Amazon says they will lay off 18,000 workers. The CEO blamed certain economic situations and rapid hiring in recent years. CNN’s Matt Egan reports. #CNN #News
Amazon among tech companies with sweeping layoffs

Amazon says they will lay off 18,000 workers. The CEO blamed certain economic situations and rapid hiring in recent years. CNN’s Matt Egan reports. #CNN #News
Well Bezos has to make his record profits somehow right?
Eat. The. Rich.
Consume the food on the table. It’s really good! Burgers, chips, salsa and sardines.
Bezos isn’t the CEO. Is it hard being 18 months behind the rest of the world?
Employees have become so dispensable esp since 2000s.
bezos no longer runs amazon genius…but he owns 10 percent of the shares ,which makes him the largest shareholder
@dave diamondhi! Did you really mean to come across so condescending? May you find healing for the bitterness you carry in your heart. So mote it be.

“The VodaFone You Have CaLLed is Switched Off , or , out of the coveradge” VodaFone ( “Voda” means wasser in Russien )
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Its ok for Amazon to retrench 18k but Tesla must he shamed… Double standard…
Amazon should absolutely be shamed too.
@MrSparkula in demoncracy yes it should, but CNN obviously isn’t
Bezos didn’t waste 44 billion on a company with no significant assets, genius.
@Bill Zardus that’s why he’s elon musk while no one cares about you…
So you’re telling me that Amazon doesn’t know how to staff and allocate stuff properly?
At least Bezos (If that really is his name …LOL) waited till they delivered all the Xmas packages…how thoughtful of old boy!
Lot of it can be seasonal too
Bezos is his step father’s name
AOC is loving this
He’s not the current CEO.
@Ryan lex Did you ask her???
Firing those who have not worked there long enough to build a financial cushion or probably even qualify for unemployment insurance
Are you taking into consideration Amazon’s seasonal/holiday hiring pattern? Don’t they always hire/fire this time of year? Per Amazon’s website they hired 150000 seasonal workers in 2022!
Largest layoff in company history. 18,000+. Not seasonal workers.
Why hire so rapidly if it’s obvious it will snowball into a financial burden ? Were there no forecasts & budgets ?
Sounds like everyone is now gonna be seasonal
As consumers, we need to our part and cancel these companies.
NY Resolution: can we wait 30 days b4 buying from Amazon? Can we wait months to a year?
No thanks, I’ll buy from whatever company I wish. No one is forced to work for any company in the US. It’s voluntary employment.
Things do t need to be canceled, they will die on their own if they don’t get support.
Seems like a seasonal “bait and switch” hiring. Many people change their livelihoods after getting a new jobs- relocating, allocation of funds and budget adjustments. To think someone signed a new rental lease thinking they got solid employment. Wow!
I would t make any life decisions just getting a job at Amazon. Dead end.
That’s interesting.
One in four items I order from Amazon now arrive late or not at all.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
That’s about my success rate with Amazon also. Another problem I am having is that they will withdraw money from my payment card, and about two weeks later refund it, this has happened numerous times.
You guys got to be kidding me the holiday season’s over seasonal work is over everybody gets laid off so what’s your point
Sad situation when so many people are going to be laid off, from any company.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
When your severance pay Runs Out can you then claim unemployment benefits? So are we talking 3 months?
Lol establishment media Amazon firing quarter of their employees is a small chunk of employees
This is more of a reorganization than it is a layoff. When companies this large announce layoffs for such a small percentage of their workforce, HR practices (generally) shift away from external hires to relocating those at risk of layoff to other positions. It is also an opportunity for the company to get rid of those the see as dead weight.
So…. Big companies always do this after the holidays.. what’s new. Hire a bunch before.. lay-off after
How can this be? Brandon says the economy is doing great?
Half of inflation is being caused by companies making excessive profits.
@Bill Zardus If they were making “profits”, they would be staffing up to make even more money.
Making “even more” money is called capitalism. You don’t lay people off if you are making money.
You lay people off when you are losing money.
@G Eak
Consumers don’t buy more products just because you produce more, genius.
Ask for a refund if you ever paid for an economics course.
@Bill Zardus If companies are making profit, they want to make more product, genius.
Ask for a refund if you ever paid for an economics course.
Hmmmmm… so this is the price? I may have to drop Prime altogether. If their plan is to staff up to appear to be amazing just to lay everyone off when they are past their crunch is really bad economics. I cant be a responsible consumer AND support Amazon if this is how they handle people’s lives. I know people who thought their lives were gonna change cause they got a Prime Warehouse gig….. then this happens and they are going to get thrown out and their dream turned into a nightmare because a couple of VPs and big whiggs are snorting too much Aderol and screwing every pooch in town? Shameful.
Comments are so dumb… Amazon laying off .03% of its work force does not mean Amazon is going out of business lol. I also don’t agree with this guy, I think we’ll see more hardships in the coming months across the board.