CNN's Christiane Amanpour presses Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov on the Russian invasion and whether they are achieving their objectives in Ukraine. #CNN #News
Amanpour pushes back on Kremlin spokesperson

CNN's Christiane Amanpour presses Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov on the Russian invasion and whether they are achieving their objectives in Ukraine. #CNN #News
Imagine if they had the internet in WW2, watching Goebbels talk with Walter Cronkite on Zoom. What a world
@Shane Zanath I’m sure you won’t believe what I’m going to write now, since you’ve been deceived since kindergarten, I’ll just say that logic is the only one and it doesn’t matter what nationality you are or what language you speak. Just imagine that all Russian words are true. That the US really maliciously killed civilians, maybe the numbers are not so much more, but the number is so important? a hundred thousand or a million is still terrible, and this is a war crime. Your logic is such that you believe in fakes of Ukraine. I can take apart almost every false video of them and despite the fact that I am an ordinary person. The proof is in those countries where the US did these atrocities, and the fact that the US deliberately hides the news even now confirms this. At first, there were allegedly no Nazis in Ukraine, but now they suddenly appeared and are fighting together with the forces of Ukraine. Well, where is your proof that Russia is committing such atrocities if the news of Ukraine and the United States are lying:? At least explain the logic, if you’re right, I’ll go outside with a stop the war poster!
@Shane Zanath I’m sure you won’t believe what I’m going to write now, since you’ve been deceived since kindergarten, I’ll just say that logic is the only one and it doesn’t matter what nationality you are or what language you speak. Just imagine that all Russian words are true. That the US really maliciously killed civilians, maybe the numbers are not so much more, but the number is so important? a hundred thousand or a million is still terrible, and this is a war crime. Your logic is such that you believe in fakes of Ukraine. I can take apart almost every false video of them and despite the fact that I am an ordinary person. The proof is in those countries where the US did these atrocities, and the fact that the US deliberately hides the news even now confirms this. At first, there were allegedly no Nazis in Ukraine, but now they suddenly appeared and are fighting together with the forces of Ukraine. Well, where is your proof that Russia is committing such atrocities if the news of Ukraine and the United States are lying:? At least explain the logic, if you’re right, I’ll go outside with a stop the war poster!
@Deritend exactly I was wondering what Putin was paying these trolls. I mean it’s so obvious they’re over here on CNN for no reason except to spread fake news and misinformation.
I think Amanpour is not Goebbels, she’s more like Julius Streicher.
CNN News vs Ukrainians in Maniupol.
it is sickening listening to his lies and propaganda. He’s probably terrified of Putin or quite possibly happy to fulfil this role and enjoys it.


@Jesse OK disco boy, Music culture , MSM … So easy to control Americans, or most of them..
@File 1000 I see I’ve rented a space in your head.
@File 1000 but seriously why are you here besides spreading misinformation? You really should go back to Putin TV.
Christiane is savage in such nuanced ways, never interrupting her opponent while he’s busy making mistakes and contradicting himself.
She is the unsurpassed master
She is fearsomely articulate and prepared. She knows just which facts he can’t deny and which will most effectively point out his lies and contradictions. She keeps her dignity and firmness without yelling or getting frantic, which gives her the upper hand. He starts to stammer and lose his sentences. She is amazing and a model for us all.
yes, giving him a shovel to dig his own hole very very deep
Kremlin spokesperson lies are actually less sickening than CNN/MSNBC’s anti-American drivel
@my channel liigips liigips m
thanks for your highly intellectual contribution.
congratulations. i am sure you won a title for something.
He blinks an awful lot for an “honest representative of Russia.”
Donbass civilians do not want to live in Ukraine after the Nazi takeover of power in 2014. This video shows how the Ukrainian Nazis killed their civilians in 2014 when Nazis came to power in Ukraine. ( ) This was not a democratic election, it was a power grab by the Nazis and the oligarchs who supported them. The US and the EU supported this illegal overthrow of power because they benefit from the Nazis in Ukraine. The Nazis in Ukraine are beneficial to the US and the EU because the Nazis are pursuing an anti-Russian policy in Ukraine. Civilians of Donbass did not want to live in Nazi Ukraine, and a war broke out between Donbass and the central (Neo-Nazi) authorities of Ukraine. In 2016, Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine signed an agreement on granting autonomy for Donbass, and this agreement was encouraged by the UN. But for 6 years, Ukraine has not fulfilled a single point of the agreement, and refused to fulfill it. At the same time, the Ukrainian army, together with the Nazi battalions, is constantly shelling the Donbass and 13.000 civilians have died in 8 years. During these 8 years, the Nazi regime in Ukraine destroyed all pro-Russian political parties. Many pro-Russian journalists were simply killed. The Russian language was officially banned (although 80% of Ukrainians speak Russian since childhood, and many of them do not know Ukrainian), and even at schools the Nazis forbade learning Russian. Mass media in Russian were also banned. Any Russian culture and traditions were also banned. Thus, Ukrainian Nazism was established in Ukraine.
“It is going on strictly in accordance with the plans, and with purposes that we’re established beforehand”.
Thank you for your confession. The fact you had war crimes and genocide established as an operational objective. Makes The Hague’s job that much easier. Look forward to watching your appearance there sometime in the future. Hopefully you’ll be sporting the latest in shackle attire.
He indicted the whole Kremlin with that one statement.
I’ve never wanted to physically harm someone more than him.
@Bella Avgusta clean yourself first from russian nazis
@Bella Avgusta
Let me talk to someone whoose not an idiot please. Put you mom on the phone.
There are less than a thousand nationalist. Not even represented in Parliament. The oppressed people are in Russia. Our country is rich with many self made millionaires . But we would question someone who can afford a $700 million boat.
“we are only targeting military objects…not civil ones”
What a funny thing to mention, especially when the interviewer never asked

EMERGENCY. Please help. Anyone who reads this: I have been getting people on YouTube to REPORT THE PROPAGANDA CHANNELS FROM RUSSIA. We got RT suspended already weeks ago. We need you people HERE to report the “Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia” channel on YouTube. They are justifying WAR CRIMES and spreading hate speech on YouTube, and they are advocating for the murder of civilians in Ukraine. Pls, find the “Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia” channel, and report their videos for SUSPENSION. Click on the three dots . . . next to the +SAVE option to report the videos to Youtube. EXAMPLE : Pls, find the video titled : ” Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with RT, Moscow, March 18, 2022″ AND REPORT IT. THE MORE PEOPLE WE GET TO REPORT THE VIDEO, the faster YouTube will act to remove this evil from Social Media. Do your part. We can have an impact without guns and ammunition. Thank you all. Pls, share.
@junfeng huang no, quite the opposite, especially in such a short time period, US weapons are smart… Russians rarely are, they can not control what they hit at all so I hope you can see why your statement is incorrect…… what-about-ism only works when there is some validity to your claims!!
@junfeng huang Feel sorry for you , but have you been watching TV last 4 weeks?
@delilah Mercury do you have an understanding of “WAR” ?
Cnn making it look like ukraine’s inexperienced volunteer soldiers didnt kill or damage ukraine.
It is possible russia targetted civilians, but ukraine has used volunteer army as cannon fodder.
Learn that war is not angel vs demon. Both are at fault
His body language, intonation and eye movements when recalling events shows he is lying or trying to stick to a script he knows is incorrect. He is trying to convince himself that what he says is perceived as credible whilst knowing that he is lying.
I completely agree.
@Sheko Sheko another troll.
@Sheko Sheko Troll
yeah, check him at 5:42, he recoils from his own lie about killing civilians, amazing so many folks on this thread are picking this up, I know Putin could find a better liar.
This guy gives me a headache… I am from Germany and this shows exactly what happens when someone is able to install a system of fear and repression among his own people, this is history repeating itself. It makes me so sick!
place a bucket next to you then… how will you germans survive without our ”totalitarian” gas molecules next winter or when cooling houses this summer?
@Alexander Maslyako it is call geothermal heating and cooling , if there is will there is way …
Didn’t Germany go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan based on a system of lies and repression the Muricans created?
Ugh. I just listened to an interview with a young woman who escaped Mariopal. She said Russian soldiers taunted her and laughed about destroying her home.
This is like watching a scientist interviewing a ‘flatearther.’ The amount of sheer ignorance and denial is absolutely absurd!
@Mario Gmajner I don’t actually care what Russia’s objective is. They are killing, maiming and displacing ordinary citizens who have done no wrong.
This guy is lying about that.
I also don’t care who is the “legitimate leader” and what he may or may not agree to. I know something is wrong when I see it, and no amount of rationalising can make me believe that Russia has any excuse for causing this suffering.
As for what I and the Western world have a right to do or say – we always have a right to speak out when we see things that are wrong. We always have a right to speak up against bullies. We always have a right to act on those things. Why does Putin have a right to invade another country? He does not. And I and others have a right to say so.
@Mario Gmajner Why are you so interested in convincing me? I have no influence, and if I did, it certainly would not be used to excuse Russia from butchery.
@Mario Gmajner Please correct your own first.
i feel sorry for the bloke. he was quite embarrassed telling that propaganda drivel. i mean, he would end up in the gulag or the work camps of the people the war criminals deported to the concentration camps in the hinterland of russia
@Urs Odermatt I don’t feel sorry for him. He didn’t get to his position by being a nice guy.
There was an eleventh-century (!) Persian intellectual who once said, roughly translated, “Better sixty years of tyranny than one night without rule.” That quote popped into my mind within a couple of minutes of listening to this completely “conditioned” man intone the Soviet credo and party line. Absolutely tragic.
Imagine being a Ukrainian calling family in Russia asking for financial help and being told “You’re lying there is no war”. That my life right now. Absolutely crazy.
@Mario Gmajner I know, but I think EU was prepared for that.
@kanasta A Putin needs Zelensky to remain President for reasons given in my previous comments. It’s the Right Sector fascists who will kill him should he surrender.
@Mario Gmajner Im not so sure it will work out like that. Its pretty much all or nothing, the international community wont ever recognize that.
@Bella Avgusta Bot
That is exactly what is happening daily with my friends’ families. Sisters, brothers who live in different places now (Ukraine, Russia) do not speak to each other bc they do not believe each other. Time will show who was right and who was wrong.
The relationship of the Russian leadership in regards to truth in the whole Ukraine situation has been abysmal. At this point, it’s difficult to imagine any reasonable person putting any faith in anything they say.
Everything he says is true. America is doing the propaganda. In Ukraine, the Nazis, who are supported by the American leadership. The Nazis are blowing up all civilian facilities in Ukraine. They blow up just for one to set us up. And the United States contributes to this. In general, the American government supports this war. One call from Biden to Zelensky: “We need to end the war by tonight.” The war will be over by tonight. All negotiations between Ukraine and Russia are also being dragged out by America, as it ties Zelensky’s hands and forces him to continue fighting and not sign the treaty. Here’s the truth. America is waging a very powerful information war against Russia. Therefore, I absolutely understand your distrust of Russia. But still I will write here, suddenly someone will help to understand things.
@Никита Стёпушкин Uh-huh. And everything we thought we knew about the world is wrong. You neglected to mention that conspiracy to convince us all the world is round; a spherical shape I believe they say. Everyone in the know knows it’s flat, right?
“They were used as a shield” this man is out of control, he shouldn’t be speaking for any country unless he’s trying to make them look indecisive and weak.
remember he is speaking for russia that is ruled by a psychopathic war criminal
I’m struck with awe and rage on how can someone lie in the face of overwhelming contradicting proof.
There’s only one word: evil.
Psychotic is the word I’d use.
This entire interview is non-stop lies from this Kremlin dog shyt. You can especially tell that he is lying every time that he opens up his war criminal mouth because the blinking of his eyes rapidly increases EVERY time when he speaks, and his blinking slows down when Amanpour is talking – a definitive sign that he is nervously repeating the same false narratives as his Putler boss.
Do we all really want to die over this? Do we all want our families to die in a nuclear blast? We should have left this alone.
*I’m shocked how we were lied
to on the WMD on Iraq.*
Yeah, the same argument Neville Chamberlain used before Hitler went on to kill 10s of millions. So, in other words, no argument at all
“… we are targeting only military installations and targets.” A easily verifiable – and awful – lie. How can Peskov say that with a straight face, given all the evidence? He makes me sick.
It doesn’t contradict his human shield claim.
He can: He is a Communist.
I love the way she let him lie himself into a corner.
He wasn’t lying… he was providing alternate facts… that’s not lying according to like 70million muricans
Wow, he stuck to his guns with a straight face even after the interviewer debunked all of his claims with factual info that can be seen on video! His “it’s a fake, it’s a fake” was like spit blown back by the wind. He’s still looking dignified on the surface, to his credit… and to the eternal shame of all who call themselves diplomats.