Amb. Wendy Sherman tells Lawrence O’Donnell that the Trump administration’s “one-off action” to launch a strike that killed the top Iranian revolutionary guard commander could have “unbelievably horrific consequences” for the United States. Aired on 01/02/20.
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Amb. Wendy Sherman: ‘Terrible Reprisals’ Could Follow U.S. Strike In Baghdad | The Last Word | MSNBC
Trump is poison!
@Pierre Marie Cordier Sinister, corrupted, immoral, greedy, manipulative, evil.
Drain the Swamp
Billy Bloggs : Yes but in this specific case, it will be necessary to supply electric trumps for decades.
If you’ve got trouble at home ,start a war
@Walt Schmidt yep, presidents should be allowed to use the presidency to bribe foreign governments to aid them in winning an election.
@Redridge07 Keep dreaming. The Biden’s are money laundering criminals. Since the democrats don’t even have a nominee for President, the whole “Trump trying to get help for his re-election” is a big fuc& ing JOKE. Just like the entire Democrat party. Bunch of sore losers, criminals, liars and socialists…
Glen Ayres I think you meant bone spur
Printagic Online the Potus is not the country. The job and the man are different entities and the country is it’s own political entity.
Mark my words : they will not stay quiet after this and more Americans will die because the blunder of a Draft dodger.
@Gina R You really got me. I’m voting Democrat now. How did you do that?
@Gina R If there was no substance to our banter then why does it bother you so much?
Trump acted like a bully with zero consideration for how his actions would affect America and Americans everywhere!
they were killing americans RICK … storming ambassies .. do you know christians are oppressed everywhere in the middle east .. well trump protects them .. and the americans living there and the soldiers .. not like hillary who left them for dead in benghazi ..
@Francois Lauzon It is hard to reason with people who suffer from trump derangement syndrome. They have no idea what it is to have a president with balls. They are used to incompetency like the previous 3 administrations
You put a madman in charge of the White House and this is what you get. The strike not only killed Soleimani but also an Iraqi Commander who was in charge of the fight against ISIS. This man who sits in the White House is the most deranged and intellectually challenged individual to hold office in the history of the United states and yet his stooges and supporters dare make false comments about the previous president. They don’t seem to understand the consequences of this man’s foolish and dangerous act.
Now Americans both in the US and elsewhere have to pay the price for his stupidity and bravado. He has endangered the lives of innocent people and worsened the already horrible situation in the middle east.
There can be no hope for this world until this madman, this scourge is removed from office. No hope at all!! ***
So taking out Bin Laden did what…what the fk the difference you dumb sob?
He has no analytical and leadership skills.
The timing of this attack makes one wonder if this was done as a smoke screen to the Impeachment hearings coming up.
Oh it was
One, the impeachment is done and over; #2: tRump administration thinks that they can repeat the time Congress had temporarily suspend Clinton’s impeachment to address Libya. One thing thou, it’s too late, the House has done its part. So this poor execution of warfare is beyond miscalculated. Thanks to tRump, we’re nothing but sitting ducks.
Or a false flag
Why impeachment is bad for the Dems no republicans
Ha! Trump, plan, and strategy in the same sentence is some kind of bad joke. This is just like the trade war and the concentration camps at the southern border. All bravado with no exit strategy.
Trump can’t plan or use strategy. Same sentence, and not a joke. You’re wrong, speks.
Also, it’s more like, this is how the US government has been managed for the past couple decades at least. Lies and propaganda. No exit strategy because they almost always get away with it. A scapegoat is good every now and then.
I mean, all this is happening in America because Americans simply don’t care about their own country. I assume it’s because their IQ isn’t high enough to know that they should care about more than just their biased emotions.
Sadly, this the mentality of an average or normal person. Ignorance and stupidity.
Kathleen, you have so much tolerance and patience with the “stupid and ill informed” with quiet measured response. It’s unfortunate there are those with such hate in the heart for the president that distortion and defamation is the only way to stabilize their mood.
So i guess your another gutless shitbag that would just talk about it lol
USA shouldn’t never let trump play in OIL business. My question is WHY NOW
Mic Little
why do you care? The Democrats want us off of oil and coal and on push carts and peddle cars
@Alex Hamilton ok comrade
The ultimate Trump distraction from impeachment proceedings, what a grub.
Your coup is dead .just like Obama’s buddy’s
What proceedings? The Senate is flushing that Democrat turd.
no. with BSNBC and CNN snowflakes the Impeachment will overshadow this. It is a waste of time considering Trump
will remain President and probably win in November
Trump was never gonna get removed from office, get over it
@weburnitatbothends Thumbing up your own stupid Low IQ comment?
Send in the clowns.
Bring home the troops.
@Donald Trump the dems will be ckeaning this mess up like the dems have been ckeaning your Republicans messes up for decades.
Republicans always put us into a recession democrats always pulls us out. look at history and who was president in the last 40 years.
Down fall started with Ronald Reagan
Send in don jr, eric & feckless c to the front lines
@Billy Bloggs Oh look, another Fredophile with an opinion on National Security.
it was the goal of the stupid MAGA who don’t think far than their own nose!
More distraction from his impeachment. 1000’s will die, but he doesn’t care. He is the only important one in his f’ed up mind.
@A P so I’m thinking you still don’t understand the difference ?
@rachelknepper0811 tired Have you seen this video? Watch the entire video and stop lying to yourself. He had the Prosecutor fired because he was looking into the corruption at BURIS-MA. The truth will come out and Hunter will be going to jail.
The results of wanting a reckless irresponsible corrupted businessman over an experienced politician ?
Kidcorpus exactly! His clueless supporters believe that a man who claimed bankruptcy 6 times will bring them prosperity. He’s nothing but a two bit con artist, all his life he’s cheated people. His money comes from Russia, he’s a liar, cheat and a disgusting pig, and this is what’s ruling America. They don’t seem to care, that’s why the whole world is laughing at the United States.
@John Is going to make you mad ……Coward , in which way, Only Democrat Men wear Panties…..Feminized Touchy Feely Political Party.
You took the words right outta my mouth. I regularly call this president a failed experiment of choosing a bad businessman over a politician. Perhaps, had a successful, non narcissistic, non spoiled brat who has spent his life being saved by daddy, had been chosen, perhaps, and only perhaps, the experiment wouldn’t have failed so miserably.
Sadly, you can always tell which comments are from Republicans because they’re always insulting in some way. Stinking bullies and nothing more. They seem to have the same moral fiber as their monster-in-chief. Trump is a weak, disgusting little man. He sees himself among the same power as Kim and Putin, while they laugh at him and move him like the pawn he is. Putin’s puppet, better known as a dummy! Now he’s starting a war with Iran and when they launch a nuke our way, please know Trump won’t take you people into his luxurious bomb shelter. You will vaporize while still loving your king. Very sad. Very naive. Very distasteful.
The last time a Republican President was in a re-election year he also started a war in Iraq I wonder if that is a coincidence or not?
@A.I. Dimmer Democrats have been president starting more “Wars” than any GOP. Wilson – WWI, FDR – WWII, Truman – Korea & Vietnam, LBJ – Greatly escalated Vietnam, Clinton – how many times did he bomb Libya? Obama – How many drone strikes (killing civilians) did he order?
@A.I. Dimmer eeeee who started wars since the last decades .. democrats ..
@A P So World War 1 was started by the US President interesting.
World war 2 was started by the US president interesting.
@Nevyn of OZ 1973 Doesn’t matter, they were president when the wars started. You guys would blame any GOP so just returning favor. I guess those DEM presidents sucked at diplomacy.
Trump is a plague on this land and his supporters are infected zombies. Hitler had Gestapo Trump has GOP
Fred M don’t worry coward no one will ask you to serve this great nation
Close enough! The GOP is Trump´s enabler and should be held accountable for all the lifes ruined or lost, once this horror show is over. Hitler´s enablers were the stupid and seducible deplorables led on by the greedy riches and industrialists (same in Italy, by the way). See any parallels to today´s USA?
The US self professed “military genius” who once told Netanyahu that he had “just come from the Middle East” whilst landing in Israel, has now got the world into serious trouble. He’s done this to take flack away from impeachment – it’s well known that presidential ratings go up at times of war.
Steve Walker wow you sound so brave . Now go back to your safe spot in your mommy’s basement
@John Is going to make you mad I think you looking in a mirro you don’t know anything about me
Hey weak sister, Trump always wins! Stick to things that you know like crying and wetting yourself.
@Cpt. Blaine’s Motie Yeah his casinos won so much that the went bankrupt.
We should never push an enemy to the point where they feel like they have “Nothing Left to Lose!”
Turkmen been up here in the Americas, practicing their version of Islam and other patriarchal religion since the Conquistadors.
Iran before it was name-changed started as Alexander’s Medes and Persians. Historically modern Iran has been friendly with USSR, now Russia. But Iran is at war with the Saudis whom Trump loves.
We gave Iran back money we seized in the 1980s . Trump is mad about that and keeps lying that we gave rather than returned their money to Iran.
Trump was crowing that “We have the oil!’ Guess somebody else thinks they have the oil too and they live right above the oil fields.
It’s not enough to frack for oil in the Americas, ruining the water table and the environment just for robber baron greed. So what if Americans get cancer and dead from pollution. It’s too many poor people any way according to the GOP/Trump Party.
No, starting this 2020 Leap Year, we going to shed American blood again in a foreign country to fill rich men’s pockets. Pockets that have been over-flowing for 100 years.
It is predicted that he will start a war to stay in power.………………
lou poh that isn’t how the system works you moron. Did Obama stay in office while the war with isis was still going on ? You how ignorant you are
lolll , he doesnt need to .. his first action was a diplomatic sanction .. they stormed the ambassy and killed soldiers .. what do you do .. let them go with that ?? geezzz
He predicted it himself, it’s on record. … We know he’s projecting onto others what he himself does. Before 2012 he tweeted several accusations of Obama wanting to start a war to ensure his reelection…..
Trump needed a distraction from impeachment, I was waiting for something, finally does a Yosemite Sam move, lol. What a looser, threatens the safety of the US population for his child like governance.
A distraction from his trial,my god bottom not there yet
trump is a traitor to the US and a threat to the world. Where’s Jarrod and his expertise on peace building? I thought he was trump’s man with all the answers.
Basically what she’s saying is: We’re literally sitting ducks.