An Alta. diver dropped his glasses in a 54 km2 lake, and he retrieved them months later

An Alberta man dropped his glasses while ice fishing and he fetched them from the bottom of the lake months later. Watch his diving adventure.

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An Alta. diver dropped his glasses in a 54 km2 lake, and he retrieved them months later


  1. my friend found my contact lens on a nightclub dancefloor, while inebriated, once upon a time..

    1. @Shelly JB 😆no doubt! She was determined she’d recover it. The lens prob wouldn’t’ve been rinsed off in the restroom sink & popped back in if sober either.. thankfully no eye infection ensued.

  2. That’s cool. I retrieved sunglasses in Lake Huron after coming out of the water and going back in and guessing where I they might be. Surprising since the water was so murky and they were quite far out.

  3. It must be an extremely slow day for news, when this gets broadcast. Nothing much else of interest in the rest of the world?

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