So far this year, there have been 201 mass shootings in the United States, and it's only May. CNN and the Gun Violence Archive define a mass shooting as one that injures or kills four or more people. As a reminder that gun violence spares no state, city or town, these are the places where they've happened in 2022. #CNN #News
America has had 201 mass shootings this year. And counting. Hear where they were

As an Indian , I am concerned about the human rights violations in the United States of America
@shubham I hope so
Worry about your own “developing” country and get a job answering phones.
I dared to ask?
Pandemic has caused all kinds of problems. Suicides way up too.
Depends on the generation.
This is heartbreaking
@The Bilbo Show save the nonsense
@The Bilbo Show Correct! Get your vote or your money.
@Mike Bryant it isn’t nonsense just because it takes a second to think about. Wake up.
Do you know how many are gangbangers killing each other over drug trade or turf? They aren’t so heartbreaking.
They are mostly in the hood
and its only May…
Might as well play Johnny Cash “I’ve been everywhere”
Stop allowing Corporations to donate to politicians.
@Mike Bryant Yup and how did you guys rioted innocent businesses and burnt down towns? You guys saw media and went for it. Attacking business owners who didn’t do anything with police brutality. So yes
Politicians will never go against their “corporate sponsors”. Congress needs Accountability Rules!
What a nation! Its the way they defend their ‘freedom’ that always gets me laughing.
@David C what’s happening in Australia? No mass shootings and health care for all What a terrible place that sounds like.
This is institutions and corporations continuing to profit as those who actually make this thing work go against each other.
@Arc Decibel cute name kid. Number of poor are growing. People are realizing just where they stand with the wealthy and powerful. Uh oh
@my name is nobody , your account has been opened for three months so you might not know this.
Your opinion doesn’t matter when you’re just repeating nonsense
What? Hahaha
0:28 This should be on every daily news report, just like the stock market and sports results – maybe then Americans will take mass shootings seriously (although they probably won’t).
@Dave Mckolanis I didn’t say gun fatalities. And they are not including gang bangers killing each other either. But isn’t it curious how they NEVER mention a shop or homeowner or any law abiding citizen using a firearm to protect themselves? I’m fine with taking guns away from criminals, leave mine alone!
Our endless wars have become domestic.
I’ve been fond of Kaitlan Collins ever since she unintentionally tag-teamed with Weijia Jiang and Yamiche Alcindor at that White House South Lawn presser and caused Trump to walk off with his tail between his legs.
shes Lukewarm.
I bet this was mostly black on black. But no one is discussing why
05.16.2022 = 136 Days this Year
201 (mass shootings) ÷ 136 (Days) = 1,47 mass shooting EVERY DAY !
(Like 3 Shootings every 2 Days)
Not even Afghanistan or Iraq is this Bad, like honestly wtf is going on ?
Great sample size. You should stay away from statistics.
אנשים שתוקפים זה את זה בחדרי הצ’אט האלה זה מספיק הסבר
go to Philly 3 a day literally they call them drive bys but its all the same
@Logan W These people are unable to think for themself. These are the kind of people need who need “truth ministry” to tell them how to think.
America gets exactly what it votes for and deserves. Dont worry prayers will help.
I guess that would mean that 6 years ago,you not only voted for multiple mass shootings, which included many schools as targets, but you also voted for the deadliest one in modern times,which occurred in October 2017,when 60 people were gunned down at a Las Vegas music fest. Good job!!
@tom kliber why is it so difficult to put the blame on the individual?
@Jay Boyd kinda fucked up not gonna lie. If u went it to happen u do it buddy
My initial reaction when they switched was to laugh… and then it hit hard when I realized I’ve been desensitized…
We close to suffer from Compassion fatigue regarding that subject !
It’s been going on for so long that we all know the routine !
Mass shooting – everyone is shocked and sad – the press cover the story – nothing get done about it….next day next shooting
Rinse and repeat!
@Berserkir Claws and don’t forget your thoughts and prayers…
@Sachi Perez people try to mean well I get it but that comment of “thoughts and prayers” to me is one of the most worthless comment imaginable!
I’m not try to offend those who use it they want to write it be my guest it still a free country but to my opinion better write nothing.
@Berserkir Claws Part of the price of living in a free society. Bad people are free to do bad things.
Whoa my city is in there
The operators of social media platforms share much responsibility and are complicit in some of this death and injury to our society by allowing the spread of hate speech and hateful ideologies on their sites in the name of corporate profits and ‘free speech’.
1 ronkirk50 Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“America has had 201 mass shootings this year. And counting…” so let’s #ConvinceItForward
1 HeartDoc Andrew Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Cassandra Torres , I am simply wonderfully hungry and hope you, Cassandra, and others reading my comment at the top, also have a healthy appetite too. So how are you ?
@Cassandra Torres , your not being able to reply appropriately over the past 5 minutes since being greeted here means, Cassandra, you’re #StatCOVID19Test **positive** indicating that it’s possible you’re unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic) needing to call your doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines.
It starts with parenting, make your kids know there’s consequences to pay if they do something wrong. Make prisons someplace you don’t want to.
1 layne annen Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
So many peaceful protests!
Thanks CNN for reporting!
1 Dmitriy Steps Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer