All But Five GOP Senators Try And Fail To Toss Out Trump’s Impeachment Trial | Deadline | MSNBC

NBC News correspondent Garrett Haake and New York Times political reporter Nick Confessore on the difficulties the House Impeachment Managers will face after a majority of Republican senators voted against holding an impeachment trial. Aired on 01/26/2021.
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#GOPSenators #Trump #MSNBC

All But Five GOP Senators Try And Fail To Toss Out Trump’s Impeachment Trial | Deadline | MSNBC


  1. of cause they dont want to get exposed!
    cmon now they can say: “it was trump fault not our!”
    but in fact they did help him by not stopping trump and doing nothing

    1. You’ll be playing defence in 2021. Literally in Biden’s first week, 1000’s of jobs lost, no covid plan, making troops sleep in parking garage and admitting 100000 more covid deaths within a month. Plus republicans control 29 state legislators, 29 states will be redistricted by republicans

    1. T Electronix I used to be a democrat and you obviously didn’t know them then because this is not what they used to be with John Kennedy Bobby Kennedy lots of them. Now see

    2. Sherrie Nale Nope they have to go home and face their voters. 75 million people actually did vote for Trump. lol 😂 did you vote for Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton? They were the last true democrats. But John Kennedy was great when we were all democrats. What do you think changed to cause us to leave the Democratic Party? Any honest ideas? I knew you didn’t because you’re to young and I know you don’t know the real Democratic Party I know.

    3. And the Democrats need 17 Republicans. Ah it’s a lame duck impeachment2. Waste of taxpayer money. No wonder Congress has a 15% approval rating. My bet it drops which is good news for Republicans in 2022.

    4. News Flash! The Senate has stated the impeachment is DOA, dead on arrival. They will not be taking it up for a hearing, as their is zero evidence of Trump committing any crime. Not one word or sentence in his speech on the 6th is of him insighting violence. How many times do you folks need to be made fools of before you learn your lesson?

    1. @Tom Terrific “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

      “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
      Now… had I not posted “Jesus is God” we would have never met. I am not a troll. I am just a man excited about his faith. And as a result… I share what I believe with the world.

    2. And the Democrats need 17 Republicans. Ah it’s a lame duck impeachment2. Waste of taxpayer money. No wonder Congress has a 15% approval rating. My bet it drops which is good news for Republicans in 2022.

    3. Quote. ” We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” Joe Biden

    4. Biden and Harris have something in common. Both have slave owners blood running through their veins. Leave it to the radicalized Socialist Democrats to spend all summer during RIOTS to tear down statues of bygone slave owners then elect their next of kin to rule over them.
      Yess sir maser Biden…

    1. Biden and Harris have something in common. Both have slave owners blood running through their veins. Leave it to the radicalized Socialist Democrats to spend all summer during RIOTS to tear down statues of bygone slave owners then elect their next of kin to rule over them.
      Yess sir maser Biden…

    2. @Mark Interesting, how Trump accused Biden and the opposition of fraud when it came to the election… but it was he who was trying to bully state officials to conjure votes so he could win, insisted swing states go through rigorous updates and scrutiny of their voting systems and technology yet safe red states continued using old and antiquated equipment without reproach, and tried to have his way with the Department of Defense so he could alter results even further in his favour.

    3. @Mark We should not have to pay or be judged by the sins of our ancestors. We can’t help what they did, and were not a part of it. That is like saying all Germans should be ashamed and considered Nazis because of what happened in the 30s-40s

    4. @Mark You know what’s really funny? You idiots keep talking and yet, you have never gotten a single thing that you wanted. Not one single thing. Trump supporters have become the laughing stock of the entire world.

    1. @S. Z. They were screaming “Hang Pence” and even Loser LIndsay got surrounded at the airport and screamed at for just saying the assault on the Capitol was “enough” (an ounce of courage, we thought, at long last..but almost instantly to be stuffed back in it’s bottle)! So, guess that was their big attack of conscience, quickly fizzling! So corrupt!

    2. And the Democrats need 17 Republicans. Ah it’s a lame duck impeachment2. Waste of taxpayer money. No wonder Congress has a 15% approval rating. My bet it drops which is good news for Republicans in 2022.

    3. Quote. ” We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” Joe Biden

    4. Biden and Harris have something in common. Both have slave owners blood running through their veins. Leave it to the radicalized Socialist Democrats to spend all summer during RIOTS to tear down statues of bygone slave owners then elect their next of kin to rule over them.
      Yess sir maser Biden…

  2. This may help with the economy by vaccinating the schools, Hospitals, Doctors’ offices, store workers, and all places of businesses first so that businesses can reopen to help get the economy rolling faster! There is a logic to this action it makes everything safer for all business movement to take place much much quicker!

    1. And the Democrats need 17 Republicans. Ah it’s a lame duck impeachment2. Waste of taxpayer money. No wonder Congress has a 15% approval rating. My bet it drops which is good news for Republicans in 2022.

    2. News Flash! The Senate has stated the impeachment is DOA, dead on arrival. They will not be taking it up for a hearing, as their is zero evidence of Trump committing any crime. Not one word or sentence in his speech on the 6th is of him insighting violence. How many times do you folks need to be made fools of before you learn your lesson?

    1. @Wrong Hole You don’t even know Jazzed. So, I wish it were you, WH, that had that Experience, instead of @J.

  3. “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” I think what he meant was, “I could shoot a Republican Congressman and none of his/her Republican colleagues would care.

    1. Quote. ” We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” Joe Biden

    2. And the Democrats need 17 Republicans. Ah it’s a lame duck impeachment2. Waste of taxpayer money. No wonder Congress has a 15% approval rating. My bet it drops which is good news for Republicans in 2022.

    3. Biden and Harris have something in common. Both have slave owners blood running through their veins. Leave it to the radicalized Socialist Democrats to spend all summer during RIOTS to tear down statues of bygone slave owners then elect their next of kin to rule over them.
      Yess sir maser Biden…

    1. Dakota Yatch Dog Yes But Actually it needs to be a term limits based on their results, if their records show success then they would not be in an automatic term limit and have to leave. But they can be voted out now anytime. But if they fall into the unsuccessful categories based on our rules then they are automatically out. Like not keeping the promises they made in writing on paper. And they’re out.

    2. And the Democrats need 17 Republicans. Ah it’s a lame duck impeachment2. Waste of taxpayer money. No wonder Congress has a 15% approval rating. My bet it drops which is good news for Republicans in 2022.

    3. News Flash! The Senate has stated the impeachment is DOA, dead on arrival. They will not be taking it up for a hearing, as their is zero evidence of Trump committing any crime. Not one word or sentence in his speech on the 6th is of him insighting violence. How many times do you folks need to be made fools of before you learn your lesson?

    1. And the Democrats need 17 Republicans. Ah it’s a lame duck impeachment2. Waste of taxpayer money. No wonder Congress has a 15% approval rating. My bet it drops which is good news for Republicans in 2022.

    2. @Jimmy Jammy LMMFAO Republicans gained many seats in House in 2022 and 50% in Senate. Biden and the Democrats will fail miserably and in less than two years Republicans can easily control both House and Senate then impeach Biden, Obama and kneepad Harris.

    3. News Flash! The Senate has stated the impeachment is DOA, dead on arrival. They will not be taking it up for a hearing, as their is zero evidence of Trump committing any crime. Not one word or sentence in his speech on the 6th is of him insighting violence. How many times do you folks need to be made fools of before you learn your lesson?

  4. Wow! Well I guess that is why it’s called a trial so they can see all the evidence and make a decision. Unfortunately for the senate they have to see each other on a regular basis so this will unfortunately make most senators vote with their party and agianst their own conscious and yes that makes them cowards.

  5. Actually seeing this from Germany it looks like familiar madness.
    Just Interview Ben Ferencz the last Nürnberg trails prosecutor.
    He is now over 101 years old active and warning he should make his case.

    1. I told my wife (before 2016) that Trump felt like a Demagogue. She didn’t understand what one was, but now she does. Trump is like America’s Hilter.

    2. @Poe Lemic I felt the same way but I also recognised how stupid he is. And totally without empathy so I bought the movie Idiocracy right after his election. Just to show my nephew’s what is about to happen in is term.
      Now I must admit president Mountain Dew Camacho has had way more empathy than Trump and was actually interested to find solutions for the people.
      Trump just has seen all this as a reality show.
      What it was a reality horror show.

    1. And the Democrats need 17 Republicans. Ah it’s a lame duck impeachment2. Waste of taxpayer money. No wonder Congress has a 15% approval rating. My bet it drops which is good news for Republicans in 2022.

  6. Rand Paul: Elections fraud must be investigated.
    Rand Paul: Impeaching a president who caused an insurrection is not necessary.

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