Anne-Rose Schoen discusses the arrest of Christian Emmanuel Sanon, the alleged 'mastermind' behind the president's assassination.
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I miss you JoJo cheri
Divide and conquer. Oldest trick in the book. BROTHERS QND SUSTERS MUST ALL STICK TOGETHER WORLDWIDE
Send him back to Haiti.
Mastermind lol
This male host’s gestures are hilarious
Lol he seems to think he’s in a 1940’s gangster or film noir movie. Just missing his cigarette, hat, and trench coat.
Just pathetic!!!
Did she said some of the Venezuielan?
How military men in slippers.something not adding up
All of it is crazy AF
@Blingaling48103 Absolutely
The Haiti’s mastermind looks like a retired grandfather why would this relaxed Oldman be a contender for Haiti’s power struggle.
And even if he was a contender, how the risk guarantee him the presidency? He’s obviously a scapegoat
Lol old men are the most dangerous in the world. What war have young men started?
Sounds like they’re using him as a scapegoat.
why? cos there’s always a conspiracy, right? eh? hmmm?
I’m curious over why anyone would want to run Haiti.
It’s his country he was trying to make it better but he did it the wrong way he went the way of a coup him being a long time doctor you would think he would of thought it out better
Cause you can make a lot of money.
@Lord Zabuza How are they making a lot of money?
@DriversSeat read and do search. These are things you have to find out for yourself.
Seems like a cover cus we know WHO it was
The Doctor is crazy very sick pastor
He isn’t anointed that’s for sure
Ex Columbian army men hired to do the job, of course someone who got connection brought them in to carry out assassination in mid of political power grab in a foreign country. These guys could care less about who is in charged of Haiti, provided their bank account is fill up. They are mercenary!

This is finally coming together. More will come later. This is crazy really..
Those monster must get death panalty.
it’s an open Bank account (unlimited amount of money on you bank account)if you get elected. I would want to be a politicians in Haiti too.