Jay Carney, Amazon SVP, tells CNN's Julia Chatterley that in addition to vaccinating their own front-line workers, the company stands ready to help the Biden administration with vaccinations by offering their facilities, logistic capacities, and machine learning to track progress. #CNN #News #Business
Amazon exec: We’re eager to help with vaccinations

Oh, wow, what’s next? Will Amazon start to treat their employees like human beings?
Probably not, since that kind of image-polish would be far too expensive.
Well, if COVID has its way, the labor pool shortage would drive up wages.
I’m sure that’s their calculation.
Jeff Bezos is funding all of this or is this Amazon figuring out a way to make more money?
@Dominick B Not amounting remotely to the amount of tax his company should be paying based on profits.
Why do Liberals always get on their knees to defend the elites that are screwing them?
I rather focus on the 10 BILLION he donated in 2020 to good causes. If Amazon paid no tax then let’s vote to change the laws. As far as I know he makes money legally and provides a valuable service , employs 45,000 workers an pays $15 / he. for regular time and time and a half and double time. Sounds like a good employer to me.
@Dominick B why are you compelled to defend him? Also, “used the contribution to launch his Bezos Earth Fund.” He donated money to himself. He probably pay less taxes. How heroic.
I guess we are different view points on this , not a problem for me.
@Dominick B not going to answer why you are compelled to defend a billionaire?
How about they do it for free as they pay little to no taxes.
@HW Which party ‘more’ supports corporates not having to pay tax … GOP or DEM?
@David Carter Reagan and Trump did the Tax cut, both republican…
@Traitor Joe’s You mean State taxes right? IBM employs thousands of people too, yet they pay taxes. What’s the problem with them paying their fair share of taxes?
You know nothing of tax laws.
@KINGOFTHE TORTAS Maybe I don’t. I do know that when I buy something from Amazon, I get charged for the product and the amount of state taxes I would pay here in my home state. No Federal taxes I see in the final invoice. Amazon needs to pay taxes like all other businesses and people. Free rides should be a thing of the past.
Amazon is one of, if not THE, most wealthy and widespread corporations in the world. Their shareholders have little interest in anything but their investment (not surprising) and consequently have little to no interest in the social issues facing us. To do so is anathema to a for-profit enterprise. Don’t be fooled, the bottom line is at work here and if there IS any social benefit derived from their action it is nothing more than serendipity.
“Not so eager to pay higher staff wages though, or recognize unions.”
@Jason Bridges voting with photo ID is susceptible to fraud. No such thing as a perfect system.
The first photo ID ever was in 1876 and the usage didn’t even really take off till the early 1900s and no clue when it would have become truly widespread. Maybe the 50s. Strangely we voted just fine and didn’t consider the presidents to have won or lost fraudulent elections.
@Jason Bridges Thanks for paying attention…….
@Chih Chang But Mail-in Ballots were good enough for Presidential elections?
@THE ANGRY QUAD Yes. There are extensive regulation and auditing and transparent mechanisms to secure an accurate mail in presidential election. If the government can land people on the moon, they can to do a Presidential mail in ballot system.
@Chih Chang I am loathe to criticize unions or any groups that fight for workers, unless you’re backed up by evidence AND being logically consistent with criticizing corporations as harshly for the same bad practices.
As long as we smother the competition and put the middle class entrepreneur out of business.
It is painfully obvious this is a simple pr stunt to amazon but at this point it’s something
In other words ” we Amazon are eager to make huge profit out of vaccination”.
BINGO. Can’t let a crisis go to waste.
“We’re happy to insinuate ourselves even further into every facet of your life please and thank you.”
It didn’t matter that people were dying before January 20th. Now Amazon is ready to help!
Shame AMAZON played politics with lives. AMAZON should of helped out of the gate.
Alexa already ease drops collected my life data while attempting to flood me with ad on things she hears…I do not trust this with my vaccines. We’re good on that.
hypocrisy from Amazon, where was this newfound enthusiasm a few months ago. Amazon must be broken up. Antitrust action now!
Imagine ordering your vaccine with 2 day shipping with Prime
We are ready to help with the vaccination that we said was impossible to have done by now.
Now they want to help after they paid into bidens campaign
Now that he is in office hmmm
Don’t trust Amazon they do nothing to protect their drivers and NEVER CLEAN the vans. I know because I work there. If you speak up you get pushed out.
I’d rather trust giving a guy who wants to be called Chuckie a razor blade,
“‘””””Any “”””‘School “”‘”‘”&'””‘”Colleges”””” student “””””
“‘””””Any “”””‘School “”‘”‘”&'””‘”Colleges”””” student “””””