump ignoring covid initially.VOTE BIDEN!!

    1. If you vote in person use the paper forms instead, being that the polling machines are most likely rigged; spread the word.

  7. Less testing means fewer cases of virus, so less protection for our elections must make that better too.
    Putin sure got his money’s worth out of installing Benedict Bonespurs.

    1. Omg, Putin’s got so much out of his investment into Trump, it’s one of the biggest dollar-for-dollar steals of all time… unfortunately, that means the American people lose their democracy. Unfortunately, about half the country doesn’t care, or is actively fighting to destroy it… smh


    2. Friend I have not been able to laugh a lot lately but your comment just made feel my friend are so right and if POTUS only read this he’s gonna have a tantrum and tweet a lot of nonsense to defend himself and Putin 😂😂😂😂😂

    1. @Ron Swanson Sir.. I am aware of the Low Level FBI Employee that was Indicted after the Horowitz Report.. now the FBI Lawyer who altered the context of the Email..he has pled guilty.. What Obama Administration Officials are you speaking of?? I have heard plenty about “PENDING Charges” for the past FOUR Years.. but they never amount to anything significant.. The FBI Lawyer should not have altered that Email..BUT Sir.. Bill Barr most assuredly should NOT have created that Four Page Summary that KNOWINGFLY Misrepresented what The Special Council’s investigation had uncovered. You Folks are Hypocrites you rant and rave about the procedure that was used to obtain the FISA call it “Spying” yet you have no problem with the “Spying” that went on in Trump’s Campaign against Ms Vlinton’s Campaign in 2016 nor apparently are you guys concerned that Russia is at it again.. with more Interference in our Election this year that is being done to favor Mr Trump.. Sir Before you call that “Fake News” that is the Conclusion of the latest GOP led Bi Partisan Senate Investigation .. It it appears that you Folks have “Selective” Moral Values when it comes to Politics.. NONE of you seem to want to answer the one question that “Should” be relevant.. “IF” this were a Democrat President and Administration and his or her personal friends, appointees, and family members..and “IF” every single word and action committed were IDENTICAL to what has transpired in “Trump World” would you still say that everything was just problem they didn’t do anything wrong???? MY guess is that you would be screaming Treason. and Lock Them Up every chance that you got..

    2. Чемпионат России ушел на небольшой перерыв, связанный с играми европейских сборных в Лиге наций, где нашей национальной дружине предстоит помериться силами с командами Сербии и Венгрии. На перерыв в ранге лидера довольно неожиданно ушел московский «Спартак», а «Зенит» и «Локомотив» пропустили красно-белых вперед, явно недобрав в последнюю летнюю неделю очков.

    3. Unfortunately his base doesn’t care- at all. His base blindly accepts (or creates) whatever ludicrous excuse that Trump spews. It’s akin to a cult. #Trump2020
      No one has don’t more for America than Trump and his administration…. No one said it was “positive” for America.


    1. If you vote in person use the paper forms instead, being that the polling machines are most likely rigged; spread the word.

    2. @AfroSamurai215 Correct. Ivanka Trump voting machines made in China. Every vote cast on one of those defaults to R. When you hit “cast ballot” the default settings kick in before the ballot is cast.

    1. @GoGreen1977 concept 1: trump won’t be as bad/evil/crime-y as you’d guess bc he’ll know (?) he’ll be held to account by incoming DoJ
      concept 2: he’s wholesale criming during transition period AND THEN he resigns on january 19 so now-president pounce can pardon him before noon on jan 20
      concept 3: he wins in november … and whatever effort he previously extended to pretend he wasn’t executing RU’s agenda becomes fully open and more aggressively anti-american and anti-Western-Liberalism*

      *western liberalism is NOT california, despite trump’s stupidly moronic claim

    2. Just make me so angry that no one had the balls enough other than Mitt Romney to stand up with what was going on to impeach this clown! Now look at what this country is dealing with, just terrible!! All Senate must want the US to become Russia! Such BS no one ready and able to stand up!! They have ALL failed us!!!

    3. @Jan Presley bunker boy really messed up things for you guys, just hope biden could turn things back around for you guys

    1. If you vote in person use the paper forms instead, being that the polling machines are most likely rigged; spread the word.

  9. Do you get social security, Medicare or Medicaid? Thank the Democrats. Like your rights today? Want to keep them? #VOTEBLUE

    1. @Whicker Boy Democracy means you have to accept dissent… and that your vote is your own, not contingent to anyone else’s. In other words; even if true, who gives a shyte?

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