Judge Amy Coney Barrett asked about killing of George Floyd, racism in America.
RELATED: Watch the full hearing here
Discussing her reaction to the George Floyd killing, Judge Amy Coney Barrett calls it an "obvious statement… that racism persists in our country."
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#amyconeybarrett #senatehearing
She did a good job fooling this one.
*India Collapsing*
*While everyone is busy debating on*
*CAA, NRC, NPR, etc*
*shaheen bagh*…….
Sushant Rajput
(Wait for an item to be added every month) …….
*We miss to notice what’s happening to INDIA*
*India – Recent data & Situation*
*External Debt of India* *500 + Billion Dollars.*
*Vodafone* is in loss of ₹50,000 Crore.
*Airtel* is in loss of ₹23,000 Crore.
*BSNL* is in loss of ₹14,000 Crore.
*MTNL* is in loss of ₹755 Crore.
*BPCL* is in loss of ₹750 Crore.
*SAIL* is in loss of ₹286 Crore.
*AIR India* is in loss of ₹4600 Crore.
*Spice Jet* is in loss of ₹463 Crore.
*Indigo* is in loss of ₹1062 Crore.
*BHEL* is in loss of ₹219 Crore.
*India Post* is in loss of ₹15,000 Crore.
*GMR Infra* is in loss of ₹561 Crore.
*YES Bank* is in loss of ₹600 Crore.
*Union Bank* is in loss of ₹1190 Crore.
*PNB Bank* is in loss of ₹4750 Crore।
*Axis Bank* is in loss of ₹112 Crore.
*J P Group finished*
*Videocon bankrupt*
*Aircel & Docomo is dead*
*Tata Docomo perished*
*Jet Airways closed*
*Airports Sold*
5 airports sold to Adani.
*Railways are on sale*
*Heritage Renting*
Heritages including Red Fort
*Nationalized Banks Merger*
Many nationalized banks have merged, many branches have literally closed,
*ATM Rooms*
Huge numbers of ATM Rooms are set down,
*All Banks*
incurring huge losses.
*36 largest debtors*
missing from country.
*Few Corporates*
Rs 2.4 lakh crores loan waived off
54,000 may cut more jobs.
*Auto Industry*
1 million to be laid off
Largest car maker cuts production.
*Car Inventory*
Rs 55000 crores car inventory lying at factories, with no buyers.
*Houses Unsold*
12.76 lakhs houses unsold in 30 major cities.
*Builders Suicide*
All over stressed. Some committing suicide, no buyers. Construction Stopped due Mat cost rise (GST at 18% to 28%).
*CCD founder*
*V G Siddhartha committed Sucide*
due to huge debt.
No money to pay salary for employees.
Most profitable company in India is now making losses.
Under corporatization affecting over 1.5 lac employee & families.
*Biscuits Companies*
like Parle-G on the verge of terminating it’s employees.
Millions unemployed due to Demonetization.
*Highest unemployment in 45 years*
*Domestic Stagflation*
Highest recorded
*Leaving India*
Record HNI individuals leaving India.
*May be many more…*
*Nothing is shown in media. Media is busy debating India Vs Pakistan, and Hindu Vs Muslims who were living peacefully with tranquility till recently.*
*It’s our duty to let all others know the real picture.*Lloyd
Play class based games win collapsing prizes. Maybe ask your wealthy ballywood and oligarchs to chip in… ohhh wait the money will be worthless soon just like in the 80s and 90’s. Best of luck. My suggestion dont try to be like the people who conquered you.
What? ALL cops are awesome!
The Democrats have nothing she’s absolutely crushing it
This is a tests there not done yet
Kon kon india se hy
Teach your kids to comply with the police and there’s a 99% chance the floyd incident won’t happen to your kids, black, white, yellow, blue, do what they say and hash it out in court. Agree or not it’s the truth!
back the blue!
She has the ultimate “I cant be raciest ” come back ” But I have two black kids”. If you understand what I’m saying, you know its just like every woman beater has a mother; but will excuse themselves to beat any other women. Sen. Whitehouse made everything clear, shes a political pawn and tool regardless what she thinks.
And that statement makes you profoundly stupid
but the question doesn’t demand a racial card to be pulled. She omitting that she has 2 adopted black kids would lead to confusion and fools like you saying “what does she know about hatred she and her kids have white privilege.”
She mentioned the fact to eliminate any confusion. While typical ignorant and incomprehensive fools like you take any chance to spin a narrative.
The prodigy of the one judge who will stop at nothing to make laws her very children could be effected by 10-20yrs from now, but she’s is not willing to say this is her views during this hearing. That alone should tell us a lot about her.
Republican senators ask about the legal process and the role of the supreme court. Democrats ask about policy support. If this is how Democrats view the role of the supreme court everyone should be wary of them ever being able to nominate another supreme court justice.
These things are so long!!!
Can send this illegal home too. The law.
“ACB : ” as and owner, I mean “parent ” of two children this will effect, it was hard to explain how my ideology which helped oppress them would be their savior. Dont worry though, all Americans will be under corpate control soon enough.”
Damn no one loves you huh?
@Manuel Ramos plenty love me. Like you love machismo.
What is ACB?
@J T the judge
If you were going to accurately cite George Floyd youd have to snort meth, use counterfeit money, use fentanyl, theft, aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon, and possession of cocaine. Cite that while your at it.
ALL cops are awesome! Floyd was guilty! Officer Chauvin is awesome and innocent! EVERYONE killed by the police is guilty! Floyd doesn’t need justice.
There was a little boy killed by police shooting at his dad and was killed so that’s ok to you?
Tell that too Emmett Till dude
Nice b8
This isn’t journalism. This is so bizarre.
Her kids haven’t seen racism because it’s very rare. George Floyd wasn’t because of racism. The officers actually were very cordial with him given his behavior. George asked to be taken out of the police car and put in the ground and so they did. There will need to be more training on what to do at that point with suspects they suspect are under the influence and experiencing excited delirium. The other two people with George complied and walked away from the scene. The cops were there because of a call from the store they were patrons.
From what I have learned by reading and watching, I would not say racism played a part in the demise of Floyd. His lifestyle played a definite role. It would, however, benefit everyone if officers were more attuned to true medical distress when apprehending. But being able to distinquish between real or pretended distress is problematic at best.
Hi, Sherry Miller could we please chat in private