Amber Heard took the stand on Wednesday in her defense against a $50 million defamation claim brought by her ex-husband, Johnny Depp, detailing the early days of their romance and allegations of physical and sexual abuse. CNN's Chloe Melas reports. #CNN #News
Amber Heard gives emotional testimony in defamation trial

She is a narcissistic liar who lied about her abuse if you actually paid attention to the trial. It’s disgusting to those who have actually been abused for a liar to come and act like she was abused just for money
@Joseph Raymond You’re still crying about that?
@Angelito didn’t say I was wrong
@Joseph Raymond execpt Kyle rittenhouse didn’t do anything wrong
@Joseph Raymond except kyle was innocent
@Joseph Raymond kyle was innocent though. so what’s your point?
This trial is the most painful and difficult thing she’s ever been through ? What about all the violence and abuse she has alleged? Worst actress EVER!
I agree
& what about the childhood PHYSICAL Abuse from her Dad & HIS drug abuse (she told EVERYONE about), also PAINFUL & DIFFICULT

I know the point you’re making, but please remember that recounting abuse in court can actually be as devastating or worse than the abuse itself. There’s no standard on how one handles this. I hate to think she’s setting back women and men who have actually been abused.
@A H
Well, she is.
The crying to actual tears ratio is astounding. I’ve had a couple of exes with this amazing ability too. Just to turn it on and off when convenient…and they all also always forgot to switch on the tears as well.
She didn’t even cry, where did you see her cry?? Lmao
@K3r0411 , there were no tears.
Yeah it’s called being a psychopath.
She obviously flunked Fake Tears 101.
Me too dude. Its so irritating to witness this bs. Worse thing about it, is that women like this actually think they are fooling you, when its evident to everyone that they are full of it. They lie so much that they believe their own lies and also believe the rest of us do it too.
RIDICULOUS! She victimized herself to the limit. Crying with no tears. Everything, even show in court with no or minimum make up was prepared. Uggggg
@Squizzy Bollocks you loose. Try again zombie
@Joe Dye Trump lost get over it.
“Emotional” testimony, huh? No tears, horrible facial expressions which come across as over “acting”. And WHY would she agree to marry JD if it was so bad? Why did the relationship go on for so long before they got married? IF all this was true, red lights, bells & whistles should have been going off and she should have run the opposite way. Amber loved the attention, the notoriety, the money.
Amber is obviously very sick and needs committed care.
@Trouble man. Say what you will about Kyle, he could make some convincing tears
yes, send in the men in white to take her away!
Why would Amber Heard and her attorneys filed a motion to dismiss the case if Johnny Depp was the abuser?
@K W Because it’s “Standard Practice, Lawyer 101”. Every defense attorney is going to file a motion to dismiss. If they don’t, they aren’t even a half way decent lawyer.
@Ritapita73 Yes, Lawyer 101: always try to get case dismissed. This is basic stuff. No surprises.
@Serendipity I mean I wouldn’t call these lawyers halfway decent lmao they put up a picture of dog hair and said it was ambers. Rather have no evidence than clearly fake evidence lol.
she is known to be a “trauma thief” where she tells others’ traumatic experiences as her own. as a dv survivor, she does not pass the vibe check. she keeps using these qualifiers “i remember the dirty carpet” “my breath on the window” “I remember thinking that I had just finished the dress” that seem to be added to make her experiences feel more authentic, but she delivers them like lines of a script. she’s constantly screwing up her face so unnaturally, and can’t actually cry.
on the other hand, Johnny depp acts out the violence on the stand in a way that connects him to the memory of his experience. he sys few words, but you can just feel the emotion and truth.
I hate that amber heard is doing this in the name of women who have survived violence against men, bc she sets us all back, by having to pick apart a woman’s story. but men very much are dv survivors, too, and I think Johnny depp is doing a great service for people who are too afraid to come forward. we stand with Johnny depp.
@Jordan Chen lawl
Very good analysis! I was a volunteer at at battered women’s shelter. I feel the same way about her as well!
Real narc survivors can read her like a book.
@JAGUAR SOUL no she said he grabbed tiny dog holding out to the window howling. Dog was fine.. not she why the odd detail .. he’s crazy did drugs but she doesn’t do drugs.. just little mushroom cap.. right
I have never seen such crocodile tears from a woman this bad…
NY times actually photoshopped tears onto her for a story cover.
she is desperate she doesnt want her fame to fade away. She got caught for all the scam she did.
I have. Such fakes.
I cannot wait for the cross examination from his lawyers. This woman is despicable.
@Annie Goulaheee that’s wild
@anne amus amber focus on your trial. No need to comment on yt videos from your alt accounts.
She is telling the truth.
@john Solberg are you lost? Lol
The fact that she is on tape admitting to striking him and then saying nobody will believe it. Tells me all I need to know about this woman.
She is no victims and the opposite of an alley to any woman who has actually been abused
@Mr Rey You know it all. Why let the court handle it. You sound like a fair and impartial guy. Lol
@Jerome Luce Except, Johnny Depp is the victim with actual evidence to prove it. Popping up in the middle of trial to support the defendant (Mrs Crazy Heard) is poor judgement on your part, fool.
Yes she is indeed not a dirty cold alley
Her acting on the stand is painful. It’s hard to believe a word she says! Her lawyers are working hard for JOHNNY! I’m glad they are! Go Johnny!
Shucks, check out her make-up, or lack of it. Even her hairdo is more “softer”. It’s to make her LOOK vulnerable, a more likeable character. Cause you really can’t come back from being “Heard on a turd”.
@Samsonite Dove which part of the movie?
@Mimsy Whimsy The quote from the Talented Mr. Ripley is:
“Marge Sherwood: The thing with Dickie… it’s like the sun shines on you, and it’s glorious. And then he forgets you and it’s very, very cold.
Tom Ripley: So I’m learning.
Marge Sherwood: When you have his attention, you feel like you’re the only person in the world, that’s why everybody loves him so much.”
What Amber Heard said in court was:
“The thing with (Johnny)… it’s like the sun shines on you, and it’s glorious..And then he forgets you and it’s very, very cold. When you have his attention, you feel like you’re the only person in the world, that’s why everybody loves him so much.”
Changing only the character “Dickie” to an almost inaudibly said “Johhny”.
She probably decided to use the quote because Johhny Depp at one point in his testimony while being continuously interrupted by Amber Heard’s laywers objections said: “So I’m learning”.
@Walter Bo given all the evidence against her he doesn’t need to act. It was genuine. She abused him and ruined his life
You can see the way she’s looking around the room when she’s ‘crying’ as if to say ‘can everyone see I’m crying.. looka my non-tears’ total fraud.
@Red Comet Insecure af.
@Wendy Williams *Cry more*

@Drakenpage *They’re not on ANY side. Stop projecting your own personal hatred and bias towards Heard. I don’t believe her either, but you’re grasping at straws blaming CNN*
“You can please tell people that it was a fair fight, and see what the jury and judge thinks. Tell the world Johnny, tell them Johnny Depp, I, Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim too of domestic violence. And I, you know, it’s a fair fight. And see how many people believe or side with you.”
“But you’re fine, I did not hurt you… you’re a f****** baby. You are such a baby, grow the f*** up, Johnny.”
How are we supposed to believe her after hearing recording of her saying these things to Johnny. She claims to be scared of him but yet talks to him and treats him like trash. She’s deserves to go to jail
You left out the part where she said “I did not punch you, I was hitting you”
@Mike’D Up! with Mike DiCioccio Her ridiculous picture of arm when she said he hit her repeatedly in the face.
I swear I don’t even know how to respond to this.
@Pandamoniumm Vic Yeah well CNN doesnt exactly live in the same reality you and I do.
If her stories are real to he tried to kill her several times, and she gave him a knife as a gift that said “Till death” on it.
She’s in so many self advancement relationships…they should just stop her now.
The fact that she’s constantly looking at the jury is what gives it away. When Depp was up, you could see that he was reliving some old, and painful memories. He wasn’t trying his best to make sure he was presentable and coherent to an “audience”. She looks like she’s trying to gain everyone’s approval, and it’s a despicable attempt.
Coached to the hilt
@aj have you watched the trial at all? Not just small clips on YouTube? He is the abused one. I’ve been abused too. He deserves to win because she’s lying. She did ruin his career to get one for herself. She should be criminally prosecuted. Even her own psychologist said she hit Jonny and abused him.
She ruined Johnny’s life and reputation for attention. This is offensive to the entire Me Too movement. I hope that Johnny gets his career back.
Even people who are not in the acting business can tell that these “crocodile tears” are contrived and even laughable. She put on the performance of a lifetime…NOT!
You have to be a basement-dweller with no human interaction to not know what a red flag dry-crying is.
There’s this guy who did a behavioral analysis on both of them and he said 100% that she’s lying. He said he can tell that Johnny is not lying because he doesn’t change the way he’s talking the entire time he is slow and steady because he’s thinking back to what happened she is talking way too fast as if it was orchestrated or planned out like she went over it before she said it. Just like a script.
Former FBI detective here (15+ years). She’s lying. She rushed through key elements that matter greatly in case like this, including moments when he “slap” and “beats” her. Things like that take time to fully explain as any normal person retelling those events will be mentally and emotionally exhausting. No actual tears are a huge indicator that she’s forcing her frown-like facial expressions. She constantly looks at the jury for approval, which is what liars tend to do. When I would sit down with criminals (who we knew for a fact were guilty), they would always try to convince everyone else around them. It’s obvious what she’s saying is not true.
I agree and im not a previous detective ir body language expert, but i was married to an abuser for 23 years. Physically, emotionally, verbally, psychologically, and sexually. Shes doing everything my ex husband was doing when he was lying and making things up. Narcissists that arent professional actors, are still “professional” actors. Its all a show, its all about gaining empathy from jury, shes over acting, and dramatizing unimportant things, your right shes not going into depth the hurt and pain of any scenario where jd physically abused her, hes only guilty of abusing drugs and alcohol, not this master manipulative monster.
She also greatly explains what she was thinking at time in such great detail, like the dirty carpet amd how its happening again….shes off
I felt nothing whatsoever watching her testimony. There were certain points where I thought I was about to feel something, but no. Her words are completely devoid of genuineness. It is jarring and bizarre watching someone try so hard to look upset. Everyone experiences some kind of trauma in their lives, but no one is ever that theatrical about it. At least not in the way she was.
It’s insane how corporate media is portraying her I would have never thought she was an actress how bad she’s acting
None of this feels genuine. I mean, we might never know the truth of what happened.
But that doesn’t change the fact her testimony is almost comically over-acted.