Amendment could keep Putin in power until 2036

Russian President Vladimir Putin could stay in power until 2036 after lawmakers voted in favor of a last-ditch proposal to reset the clock on the leader's presidential term count in an updated version of the constitution.

Under current Russian law, Putin is required to step down as president in 2024, when his second consecutive term in office comes to an end.
The proposed constitutional amendment was brought by MP Valentina Tereshkova, a loyal Putin supporter, and called for the presidential term limit to either be scrapped or simply for Putin to be allowed to run for president again. CNN's Matthew Chance reports.

#Putin #CNN #News


    1. Don Rutter – what a crock of sh*t. The New York Times isn’t even worthy of being Michael Moore’s toilet paper.

    1. @Delta Blues i thought this story was about putin. when you turn anything and everything onto trump then i would suggest you have an issue.

    1. Lol. You’re a troll. The proposed amendments will grant more power to the Parliament and will weaken the power of presidency.

    2. Because chinese is communist they got no vote.. but Russia is not communist anymore..USSR was..

    1. @Лёха Силантьев серьезно? путина президентом хотят в странах с подобным нам развитием и там, где люди подвержены культу одной агрессивной личности во главе государства. европейцы слишком хорошо живут, чтобы позволить людям, вроде Путина, узурпировать власть в их странах. разница в социально-экономическом развитии и правовой и политической просвещенности колоссальная, поэтому у них демократия в большинстве случаев работает, а у нас она только на бумажке написана, пока на деле россия уже давно превратилась в скрыто авторитарное государство с черт знает какой ебанутой формой монархии. не придумали ещё такого вида для обозначения правления путина и ему подобных правителей.

    1. So cool if he did do a bond movie. Write his own script. Tom Hanks as the good guy.
      Super money maker. No??

    1. Lol. You’re a troll. The proposed amendments will grant more power to the Parliament and will weaken the power of presidency.

    2. Thats what happens when citizens want increased power left wing collectivist governments instead of limited power individualist right wing governments.

    1. Putin is good man and loves proud Russian journalists. Hillary caused coronavirus and Obama turned the frogs gay. Trump 2024

    2. Sehrmer I hear Putin also pays hundreds of agents to spread rumours that he’s really good in bed and doesn’t have a tiny penis like a rejected gherkin.

    3. Fletch, that’s like shooting floating fish in barrel. It’s fun, but is it sport?
      Obama is the SPOAT! (supreme president of all time)

    1. Actually it is bad. Because of coronavirus no mass events are allowed to take place, so no chance for people to vent their frustration.

    1. Lol. You’re a troll. The proposed amendments will grant more power to the Parliament and will weaken the power of presidency. All will be voted by the people.

    2. @JamieLan2011 Have you read the proposed amendments? Or are u just listening to fake news? The proposed amendments will be voted directly by the people in a national referendum in April 2020.

    1. @Macdonald Maurice Anyone can defeat that senile Biden who challenges voters asking questions to step outside and fight. Democrats are the ones that should be worried

    2. @Orca Master yeah, that’s why Democrats wanted to elect Racist Bloomberg who is the same as Trump. Hypocrites

    3. @Macdonald Maurice that sure as hell was Clinton’s argument that most Trump supporters are racists homophobics. funny when a Democrat says it its ok but when a republican does it its not. also. last i checked? The president has ALWAYS been elected by the Elector College, not by popular votes. so your argument of who won the most vote is stupid.

    1. At killing over 600 of your fellow citizens in order to blame another country so as to start a war and look like the big hero in order to be elected president. You pickle!

    2. Vlad you are the best! You conned less than half the easy mark voters in the US to elect your puppet Drumpf.

    1. @Serge I. – I’m an american. But wasn’t it super bad after we “put in” Yelstin, economically?

    2. Baracka HUSSIEN Obamas real name is bath house Barry SODOMITE Soetoro. Why do baracka HUSSIEN obama not get to be president again?!

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