The US economy added 372,000 jobs in June, a signal that the labor market remains robust despite recession fears. CNN's Christine Romans, Rahel Solomon and Zain Asher discuss the Bureau of Labor Statistics report. #CNN #News
‘America’s job machine is firing on all cylinders’: Romans on the June jobs report

This is what happens when get people back to work after 4 years of lunacy
1 Matthew Williams Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Even Trump’s 1% are liking these numbers. 🤗
I’m always amazed at how much they misunderstand unemployment numbers
Who is ‘they’? Do you mean you?
Still need to bring inflation down. Gas prices have gone down for 3 weeks. There is hope.
@Biden2024 do you? This has to do with opportunistic profits. Do you read the oil company reports?
That’s because people are working 2 jobs to make ends meet.
Inflation supply chain shortages high gas prices are everywhere around the world.
After four years how many jobs did Trump create. Let’s look that up on our phone.
@kesha Smith negative number
*Video not for children! Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.ML
Mr.Dunn – respect for you.
425 likes in 7 minutes and all the others are at 10 at the most? BS! How’d you do that?
@JR Porter Id like to know too… damn …
@JR Porter now guess where CNN gets its upvotes from lmao
@JR Porter running a script on youtube, and youtube’s IT team can’t stop it.
Does people going back to work after forced lock downs really count as “job creation”?
@Nic C how so?
@Nic C cultist . It doesn’t .
@Tomas Pita you know you don’t actually believe that
@Tomas Pita lmao
Sorry, we’re like the Coyote off the edge of the cliff… Once the overstocks get worked through and the sales end – the slow down after is going to be brutal. I’ve been hearing the phrase “Bullwhip Effect” a lot lately. I honestly believe that this is the numbers lagging behind the reality most of us are seeing in our lives. Take care everybody! 🙏
@Terminal Insanity “Netherlands has criminalized farming”… Nice tag line to create anger/fear… Truth is the Netherlands Gov. made rules to cut the use of fertilizers and the amount of livestock a single farm could have. It could lead to food shortages/farms shutting down, possibly, but to say “The Netherlands has criminalized farming” is a “tad” hyperbolic…
FJB too. (And those that voted for him)
And I bet none of them are paying a livable wage in this broken society.
What are Republikkkklans doing?
@JMadison I’ve had the same for for 7 years. Thanks.
@brent olson So you have an object with more processing power and capabilities than an entire supercomputer from 20 years ago in your pocket, capable of doing virtually anything.
You have time to sit around on the internet instead of accomplishing anything meaningful. I can predict with 100% accuracy that you aren’t going hungry..
You are living in the best time in human history and still whine all day. Why is that?
Full employment is only a problem if supply and demand is ignored. Up the wages and watch how the purchasing side rises. Rich folks hate thst because they don’t like paying.
10% inflation wouldn’t hurt me much because I’m a worker who happens to consume, not the other way around. It hurts the hell out of the 1%, the people who own our debt as an asset. They take a $200billion a year haircut on our debt payments (car, credit card, etc.)
What does hurt me is the highwaymen jacking prices way more than they need to. Inflation was 8.6% for the last year but Walmart has jacked prices about 14% across the board – that ain’t supply chain, that’s profiteering off our ‘misery’.
But it ain’t misery, is it? That’s just what Manchin wants you to think. 8.6% divided by 12 months is really just $0.72 on every $100 I spend – oh the sacrifice! If I make a pound cake and substitute margarine for 1/4 of the butter you will NEVER taste the difference and I just bought down the inflation on a hundred-dollar bill. That’s the real of it, innit.
Know why Biden is releasing a million barrels a day from our reserve? Because domestic producers are shorting the market by exactly that much to drive prices up. With the Biden release we are ‘producing’ 13mmb instead of 12 – that’s profiteering
More complicated is the effect of Trump tariffs – congress is supposed to control that but he did it by fiat – Biden can’t just reverse it because it was “illegal” so a trump industrial ally could tie it up in court – that’s just one of the ways the previous admin handed Joe this sh*t sandwich of inflation.
When Biden took office a full 20% of all cash in circulation had been created in the previous 12 months
Please reread that
When Biden took office Trump had create a full 28% of the entire national debt and spent as much in four years as Obama in 8 and Bush in 8
How? Well yeah covid, but it goes deeper. He raided the treasury with deficit spending to shove over a trillion dollars cash into the pockets of America’s richest and gave you and me a cup of coffee a day – how putin of him
WORSE – he deregulated wall street (Footnote 563 Dodd-Frank) and untethered the rice of gas at the pump from the price of a barrel of oil for the first time in history
That my fellow Americans is just part of how Trump created this inflation
@Tomas Pita.. Right On~!
I was curious so I asked about a job at one of these restaurants that has signs up on how they are now hiring because they are so short staffed. Part time for $10/hour and no benefits. I hope they go out of business.
@Vale Visa I also wanted to point out that you said nobody forced me, but then you turned around and said you were forced because you didn’t have any skills.
@Jim Carter You are right,when we don’t have any skills,we are forced to accept anything.I was a lazy young man who didn’t want to learn ,and i payed for that in my life.Luckily i woke up and learned a trade so i can make a comfortable living.
Title should read, “Recovered jobs after Democrat policies caused mass layoffs”.
@Vale Visa what trade ??
@Biden2024 Well,if you can call it a trade,truck driver.But anyway i make good money.
We are in a recession…..look at how salaries are being raised to MATCH cost of Living? ….if it doesn’t (and it’s not even close btw) then the lack of confidence in the fed will continue to create more confusion with their too late attitude and response to inflations rise for them but just the opposite for the average person (recession: cost of goods and services are out pacing ability to pay for them…so I’ll not spend where I can’t afford to. ) … we’ll something like anyway… blessings
I agree with you 100% F them Robo tax they just get mad when you get it right
Pastor Dave. Sick to preaching your Bronz Age Mythological Fantasies.. Leave economics to the educated people.
“(recession: cost of goods and services are out pacing ability to pay for them”
not what a recession is.
it’s 2 or more straight quarters of slowing or negative growth.
we might be in a recession now, caused by russia invading Ukraine.
otoh, we had the best growth in 50 years in 2021.
Biden’s economy last year broke all sort of records, every single one positive except for inflation.
so instead of a recession we might just be looking at a return to realistic growth instead of supercharged growth.
Groceries this week $224
Refrigerator is empty 🙁 even after having spent this much
Buying fruit & vegetables is a luxury
Are we for real? $1 for an apple? 😭
Go to another planet to find less expensive prices.
A $100 shopping bill went up $0.72 over the last month due to inflation – somebody is gouging you. Walmart has raised prices by 14% but the inflation is only 8.6% of that
@Tomas Pita.. Exactly~!
Hell yeah, I work full time, my gf has two jobs, and we can barley afford rent. I love America!
1 SophisticatedGoat Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Exactly why we should stop voting for Dems . They want higher taxes
The fed propps up Wall St to the tune of over 4 trillion a day through the reverse repot, cns programs, but it’s OK for inflation to ravage the middle and lower classes. Imo banks and ws caused this problem
@Tomas Pita don’t forget about the largest unfunded tax cut in the history of 3 or 4 humanities
@Tomas Pita I understand all that but explain that to the people who blame the Biden administration for what is going on with the economy. The vast majority of the people say the country and economy are heading in the wrong direction.
I wonder if the anomaly would be the fact of an abnormally high death rate across our nation due to the Covid pandemic and the lack of response has thrown an imbalance into the normal cause and effect of all aspects and therefore is rippling through the jobs market inflation and the economy as a whole
1 DaFinaglgrrrr Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
You are correct my friend, over 250K people of working age passed away in the last two years, and none of these talking heads ever mentioned the amount of loss in working age people that causing this strange recession to look different.
I agree with you 100% you know when you’re right when you get a robo text
I would rather have inflation than losing good jobs. I think spending will slow down when school starts again. People are traveling at any price because they have been home for two years.
1 Janie K Carney Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Wait 15 to20 minutes , until the engine cools down . Being careful not to get burned ,check for leaks, burst hoses , broken fan belts , or other obvious mechanical faults ( see table opposite).
1 Richard Mckenzie Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
The US economy chose to slow inflation. This does mean The Greatest Depression within a year.
1 Eldritch Sun Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer