The president has dismissed advice from his allies urging him to tone down his rhetoric and held back so far on a formal address to the nation as cities across the country faced another night of fiery protests. The panel discusses. Aired on 6/1/2020.
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Amid Weekend Protests, Trump Stays Largely Silent | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump: “MAGA loves Black People”
@Bobby B
Nobody said they shouldn’t go to jail. I wouldn’t mind in the least seeing that after what the looters and vandals did to my town. But the punishment has to fit the crime. You can’t shoot someone just because it will make you feel better. I think we’ve already seen that kind of gun therapy too many times.
Mark Bullock : Hey Mark…..GFY!! Lmao!
@Joseph I misread and already deleted my post
Connie Plum : You can most certainly use deadly force against a looter.
I don’t need to be a psychic, I parent my children. Unlike the parents of these criminal looters and vandals.
Then go ahead and shoot someone and see how “free” you are afterwards. And, having worked with many parents and kids, and being a parent myself, you’re in for some really big surprises if you think you will be in complete control of your kid when he gets older.
“MAGA loves black people.” There it is!
Sorry donnie the kkk do not like PEOPLE OF COLOR
Unbelievable how far removed he is that even when he tries to say something conciliatory, he only makes things worse.
He just admitted who MAGA is
anna martinez exactly!! Instead of saying I have black supporters or there’s black people in MAGA

And this will be the same person asking for votes in a couple of months, smh.
He’s asking for votes now
The same time he is trying to make it more difficult to vote
Get out and vote, wait in line all day if you need just give one day to this cause vote
@1979 Hellcat Biden is just as bad..
@Cathy Bradley Biden won’t be much better
@Elise White yeah maybe you should ask why does
Martin Luther king jr’s niece support Trump
@Elise White yeahhh Trump sending the military to this
Under control
Enough is enough
Protest all you want
But the looters
And the one’s destroying cities across America
will stop now !!!!!
@Jan Hall So what do your blue-collar guys do — just forego voting? Or do you just not have any manufacturing in your country? Why bother, you can always just buy what you need from China and their slave-labor, right?
Trump: ‘I summon my army of MAGA morons to come and defend the WH’. MAGA morons: ‘Meh, we cayn’t be bothered’.
Lol; the joker who can’t incite civil war for trying!
@M99980 However, the sob is sending the US army against the American people, he is attacking the American people who don’t agree with him. Is that a tyranny attempt, or what?

@Sperup AD Do you seriously think not agreeing with him justifies burning down half a city? Are you insane? Oh, I’m talking to an MSNBC viewer… of course you are.
Shirlee Hicks TROLL
He wants a civil war!
A desperate criminal is willing to do anything to save his hide. And, Rump is not a common criminal, his crimes go from common crimes to political crimes and treason against the USA.
He is destroyng the USA, the nation is crumbling down under his watch.
” Make America great Again ” for whom Corporation, Rich and his friends Yeah
Yes, everyone else is just human stock capital.
The origins of police in this country were the slave catchers!
This country was founded on dissent!
What was the Boston Tea Party if not a riot?
The Declaration of Independence states that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed!
Join me.
Yep Trump uses his base to help the wealthy. He doesn’t care about his followers unless they are wealthy
Martha Docho . Don’t forget his bank account is better including his evil family all they want power and money lots of money
Did he just say that his supporters love black people like he’s not expecting them to be black much? This guy is really trying to start a race war he’s been trying for 4 years now

this brings up volume about Charlottesville. P.s didn’t he promised rioting and looting and killing if he was impeached that it was going to be his people doing it, that’s what’s his threats was to us remember?
Very observant comment
What makes Trump’s claim that his MAGAts love black people even more absurd is that they voted for Trump because having a half-black president drove them crazy.
Cut his head off…
Did he seriously call on his supporters to defend him????? Oh my god
@Thomas V: But no one showed up he thought they will show up with Guns like Michigan

, can’t open carry in Washington besides these cowards are Terrified of Antifa whom they were presence God Bless Antifa.
@Gary Conner I doubt Melania will take a bullet for him.
@Mop head who were the original Antifa, 1939-1945 our grandparents.
He did wanted them to show up so there will be a blood bath but non of those idiots showed up.
@Leonie Romanes no but I bet she wishes that he would take up side the head!
“MAGA loves black people”…until after the election.

Even the MAGA idiots heard that and went, WAIT WTF!?! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Robert Lee really?
They should just walk him and his family back to his bunker and seal them all in it permanently.
Lock them up!
Boy Ain’t Right better yet, put them in radioactive
Seeing as he loves to emulate hitler so much, wouldn’t it be ironic if he ‘petered out’ eventually in the same sort of location?
Good idea. I have to add bill Barr, Pompeyo, Mitch, Munichin(IRS), Kellyan Conway, Sean hannity, all have to be lock together with trump royal corrupt family. Round up the rest of the w/h. unablers and put them in jail for life.
Every American get registered if you’re not already wear a mask and VOTE HIM OUT OF POWER
@Joseph- “Lmao!!! Yeah, vote psycho tRump because he’ll be much better. (Sarcasm). That’s the only way that republiKKKlans can win; by cheating the vote.
You Ruskie trolls are the enemy of this country. You will NOT prevail.
If he’s not wearing a straight jacket by then, maybe psycho tRump will run again?? Oh wait, he already lost once. Lmao! “
Briza Ac : You probably think President Trump was impeached, don’t you?
M99980 : Oh, is that why you’re going to ignore me? Or is it because you can’t defend your leftist rhetoric?
That’s EXACTLY what I’ve posted, many times over….. AND get your mail-in ballot, just in case.
@Joseph …. No matter WHAT B.S. Donald says to brainwash his followers with, people do NOT get mail-in to “cheat” the system. — EVERY ELECTION, millions of overseas military; seasonal out-of-staters; seniors and invalids who physically CANNOT get to a precinct ALL vote-by-mail……. and yes, Donald Trump also votes by mail (he “works” in DC, but is a resident in Florida)
The look on Joe’s face after man baby babbled was priceless.

He’s silent while someone is writing something for him to say. It takes a few days…There is no way he can say anything on his own that won’t make himself look like a menacing clown…This guy would bomb his own country.
This so called great leader.
America greatest weakness is stupidity.
@chris532008 how
@Tu AlexanderI hope not, america can’t take it.
I agree, that’s why we need to better the school-system.
“America’s greatest weakness is stupidity.” Couldn’t agree more.
@ozzyozzyozzy oioioi – DUMP TRUMP 2020 !!! … psycho tRump gave us President Biden in November…hahahahhahaahahhahahhaha
The President need to be a leader in calming and unifying America.
Lol; still hopeful, huh?
He’s incompetent to accept help or admit mistakes. How can he learn from mistakes if he cant understand mistakes that have been made. Sad….
not this President who has helped the nation with absolutely nothing. The fact that people still wanna vote for this guy.
True statement but “wishin ain’t getten”
Don’t hold your breath!
Sounds like he’s cowering inside and calling for his gang to come protect him.
I agwee you supa smawt
“They love black people”
He needs to stay silent. Every time he opens his mouth something stupid comes out! Lies come out!
breaks his fingers so he cant post these messages without some kind of oversight help from his aids.