Former Marine fighter pilot Amy McGrath reacts to a public denigration of women in the military, and argues that these women served and died for freedom and criticizing their abilities hurts the country’s readiness. Aired on 03/11/2021.
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#AmyMcGrath #PublicDenigration #MSNBC
Amy McGrath On Women In The Military: ‘We Are Not A Mockery’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Carlson is LEGALLY (as argued by Fox News in court) entertainment, not news. IMHO, he’s not even entertainment. He’s trash.
@Cain Abel 1) Unlike most MAGA trash, I don’t consider this a contest. 2) Nothing in my reply to you implied that I think Fox News is “legit.” In fact EVERYTHING in my reply to you was pretty explicit in recognizing that Fox is not a valid source of news. Rather, it is Fox’s viewers, like you, who are unable to comprehend even basic logical fallacies, like in-group bias, etc, who misinterpret very plain statements, like mine, to somehow comport with their twisted views of reality.
@Cain Abel And it’s “channel” not “chanel”; unless you consider Fox a fragrance.
@The last farewell So you admit you have no valid criticism and are still a brainwashed Russian interference zombie
@The last farewell 1) What Fox News had wrong?
2) What non-Fox mainstream “news” had right?
@Cain Abel Perhaps you will recall the GOP’s campaign during the 1990s and into the early 2000s that those in the United States communicate in English. They went so far as to demand that signage be removed if it was in any language besides English, and that voting materials be in English only. Since you seem to be a loyal GOP/MAGA follower, would it be too much for me to request that your posts be written in proper English? When you are able to accomplish the basic task of writing in complete sentences, perhaps we could have a conversation. Until then, Adious.
Tucker needs to be in a straitjacket. He’s gone completely insane.
Just a single shell….
Well, I would argue he panders to his audience. How about tar and feathers?
and so should Insanity Hanity
+Bob Heck Ebedee, ebedee, ebedee, th th tha that’s a good idea, fffolks.
Fox News is simply a straw man manufacturer.
@Vivien Cole You should be embarrassed. Your media told people he said there were good people on both sides to create divide when they left out the other half of the sentence with him saying he was definitely not talking about the KKK, any White Supremacy or racial group and that they should all be condemned. Shouldn’t that tell you everything you need to know? THE MEDIA LIES TO YOU.
@Cee Dee Where do you think I get my information? Certainly not from an entertainment channel. You appear to be quite happy to support a channel that belittles and insults female military. I have obviously more admiration for Canadian military, both male and female than you but then my late husband served along side them and knew their value.
@Jose Antonio Carmona Jr. lmao Keep fooling yourself. Other than about 1M soy tards on twitter, nobody voted for Biden. It’s funny how the partisan MSM paints us as the brainwashed ones with the conspiracy theories. You realize after $50M of taxpayers’ $$ and 3 years of the FBI, CIA, and every other letter agency combing through Trump’s bag hair, it was all proven to be a lie, right? Oh right, the media doesn’t tell you that part. What about the corrupt media for years trying to say Trump is racist. They told their soy low IQ sheep viewers for years he said there were “good people on both sides” without telling you the second half of the sentence where he said he was absolutely not talking about the KKK, the White Supremacists, or any racist group for they should all be condemned and are horrible. Doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know? They literally cut words out of his sentence to tell you he is racist. Think about how sick that is.
@Carolyn Baez lmao Keep fooling yourself. Other than about 1M soy tards on twitter, nobody voted for Biden. It’s funny how the partisan MSM paints us as the brainwashed ones with the conspiracy theories. You realize after $50M of taxpayers’ $$ and 3 years of the FBI, CIA, and every other letter agency combing through Trump’s bag hair, it was all proven to be a lie, right? Oh right, the media doesn’t tell you that part. What about the corrupt media for years trying to say Trump is racist. They told their soy low IQ sheep viewers for years he said there were “good people on both sides” without telling you the second half of the sentence where he said he was absolutely not talking about the KKK, the White Supremacists, or any racist group for they should all be condemned and are horrible. Doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know? They literally cut words out of his sentence to tell you he is racist. Think about how sick that is.
@Vivien Cole lmao Keep fooling yourself. Other than about 1M soy tards on twitter, nobody voted for Biden. It’s funny how the partisan MSM paints us as the brainwashed ones with the conspiracy theories. You realize after $50M of taxpayers’ $$ and 3 years of the FBI, CIA, and every other letter agency combing through Trump’s bag hair, it was all proven to be a lie, right? Oh right, the media doesn’t tell you that part. What about the corrupt media for years trying to say Trump is racist. They told their soy low IQ sheep viewers for years he said there were “good people on both sides” without telling you the second half of the sentence where he said he was absolutely not talking about the KKK, the White Supremacists, or any racist group for they should all be condemned and are horrible. Doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know? They literally cut words out of his sentence to tell you he is racist. Think about how sick that is.
Only the men like Tucker Carlson who are insecure about their masculinity or personality feel the need to make it their one defining personality trait.
@The Tweatles #fbi
@The Tweatles Reported, for SPAM.
William H.Music, William H.Music 2021, William H.Music 2020, Timmy Truth, and of course the biggest homophobe of it’s accounts…The Tweatles.
All the same Troll.
Report as SPAM when seen.
Yes I am “copy pasting” my message.
@The Tweatles what about Mad Gaetz and Richard Grenell?
@The Tweatles it’s really none of your business is it? So move along with your lies and fear mongering
He’s no man.
She should have won..
I literally have no clue how Master Oogway was able to win again.
@Michael Appel voter suppression, gerrymandering.
Shame on Kentucky for choosing a traitor (McConnell) over a decorated Hero (McGrath).
+kuomaster17 Yes she should have.
@James Kenyon Hopefully Master Oogway finally retires.
Until I see Tucker in his military uniform he can shut up.
@Pete Jones I hope you didn’t involve yourself with insurrection
You don’t have to be in the military to know about it that’s arguments from authority a fallacy
@Victor Bergman You do have to be in the military to know of the internal problems. If you’d rather take advice from a trust fund baby who had everything handed to him. Then you’re as dumb as he is.
@Harry jr perhaps but you should be polite to Scotch Lords
@Pete Jones That’s the point I was making.
Has he ever served one day in the military, or is he another spoiled rich child who has never lived in the real world.
@N W they do everything else , why not.
@N W Most enlisted people never see combat. Yeah, I’ve served with women who went into labor at work, wrapped up what they were doing, and went and had babies. Since we were expecting this, we already had the rotation sorted.
@N W yes,they can with third trimester limitations as in any other job
@N W Pregnancy is not a handicap. From an evolutionary perspective, it makes absolutely no sense for half of species to be incompacitated precisely at the time she’s carrying the next generation. We’ve would’ve died out a long time ago.
With exception to high risk pregnancy, we would appreciate it if men would stop thinking they know more about a woman’s body than the woman living in it.
@Lynn Betts Thank you for clarifying that to ignorant individuals who think there is only one job position in the military!
Swanson Frozen foods should APOLOGIZE for Tucker and horrible FOOD!!! LOL
Yes, indeed!!
I was thinking the same thing!
“Women in the military is a mockery of what it means to serve,” said the guy who never served.

@Clik Clack Have I seen “your videos?” No. Why the f would I or anyone do that?

It’s not against women being in the military. They have been for decades. It’s about possibly putting pregnant women in combat or other dangers.
Most pregnant women are hormonal and very emotional due to hormone charges during pregnancy. That’s just science. The lady on here may be an exception? But they certainly never need to send pregnant women into combat.
@Ro G irdgaf if u do either im trying to help you so you wont have to try and guess to pretend to make an actual point. Have anything more to say about woman fighting in the military or do you want to change the subject again cause you dont have a real argument

Pretty sure that he said biden was making a mockery of it not women per se. lol
Fox “news” has a distorted take on reality.
Right and MSNBC and CNN who were pushing Russia gate for 4yrs had it right
@Catcher Freeman by making that comment, youve proven to everyone that you have no idea what you are talking about.
@Noreb And by making that statement you have proven you are delusional
@Catcher Freeman actually it shows i bothered to read the over 1600 pages of evidence proving trumps campaign colluded with Russian intelligence to subvert the 2016 election.
LMAO ok the investigation concluded with Trump continuing as the 45th president of the united states so you wasted your time and 4yrs watching fake news .
Tucker should have a look at the Israeli armed forces, or perhaps the armed forces of the Kurds (the ones that #45 abandoned).
@Deb C Now you are just being ridiculous! Just be sensible – women have been frontline troops in the Israeli armed forces for quite some time now and the female soldiers in the Kurdish forces terrified ISIS. Also there were female soldiers in the USSRs armes forces in WW2.
@Deb C Well you have been paying dearly for the last 4 years that’s for sure – you’ve allowed your national reputation to be dragged through the mud.
See, the point of objection is not the women per se but the standards surrounding them. A woman is allowed to have facial hair in the military because she is a woman. Women are allowed to wear jewelry, have long hair, wear makeup, they have low physical standards and greatly impact combat readiness.
There is no reason for a pregnant woman so far into her pregnancy she has to wear a maternity uniform should be on the flight deck period, she should be on leave and making sure she is squared away for when she returns to duty
@Lydia Hilles There are many reasons why a woman who is pregnant may be on duty. There are many roles in the armed forces.
I still can’t believe the people of Kentucky chose Moscow Mitch over Amy McGrath. Smh.
I honestly feel it was rigged. Gerrymandering, voter suppression.
Shame on Kentucky!!!
He is corrupt and his wife corrupt
To much Kentucky whiskey. Brain dead they are.
+David J Me either Amy McGrath is everything Moscow Mitch isn’t, honest, integral, hard working and she has 86 actual combat missions under her belt. Whilst Moscow Mitch and Clucker Carlson didn’t ever serve.
It’s becoming clearer everyday that Clucker is a flat out traitor to America if not a Russian asset.
Still dealing with your xenophobia issues, dude?
@Cain Abel Bless your heart. Maybe you should tell us how you have come, or are in the process of coming, to terms with yours.
Kentucky messed up! They sure did not send the best!
+ Music G You got that right Lt. Colonel Amy McGrath was much better fitted mentally to be a responsible U.S. Senator and Mitch McConnell is like a constipation for the grand ole state of Kentucky and for the United States of America as well.
This Tucker man is so miserable. I mean, geez! All he ever does is lie and spread hate. He’s pathetic!
How? There is a reason they never put women on the battlefield
@Victor Bergman what is that ‘reason’, and who are ‘they’ ? Please share.
Carlson is a joke and should be treated accordingly.
@Cain Abel ; Whom may that be exactly, what precisely has you so troubled, have you honestly thought about it, can you logically explain what you think you are feeling?
@Guy North So you admit I’m right. I win.
@john smith What is wrong on Fox News?
@ishtarian She was NOT a fighter pilot in a war situation…
Let’s have one of the women sporting a Ranger tab meet up with Tucker and discuss his comments. I’d pay to see that.
+Vic Sprayberry As would I. I’d also like to see Clucker Carlson go a few rounds with Rhonda Rhousy! I’d like to see Amy McGrath keep up the pace and defeat McConnell ASAP!
@Cain Abel hahahahaha
@Em Andem I flew a lot of planes too… as a passager.
I have humiliated you.
I win.
@Em Andem was she pregnant? Thats what Carlson is talking about. He should’ve not generalized so much. Would you send your pregnant daughter or sister to a combat zone?
@Cain Abel The only one you’ve humiliated here is yourself. YOU LOSE!!
Carlson should be ashamed of his extremist propaganda.
He has no shame
I like how Nicolle thinks, asking what “he’s up to”. She knows there’s always more under their absurdities than first meets the eye.
Tucker Carlson is desperately trying to remain relevant.
McGrath was NOT a pilot in ANY war…
@Cain Abel McGrath was the first woman to fly a combat mission for the Marine Corps, as well as the first to pilot the F/A-18 on a combat mission.