All of Italy is now on lockdown due to coronavirus

The whole country of Italy is now on lockdown, Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced at a news conference. Conte said the measure was taken in order to protect citizens, especially the most fragile individuals. #CNN #News


    1. @Randy Porter They took the exact same precautions as any other country, plus they stopped flights from China as soon as anyone knew about covid. Italy just tested far more people than any Eu country, than Usa , than any south american country etc. Thye closed schools, pubic events since 2/3 weeks, other countires are still ” oh, it’s ok, the show must go on”
      SK di a very good job but they were prepared to it since they had an epidemic 15 years ago.

    1. The Meat Locker the coronavirus death rate is now 6%. Spanish flu was 2.5% and it killed 65 MILLION in 2 years. Regular flu kills 120 THOUSAND every 2 years. Stop lying to yourself

    2. Yeah especially for the elderly and people that are over 50 years old Corona is very fatal. People that are aged between 15-40 are the ones that are pretty safe… For now atleast

  1. As an italian I’d like to express my gratitude to all the people taking the time to write a comment. The atmosphere here is not the best of course; our elders are dying, the economy is falling down and the working class is subject to great risks and uncertainty. Right now the objective is to slow the spreading as much as possible, allowing the hospitals to process the high amount of sick people. Medics, nurses, pharmacists and sanitary personnel are on the first line saving lives, many times working double shifts and for free. They are the true heroes and deserve all the respect for what they’re doing. This crisis knows no borders, race or religion. We stand united with our asian, european and american brothers in the struggle, hoping this will be over soon. Viva L’Italia and long live Humanity!

    1. @Dryvlyne we are putting people first we have funds. Keep listening to pop news to keep you paranoid.

    2. @Humble Guyit doesn’t matter what you say Italy is paying the piper.. for the American steel curtain that we provided for this cuz I’m going to delete I’m picking up a lot of extra trash on this comic section.. that’s right no mistake it’s a comic section

  2. THE price of being a popular tourist destination /i live in Arkansas , nobody comes here , thank god .Buying a home deep in the woods next year .

    1. @Andrea the west coast was first ,Washington state had the most cases . A large chinese population in the west coast . These virus come from China because of the congestion of people with and unhealthy population .

    1. stocked up on condoms just to realize I want to limit my exposure to all humans. I might have to take a hit for the right one. Something worth dying over. Otherwise no sorry coronavirus around.

    2. stocked up on condoms just to realize I want to limit my exposure to all humans. I might have to take a hit for the right one. Something worth dying over. Otherwise no sorry coronavirus around.

  3. I just moved here in Italy and I have and I give my huge respect to the government… Prioritizing the lives of many first before the economy.
    Economy goes up and down and that’s normal, but once life is taken… you can never take it back. Salute to the government. God bless humanity! 👼❤️👼

    1. @jotam J NYC public schools may still close if things get bad enough, but I understand why they’re so reluctant to close them. A huge number of kids in the city rely on the school system for at least one, often two, meals every weekday. And for many the school nurse is the only reliable access to healthcare they have. Not to mention the many parents who literally can’t afford to take time off from work, so they need to know their kids aren’t going to be unsupervised all day. It’s a deeply messed up situation.

    2. You should check the stats on how many people in Italy have died from the flu (which has been around for decades) and worry more about that. Too many people are paranoid over this. Look at how many people in the states have died from the flu in the last 3 months and Corona is what all the panic is over??? Nonsense !!!!

      Just like the flu, this Corona thing can’t be stopped as it is too wide spread. Once Italy finishes the lock down, someone else will eventually enter the country who has Corona and re-start it all over again. Why do you think the flu never goes away? Its because somebody in the world always has it and it keeps spreading. Corona will be no different. Just like the flu, the ONLY real way to fight this is to catch the illness and allow your immune system to do its job and develope the antibodies to fight the disease. Once, your body heals itself, you wont have to worry about it again. Now I do pray for all the elderly as they are the one’s most vulnerable.

  4. Italy is showing to have the balls enough to take actions to protect their citizens, hopefully our ignorant president take actions sooner than later

    1. A lockdown will cause the poor and middle class to not pay their bills and that might lead those working people to homelessness

    2. So you are in favor of martial law? Man, i was always joking when i called the far left communists, but now it seems its not a joke.
      And why ppl think the president is somehow at fault for all the world’s problems is true lunacy. Use some common damn sense: wash your hands and avoid crowded places as much as you can within reason. One person cant hold 330M ppls’ hands and keep them from gettin sick. If Trump closed the borders or put a lockdown in place you all would be flippin’ your collective skulls.

  5. *Economy can go down and come back up. But when people lose their lives they cant have it back. And only the people can bring the economy back up*

    1. @Ameen Younis 20x more deadly.

      flu : 1 person out of 1000 die
      covid-19 20 people out of 1000 die.

  6. All those people that were feeling smug for escaping the Lombardy region quarantine yesterday must be feeling silly now. I would almost be willing to bet that it’s their fault all of Italy is on lockdown.

    1. It is , the news were probably smuggled by crooked journalists so people flew away , now it’s lockdown for everybody.
      I am in Lombardy so hey… it would have been the same for me.

    2. @Andrea The same thing happened in Wuhan. People try to get away from it and the only thing they accomplish is making the situation 100x worse.

    3. If they didn’t have it, they now will by exposing themselves to thousands more. Stay home as much as you can.

  7. Nobody’s going to care about interest rates when they’re coughing up a lung…stop worrying about the stock market and start getting PPE to front line medical staff.

    1. @mrArchduke That’s why dummies like you will vote for Burnie. No fucking clue about anything other than your Xbox or whatever video game system you children are playing, these days.

    2. @John Kryzanski theres a difference between the stock price and what a company does and the company’s cashflow.

    3. When you depend on those things to pay for your health insurance, without witch you wouldn’t have medical care, then yes it matters.

    4. I’ve seen at least four market drops in my lifetime. I have a lot of assets in the market…It always recovers. You know why? Causes gamblers always return to the casino when the hurricane is over. Including me.

      If you take care of the virus, the market will take care of itself. It’s dropping cause there’s no leadership. No clear plans.

      My wife is an MD in private practice. No one from the health department has reached out to her to tell her how to manage this crisis. She can’t even get masks from any suppliers or hospitals never mind the government.

      When the front line medical workers get sick, there will be pandemonium. The market is just pricing this in…you want to save the market, call congress and get their asses in gear.

  8. Respect for the Italian leader. Keeping his citizens safe. All countries could learn from this

    1. gan guo im sayin it: both are martial law tactics and should be frowned upon. If gvmnts know they can do this and the public is willing to go along with it, then itll be noted in the globalist’s playbook for future use. Creating a submissive population is the easiest step to control ppl.

  9. When the virus was still in China, the whole thing was talked down by the WHO or the health ministers, instead of severely restricting or completely suspending flight operations between Asia and Europe until you got it back under control. It is not for nothing that the Chinese put an 11 million city in quarantine.

    People continued to vacation and flew back and forth, dragging the virus back and forth.
    It was already clear that once the virus made it to Europe, the whole story could no longer be controlled.🤦‍♂️

    1. Yeah, I honestly didn’t know people could be this stupid. If we’re doing this bad of job at preventing the spread of the coronavirus just imagine how “well” we would do against something like a zombie apocalypse. This country wouldn’t stand a chance. The sheer level of incompetence and the lack of caring is just unreal.

    2. @joe jose scared of dying poor baby. You weak-minded LOSER, trying to blame everything on Trump as usual.. TRUMP 2020

    3. @David Mc Trump has about as much chance of winning as your children having an IQ above double digits. Hilarious calling someone weak minded and you can’t even spell any better than Trump. Total loser.
      It’s “dying” dumbass!

    4. 양정목 yes because the virus might not even started from China, you know what I’m talking abt.

  10. I am Italian, I live in Sicily. in these hours everything is very sad and confused in our country. I only ask you to pray for us and for the whole world. thank you brothers ❤❤🤞🤞

    1. I am Sicilian but was born in United States. I go to Italy as much as budget will allow. Prayers for Sicily and Italy.

    2. Dear God
      Lord, we ask that you would halt the plans of the enemy over these we love as we bring them before you right now. We pray that his schemes be demolished and that your plans for good, for a future and hope, would prevail. Would you open blind eyes that they might see your Truth. Would you rescue those walking in darkness and heal the deep wounds of those who’ve been hurt.

      We pray for the miraculous intervention of your Spirit to draw them to yourself, to work strong on behalf of our loved ones who are lost and wandering.

      For you came with good news, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for captives and release for the prisoners.

      Though we deserved penalty for our wrong, you stood in our place and took the blows on our behalf.  You choose to die, so that we can live. Forever and free.

      Lord, forgive our unbelief. Forgive the times we’ve doubted that you could ever change a distant heart. Forgive our hard-heartedness, our weariness, or forgetfulness to “pray continually.”

      Thank you that you never give up on us.

      Remind us of how you’ve changed our own hearts. How your miracle of life and hope has sprung up deep within our souls.

      We love you Lord, we need you, and we thank you that you hear our prayers and are at work even now.

      Powerfully. Faithfully. Miraculously.

      Thank you for the gift of our Savior, God with us. Thank you for your goodness and love…

      In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    1. @Yami Yo that’s a silly thing to say and what difference does it make where she’s from? Clearly her race is black. My guess from the Bahamas or Jamaica originally. However, I suppose she could be descended from the Ethiopian Jews. Are you proud that she’s an Israeli? Yes, that’s probably it.

  11. I’m here currently studying abroad in Florence from Florida. This whole situation is serious, but it definitely seems that American media seems to be dramatizing the situation as a whole. Locals are still wandering the streets, markets/stores are still open. As long as you stay clean and healthy most people should be fine. It isn’t like the virus hasn’t affected other economies/countries anyways

  12. I’ll pray for you Italy. Good luck in your fight against this terrible sickness 🇮🇹 ❤️ 🇮🇹

    1. Zack Akx I know but this was about how badly Italy is being affected. They’ve been hit really hard.

  13. Praying for all the dear people of Italy and around the world who are being affected by this virus. Thinking of you all 💕

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