During the South Carolina Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) went head-to-head with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over his "Medicare For All" plan. CNN's Erin Burnett and Dana Bash discuss the issue further with the Minnesota senator. #CNN #News
Amy Klobuchar: Donald Trump will pounce on Bernie Sanders’ health care plan

Just go away
Why haven’t the moderators asked this woman about her history of assaulting staff members?
@Bruce Leroy Liar. Tax increases apply to those making over $250,000.
@Bruce Leroy The lower and middle class would have more disposable income, not less. https://www.bernietax.com/#75000;5000;s
@Mandatory Username Dummy it’s right there in his tax plan to pay for his universal healthcare plan.
@Bruce Leroy https://www.bernietax.com/#0;0;s
Amy Klobuchar says she can win in rural America, but she couldn’t even finish second in Iowa and New Hampshire!

@Joseph Pace What?
@Penny Liqueur
Trump Deranged Supporter
or foreign bot?
Bernie will lose because socialism SUCKS!
@98LowDown How dare the Democrats place people’s health over corporate profits?! Don’t they know socialism ONLY works for corporations and the 1%?

The ”I’ll just be nasty and hope it sticks” argument. No facts, no alternatives, no nothing.
THATS the demonRATS

I love it
She’s the bright bulb on stage and democrats only see a woman.
@52 80 Well I don’t care what sex she is or her color or sexual orientation or anything else. She just very weak on policies and Trump would have her for breakfast.
@52 80 like ol squirt bottle Pelosi, she’s DRUNK

i no longer even listen just down vote this idiocy
Najee Tiller if i was forced to take one and my only options in our bullshit two party system is Trump or Bloomberg, I’m taking the guy that’s inept sometimes over the scum that would turn us into United States of Mike in 2 years. I don’t like saying it either, but if the DNC is going to be this shamelessly corporate and sell me out, then I can never endorse VBNMW.
You are missing nothing.
@BLT4LIFE Bacon is cancer. Thank America. You’re welcome.
@Najee Tiller maybe you should ask what i meant instead of insult my intelligence and rely on your preconcieved notion that i am a trumpster and part of cult 49, or a bernie bro, maybe i think it’s idiocy to stay in the race and take support from other candidates that actually have a chance to win. Maybe that is my view, and instead of being reasonable you guys go on auto attack and make assumptions about ppl you don’t even know. Is this how you guys convince others to join your side real brilliant gg.
Hopefully Klobushar and Steyer stayed and helped clean up to actually make them being there worthwhile
Ugh, Anxious Amy Combuchar.
Meanwhile Amy’d effectively fend for herself, stapler and all!
Not to defend her, but on nice days she throws paper clips.
@A Krenwinkle A respectable weapon for a respectable woman.
The more they attack Bernie the stronger he gets, its the Trump effect of 2016.
@Æ N I Ǝ M A And TOOL just got a little lame, dude.
Bernie will lose because socialism SUCKS!
trumpis fuckis my name has nothing to do with the group Tool idiot
Big difference between a free enterprise business owner and a unemployed commie who didn’t own three homes and fly around first class untill he joined the swamp creatures in Washington
Is this Amy Klobuchar dispelling the misconception that she is boring?
In DemParty only crooners need apply. Sad..
Not so much.
You’re not the only one who noticed?
So CNN is really scared of Bernie, I see.
@BLT4LIFE you must be joking, CNN alienated most of their core audience by attacking bernie which is why the dislike ratio is immense. Bernie owns the Democratic party at this point, if they screw him people like me will leave the democratic party entirely and thats basically every post-boomer except weirdos like you
@Average Joe and you Bernie supporters have alienated moderates and swing voters. Bernie is going to suffer because you guys and it’s going to be entertaining to watch.
Bernie is loved by a lot of people living in their parents basement and earn minimum wage paying for their Gender Studies college loans but CNN hates Trump and needs someone to pull in the swing vote.
from someone that has no health care plan
The only plan bernie has is to bankrupt this country and be in power.
Hey person reading this comment! Don’t mind the defective excuse for a Human Being commenting above me! And have a good day
She does have a plan. It’s comprehensive enough to fit on a whole post-it note.
her response to universal healthcare was “lets get real” yep, she is a winner
Go ahead lol Medicare for all is popular with the majority lol
Just not realistic
Until they find out the total cost of the experiment.
@Just Sayin
Corrupt Klobuchar
Freedom Fighter
And Warren is even worse. How come we can’t get good female candidates. I really want a good female. Where, oh where, is Tulsi Gabbard?
She the only real candidate you have. But as usual Democrats eat their own.
Amy take your single digit % and go home
This is why you won’t win. Dumb, deaf and blind voters don’t win elections.
And he won’t Pounce on you?
C’mon….give me a break
Bernie: “One Break! COMING UP!”
@Klee Klee outside of your blind hate what has trump done to make your life worse or Americans life worse. I’ll give you a hint nothing and that’s the problem your gonna have debating against trump. Despite all the attacks against trump he has succeeded. Forget the media look up what trump has done that the media won’t tell you
And if Sanders goes into his defense mode over and over again, telling how great his plan is and don’t worry the Senate will never pass it, he is botching this campaign like Hillary did and has reduced his chances of winning to 50/50. Put all the details of the healthcare include the number in the Democratic platform, and instead of getting your juices flowing telling how great it is again refer to the platform, then pivot to what the states plan of Republicans and Trump has been since 2010, then go to critical thing related to healthcare you will accomplish in the first 100 days. If you say you are passing the program in the platform you are lying the Senate is no close to his position, he knows he is lying, every competent person watching knows he is lying, what have you accomplished getting into the same fight over and over again over a lie. Your not caving to moderates saying my goal as President is to pass the healthcare plane outline in the Democratic platform, but lets talk about the Republicans current position and what I will be able to do immediately once President.
@jays knight king titan Trump has dangerously lowered the unemployment rate (especially for minorities), he has in a non-presidential manner increased wages, he has racistly lowered prescription drug prices, and he has sexistly provided prison reform. Oh, and the Right to Try Act? Viciously forces people to have the right to take a potentially life-saving medication.
@Vic 2.0 I know how dare he. He forgot the memo that people are supposed to sit at home and get paid
Amy “we can’t change anything”

Pete “whoa slow down the change”
Amy “let’s pick me, I will do nothing, I stand for nothing, I can point out what’s wrong but I won’t fix anything”
I would rather stick trump if she is the nominee.
I’m so sick and tired of this lady she needs to drop out
The smartest one on stage and DemParty hates her. That’s just the tip of the iceberg of where your problems start. How anyone stays Democrat is a mystery.
52 80 she’s a jackass
She gives victory speeches when she comes in 4th and 5th. Imagine if she came in 1st there’ll be NYE size fireworks lighting up the sky.
Wait! She still hasn’t finished her first sentence, I think!
She and others wont, if they want to stop/cheat Sanders.