Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate hearings begin | USA TODAY

Senate confirmation hearings begin Monday as Republicans rush to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court ahead of Election Day.

The hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee marks the first of four days of confirmation hearings as Republicans aim to confirm Barrett to the seat vacated by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said last week that "the first item of priority in the Senate is the Supreme Court." Democrats have called for the nomination to be postponed until after the election but acknowledged they do not have the votes to delay the hearing. Instead, they aim to highlight parts of Barrett's record they view as problematic, especially with regards to health care.

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Amy Coney Barrett's Senate hearings begin | USA TODAY


  1. Why can’t you just put a truthful description on the video. The republicans are not nominating Amy Coney Barrett. President Trump nominated and the senate will hold confirmation hearings. Comon USA Today.

  2. The Secret of All Secret Societies

    The Third Eye. The Pyramids.

    The Third Eye = Telepaths, psychics. Nearly half of the global population is telepathic/psychic. Referred to in the modern day, as ‘Awakening/Opening the Third Eye’, telepaths/psychics aren’t permitted to disclose much information to those who are not awake/aware i.e. telepathic/psychic. There are rules. There is a policing force also made of secret societies.

    The Pyramids = Ancient Pyramids of Egypt. Regarded as mysterious, with questions remaining to present day as to the purpose of their construction, answers are kept hidden within secret societies and the minds of telepaths. Revealed to only those who awaken their third eye and become telepathic, is the marvel of electricity existing in ancient times. Concepts of Free Energy are originally derived from the ancient pyramids, known for producing free electricity in mass volumes, instantaneously. This secret along with the actual methods that were used and needed to produce free energy are kept secret by half the world and regulated by secret societies. The pyramids were turned OFF a long time ago, they can be turned ON today if the secret and hidden powers to be wanted the world to have free energy.

    How? Electrical components, Inductors and Transformers (coils), do not transfer electricity but actually create free electricity. Solar energy fed back into an inductor or transformer, can create unlimited electricity instantaneously. Norms (non-telepaths), are often discouraged and confused when attempting to study electrical engineering or physics due to the false assertion of Electrons. There are no such thing as electrons, they are taught only to confuse norms so they don’t figure out the solution to the worlds energy problems.

    There is a reason why the cartoon ‘Transformers’ was created, along with the lyric in it’s theme song, “Transformers – More Than Meets The Eye.”

    Trump is CURED!! For more Secrets Revealed publicly, Vote Trump!!

    God Bless Sirius and the Grey Aliens.

    Youtube: The Real Ali Q

  3. May God, bless the late Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg! She was a blessing, to the United States of America! As for democrats! Please, let Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Let her good name, rest in peace!

  4. Republican / Democrat Positions: Still Undecided???

    1. Free Healthcare for Illegal aliens, DACA, TPS recipients & their families. Taxpayer-funded with one estimate at $52 trillion.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    2. Citizenship for 30 to 50 million illegal aliens, DACA, TPS recipients, and their families with a cost of billions to taxpayers.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    3. De-fund Police. Biden is doing his best to walk this back. In the Senate (so there’s a record), Kamala Harris called it “re-imagine law enforcement.” Biden recently stated he was in favor, quote “redirecting law enforcement funds.” If Biden/Harris is elected, you know what will happen.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    4. Taxes. Biden has stated he will raise taxes to over 4 trillion. With this Democrat platform, he will have to.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans NO TAX INCREASES / TAX CUTS.

    5. Sanctuary Cities & States. Biden & Harris supports sanctuary cities.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    6. Immediately end all deportations of illegal aliens, Bernie’s website calls it a “moratorium” on deportations.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    7. Reparations for the race’s harmed by Caucasians (already starting in California) Biden & Kamala Harris committed to Al Sharpton to support Sheila Jackson Lee’s reparations bill in the House. Basically, a tax will be levied on all people of Caucasian descent in America. The funds distributed to African Americans.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    8. Coal / Fracking: I don’t understand how voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, West Virginia can even consider voting for Biden? You do realize that as soon as Biden/Harris takes office. Fracking, Coal Mining jobs are long gone You’re voting for your own unemployment in these states people. The Democrat Governors in these states know this and still support Biden. Sacrifice jobs of their citizens for a Biden Presidency.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    9. The 2nd Amendment will be under attack even more under Biden. Biden stated, “Beto O’Rourke will be his gun Czar,” “Hel yeah I’m coming for your guns.”
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    10. Medicare for all: Ending of all private / employer-based health care Feds run everything. This is Kamala Harris’s baby. Kiss goodbye to your healthcare plan if Biden/Harris is elected. Taxpayer-funded at a cost of trillions.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    11. Free college for all, including illegal aliens & non-citizens Bernie Sanders’s plan adopted. (taxpayer-funded with estimates in the billions).
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    12. Immediately decriminalize all illegal entry into our country. So no need for the Border Patrol.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    13. Open Borders.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    14. De-fund & terminate border patrol & ICE. Funds redistributed to other programs.
    Democrats Yes.
    Republicans No.

    Thank you for reading.


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