All four ex-officers charged in George Floyd case

The former Minneapolis Police officer who pressed his knee into George Floyd's neck was charged with second-degree murder and the three other officers on scene during his killing are charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder, according to court documents.

#CNN #News


    1. I agree. Sad to say, but had George’s skin color been white, we wouldn’t be having this convo! A knee on someone’s neck is NO different than someone’s hands being on the neck. God forgive me, but I hope they all rot in hell/jail!

    2. @Diane Rose race has nothing to do with it. White people are killed by cops too. Black cops kill blacks, whites and Hispanic, but we don’t see anything ab that bc the cops are black. Hispanic cops kill Hispanics, whites, and blacks. White cops kill whites, blacks and Hispanics. Why is it only when a white cop kills a black man. What ab when a black cop kills a black man or even when any cop kills a white man or a Hispanic man. Why don’t we see those? Bc ik for a fact they happen. Why do you want everything to be about race. Media said “white cop kills innocent black man” WTF no his race doesn’t matter it should be “corrupt cop kills innocent man”. And these people rioting are just as bad if not worse than that cop.

  1. “Some say the pen overpowers the sword. But a camera is even more powerful when it records” – Jermaine Williams

    1. Only trouble with that is MSM turns off the cameras when the scene doesn’t fit the left narrative.

    2. @꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂ ꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂꧁꧂ Yeah, you aren’t worth much either if you seem others as less.

    1. It’s sad but if they dont get convicted, they will get protection and change of identity bet that chit.

    2. Since that AG decided to upgrade the charge to 2and degree murder, an acquittal seems more likely. It as almost they actually want Chauvin to walk a free man.

    3. @Voodoo Hendrix I lived in LA during Kings situation and nope…It was horrible. But mr King also got his pay out and stayed in trouble,then was found dead in his pool. My family lived not far from his home. I was getting my manicure license on Wilshire boulevard and Normandy. I’ll never forget it in my life.

    4. @Antonio Rivero As MLK said you’re a disappointing moderate preferring negative peace with the absence of riots over the positive peace with justice. I assume you’re not black, so you don’t care about justice?

    1. Kinda ironic to call out your mom when he put a gun to a mom’s pregnant belly while his buddies looted her home.

    1. Nope criminals should get the same thing as victims
      Are breathing hard or hardly breathing *””officer””*?

    2. I wonder how they’re going to get justice for all the business owners? Or will that take a separate protest?

    3. but that’s not how it works, they will serve a bit of time, get released, and then get hired by a quiet town that wants more racist police officers.

    4. @FistoftheNorthStar6 Very few local business owners were victims. 99% have full insurance coverage and won’t even need to sweat it. The big stores were the real targets and they are happy to get a fat check form the insurance company while they get PR to market to the idiots.

    5. Does going into jail actually intimidate the officers? I know that the officers will be locked away for the while, but, do they feel sympathy or regret for their actions? I think in jail, each little cell was built as a non overwhelming almost empty space seperated from eachother in order for that prisoner to think and regret of that crime that they had caused.
      And that was just me, some guy that didnt go to jail, try to define jail. Even if it was for a lifetime, the ones who will suffer will be us, our emotions will over whelm us with sympathy and well, some of us or even most will be probably still be stuck in our homes due to coronavirus, just like jail. A bigger, space of sympathy, but, i just cant get out, literally. And the arrested officers will probably not be regretting their actions, theyll be probably thinking of their families or friends if they even have any and just hope or pray that they stay safe. And thats the even saddest part. They have already accepted his death before we have

    1. @Matt usa will devide into races…. a multicultural countru cannot function is againsg the bible and all logica …. simple…

    2. Yes everybody praise and make a martyr out of a junkie….. this guy was as scummy as they get, convicted of rape and armed burglary, was found with meth, fentanyl, thc and other substances in his system….. you people are ridiculous. Here’s his autopsy report for the idiots who think this man was a loving father who never did wrong…..

    3. @James Goldner so from what your implying if the person taking video could hear him saying I can’t breathe and dying shouldn’t they also be charged the same as the police officers? That’s fair right, because they just stood there filming instead of helping…….. your a moron… this guy was a scummy junkie

  2. If they had fired him anytime from his previous 17 complaints, Mr. Floyd would still be alive!

    1. You’re wrong. Therefore, the task set for us is precisely the destruction of power – the power of whites in the United States, not today, so tomorrow, you will probably agree with me that only in the United States ethnic Africans did not become full-fledged citizens of the United States, they cannot even be called Americans, and, just, African-Americans, and, this, is not, a certain, anthropological condition of a person, but a purely social condition of the subject: statistics, social security, employment, … that is, there are statistics of whites, but there are statistics in black, there are no citizens in the world: Afro-French, Afro-Englishman, Afro-Italian, Afro-Argentinean, …, and, I emphasize, once again, this is not an anthropological condition of the subject of social relations, but purely social, that he is a citizen of this or that country, only ethnic Africans in the USA , not only did not become full-fledged citizens of the United States, but, in essence, do not have the right to be called Americans. Just imagine: now, I’m of ethnic origin: a hunt, and I and my ethnic group in Russia would be called huntorosians, it’s just some kind of social absurdity, but the USA is African-American – it’s a social reality.

    1. Def Operator I think the person who wasn’t paying attention was you, did you not see that he was already in handcuffs? How would he resist? There was no reason for them suffocate him to death at all.

    2. @Mario Rocha still doesn’t lead to the solution of standing on someone’s neck until they fucking die

    3. explanation overload agree..depends on the people who saw..most will do nothing as in their mind ..a police has the benifit of the doubt that they are doing something good for the society like arresting a person who is resisting..but in the moment these people get shocked when they see a suspect is in jeopardy of losing their lives but due to the police having the power to decide life and death at that moment ..most civilians won’t allow their life to be part of that

    4. @Stone Crowwrong for 2 reasons,1 we’d be no better then Chuavin,when somone try’s to dispense justice they need to make sure to not turn into who they are punishing afterall they are trying to decrease that type of behavior not increase it,2nd death is to good for chuavin.

  3. You can tell his son was holding back tears….what a strong man. Bless him. I’m sorry for his loss…

    1. @Bryce Thibodeaux I’m so with you. When you do bad things and get caught by the police it’s your fault not theirs.

    2. I’m happy for that pregnant woman he held at gunpoint during a home invasion, but no George Floyd was a saint cause he was black.

  4. I thought *body cams* were supposed to be turned on as a crime scene is about to take place between the officer and ’suspect,’ or in this case, *VICTIM..!*

  5. Charges without conviction means nothing plus the reason they’ve been charged thats due to immense public protests its not that suddenly Attorney general has gone pious !!

    1. Flathead Forager thats y im not rioting. Will riot for a clean man who was killed by a cop tho

    2. Legacy? This man was no saint, he would not have had much of a legacy regardless. All this nonsense over a man who was hardly innocent, innocent in the situation that led to his Death sure, but he was not innocent.

    3. And where is all the outrage over David dorn? Does his black life not matter because he was killed by some looters and was an ex cop? Does the man in Dallas who was beaten nearly to death for protecting his store, does his white life matter?

    4. @Tiffany Chen NO man is clean. Everyone has downfalls and shortcomings. He did not deserve to be tortured and killed like a dog in the street. Don’t allow yourself to overlook the injustice we all witnessed. This is why the world is the way it is. People out here finding every reason in the book to justify bullshit. Who was asking you to ‘riot’ anyway? Girl bye.

    5. @Why he was a normie who was protecting his favorite bar with a machete. It wasn’t his business. The rioters threw rocks at him first though. He had the right to defend himself, but if he had thought smarter and had a 9mm or something like that (Texas has open carry) he’d be in a healthier condition

    1. Talking about ramping up
      “sensitive training”
      Lack of sensitivity of the community training was not the problem.
      Fear of holding other officers accountable in the heat of the moment is the problem.
      Bet he wishes somebody tapped him the shoulders and told him to get off his neck.

    2. @Steve Wilson Only one did the act. the other three had a duty to stop, but didn’t – aiding and abetting

  6. *_*slow claps*_*
    Great job, it only took 2 weeks of protests and violence to charge all 4 of them. *PROGRESS*

    1. but a famous youtuber gets arrested and charged immediately for just being inside a looted mall. What a weird time to be alive.

    2. it didn’t have anything to do with the protests. It’s the law. They had to argue it to make sure that the charges are not tossed out the window in court. If they go for 2nd degree murder, the other 3 will walk. Don’t pat yourself on the back. The general public does not convict or charge people based on opinion. This is America.

  7. IF they are acquitted, the phrase “hell on earth” will definitely become true

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