Wildlife officials are trying to rescue the remaining survivors among hundreds of pilot whales that became stranded in Australia.
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Death Stranding
I was afraid of this.
Next our fishes
Australian Navy is like, lets blame the weather so the Sea Sheppard’s won’t get pissed.
Ok, now we need to find the 500 missing planes as well.
It’s at 500 views and those our the whales from heaven wondering why this had to happen to them

Looks like more tragic covid deaths.
Animals hate humans so much they’d rather suicide. Shame.
This is a result of European encroachment.
I hate them too. Lol they suck and cant do math or science.
They strand for a reason.
because they’re stupid
There is nothing for this news to spin really here so they keep the comments on..
Don’t be fooled. Watch out for part two when they will explain how Trump is responsible
So the question is… how did they die? Why not a straight up answer.
“so those animals are perhaps animals that were dead quite early on in the piece. They’ve been moving around the harbour with currents and winds and they’ve now consolidated up in one of the bays”
Literally explains nothing and creates more questions. Is he implying all the whales were already dead and just floated in? what…
Were there any military exercises happening around there using sonar or other high frequency type instruments that could have damaged them internally?
Mr D Gracias So many times that has happened, so horrible what is done and hardly anyone even knows about it.
I’m sure someone in the comment section is yelling CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!
Surprised the local Chinese could restrain themselves.
climate ecological collapse is here. WASF!
They all tested positive for Covid 19.
Don Lemon just reported that Trump killed them.
100% the cause os the 12 devils triangles look it up!!! We need 12 EMP to neutralize it and save our biological life before we are all dead AMEN
Submarine sonar.Whales don’t do well with no hearing.