Americans flock to public places for Memorial Day

Many Americans visited public places for Memorial Day weekend amid concerns from officials that the crowds could result in a spike of coronavirus cases. CNN's Kyung Lah has more.
#CNN #News


  1. This is why I’m stay in my semi working as bad as I would love to be at the beaches I’ll pass it’s like they are itching to get sick like come on use common sense guys πŸ˜‘πŸ˜”πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

    1. @lotto If that’s the case, even if don’t value your self, how about trying to show concern for others?

    1. @AUTONOMEN x They are actually getting their vitamin D. πŸ€” Oh wait I suppose you’re against vitamins as well. πŸ˜’

  2. This pandemic has made it perfectly clear that America’s education system has failed the vast idiots

    1. Vast idiots???? There’s already the biggest number one idiot in the White House, Donald the dictator, and that by no means is an understatement neither #NotMyPresident

  3. watching all these vids makes me feel like:

    am I stupid or are they stupid??? certainly the common sense I know of isn’t working with those group of ppl….

    1. @whyamimrpink78 This is the kind of logic & fact that is wasted on the sheeple. Even the “smart” people don’t know the difference between SARS-Cov-2 & Covid-19. Transmission of the virus does NOT imply getting the disease, much less a mortality. Even the CDC reports a mortality rate of 0.25%. “Oh, but if it was your grandma the numbers wouldn’t mean anything!” No, but if my grandma spent her whole life building a business that was destroyed in 2 months…oh well, at least we “saved lives”….Sheeple!

  4. 2:13 No idiot, it is not true… problem is “responsible for our own actions” does not work when people fills in urgency care, intensive care, and resources do not match the demand.

  5. Everyone acts strong until they are lying on a hospital bed relying on a ventilator to breath, then they want help and start prying to “God”.

    1. Ian Stuart the average age of a coronavirus fatality is 82 years old. Not surprising 80% of those on ventilators died.

    2. Darwin was right. Natural selection. Only the strong will survive. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. @Clear Channel I think your friend meant They claim to know nothing about the new virus but they Santa Claus tracked it from Italy to New York perfectly. Now they say it’s gone and will return in the fall, but they know nothing about virus. Sure the all the hype sounds hoax but the virus might be real. I don’t know and can’t say

    1. Sad thing is these fkn scum will probably get a ventilator while other people who didn’t carry on like a twat are waitin for one

    2. @Lucius Kiirus so? Masks reduce the infection rate by more than 50 %. In many places that 50 % makes the difference between the disease flaring up an the disease fading out.

    3. Michael Mc, you said it! Many of these people who are flouting the laws will get access to ventilator before many others who have been keeping every letter of the law, especially before people of color.

    4. @Lucius Kiirus even the cloth masks are effective for cutting the spread by 75% if EVERYONE wears them! Your mask stops YOUR virus infected droplets from reaching me, and mine stops them from getting to you. That’s the whole point!

  6. When the death toll hits 200000 will everyone still flock to the beach and hug and kiss each other ? My guess is yes.

    1. @Kenneth Grimes So true. We will all die. Why bother trying to avoid it? Why bother wearing a seat belt, or keeping your fingers out of the light socket? The grim reaper comes for us all in the end.

  7. You want to “take care of ur own health” huh. Well dont you ever go to a hospital when you get sick.

    1. No, I don’t. 95% of the illnesses I’ve gotten required OTC medicine & rest. The other 5% required a quick primary care physician appointment.

  8. “we are all responsible for our actions” How’s that possible if they spread the virus to many others? These people really only think about themselves.

    1. Royal Palms We get it but ultimately it’s these flippant actions where you’re going to get it. You can’t stop doing everything

    2. @Ramjambammam Dude except you’re not supposed to drive drunk because THAT protects innocent people from your selfish risk assessment you sorry pos!

    3. @Royal Palms well if EVERYONE would wear a mask, your chances of not getting sick would improve up to 75%. But these selfish pricks don’t waaaaaant to!

    1. Noooooooooooo you can’t infringe upon my liberty and freedom I’ll not wear a shirt whenever I want or shoes!!!! Wait that sign for no shirt no shoes has been up forever. Well I guess us freedom fighters missed it. Well ain’t doing a mask then because I might as well give up all liberties and live in china…wait the mask is also for my safety. Screw you and your safety. Losers trade safety for freedom.

  9. So much lack of self discipline and concern for others.. even my teenagers understand this is serious. Sad we have no plan and no unity

    1. Girl wake up, the hospitals are emptier than theyve ever been. Everyone on these news videos are paid actors

    2. @Yout Mon if that s the case there would be few cases in Africa and the middle east WHERE ITS HOT+!!!

  10. This has nothing to do with job/salary desperation. It’s, “I want me to be safe so I am” or “the Lord is my vaccine” and other like nonsense. It’s why we’re seeing this kind of thing and why we will continue to blow away the rest of the world in cases and deaths.

  11. “We’re all responsible for our own actions.” The trouble with this is that you can easily pass the virus to others who then put front-line workers in danger. Sooooooooooo irresponsible. “We want to take care of out own health.” This woman is an idiot. No other word for it. And a selfish one at that.

  12. *”We don’t want the government to keep us safe”*
    Famous last words when she ends up in ICU on her death bed! πŸ˜·β˜ πŸ‘Ž

    1. very few will die. get over it. 99 percent will be fine. You can punish the 99 for the 1. common sense

    2. Yeah that was a weird proclamation. If you don’t want the government to keep you safe, then wtf is it for?

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