The four federal prosecutors who took the case against longtime Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone to trial withdrew their involvement Tuesday after top Justice Department officials disavowed and undercut them by reducing the government's recommended sentence against Stone. #CNN #News
All 4 federal prosecutors quit Roger Stone case

There goes any illusion the DoJ is impartial.
Yep the Russian Hoax needs to be totally Impartial. You DNC Hacks are real entertaining
@Chris Choir Wow don’t put Roger Stone in any Comparison to their crimes.
@Chris Choir
Ok, I know I’m wasting my time, but against my better judgement, I’ll ask anyway. What proof do you have that Obama was spying on Trump? Think carefully before you answer this question. Realize that when Trump made this accusation, it was actually looked into. Everyone IN *HIS* ADMINISTRATION said this claim was bullshit. But who knows. Maybe you know something that Trump’s administration doesn’t know. So I’ll ask you again. What proof do you have that Obama was SPYING on Trump?
@Barry _allen
What did Obama’s DoJ do that was impartial?
Well at least their are some honest officials that will not take part in this cover up.
galaxy s Google
Hopefully they will never get a government job – Plenty of vacancies of Hack Analysts at CNN and MSNBC.
Kay Bel State prosecutors had that case.
Judge Amy Jackson is a Patriot and has a long history with these criminals. Brava, Judge Jackson!
@Will Ganness
I have one question for you: Do you think Roger Stone was innocent?
“Law and Order” president… LOL
Don’t get me goin here . . . I’m smelling a bit of Nixon, here !
@Bruce Covert Maybe in Russia where you live
@FortheloveofChrist 1 Sounds Deplorable
There’s going to be many more to quit or get fired
@Pete Mitchell I don’t even know which side you’re on from your comment, which makes this reply as pure and honest as it could possibly be: if you think only one of our political parties is patriotic, has America’s best interests at heart, you are almost irredeemably simple-minded. I can see the good in the people I oppose; if you can’t you’ve set yourself on a course for an unnecessary civil war.
@MJB For Trump you spelled whining wrong
“The National Security Council” has 1600 at will employees appointed by Barack Obama. About time they were sent back to their regular postings. Buses leaving the terminal every ten minutes. Adios.
If it where you and me we’d be doing 25 to life just cause where either poor or we are not government officials this is definitely setting great examples to the people of this country
Now you know why the people in the Ukraine were in the streets in 2014…and they stayed there until Yanukovich fled to Russia. Paul Manafort lost all of his clients because they all went away from politics. They’re hiding and counting their money. Meanwhile you can take tours of Yanukovych’s house with its ostrich farm. That’s probably where Manafort got his ostrich jacket.
You’d do 25 to life for threatening a dog? Do you live in the USA?
Chalk up ANOTHER WIN for Our Champion and Chief! I’ll never get tired of winning!
What have you done to desire 25 to life? Do you know Ukrainians? Have you taken bribes? Tell us everything.
Someone needs a good punch to the head or at the very least a damn good bannock slap!
He threatened a judge’s life
That is worth at least 10 years
We’re witnessing the most corrupt time in American history
@K Ham what are they AHOWING?
@Slimey Simon name one corrupt thing Obama did
Goahead it’s ok, I realise you libs don’t understand humour.
@Goahead Right back at you tard fart.
@Goahead Right back at you tard fart.
But the economy is doing GREAT…said by a whole ton of people with zero $$ invested.
Trump 2020
@OldieBones it’s not a bubble it’s the power of people working and contributing rather that leaching
55% of Americans have stocks.
@Justin Gates Maybe they should spend less on booze and lottery tickets.
@Rod Ritchison True but to liquidate they tell me I will pay 32% on 200,000 ..OUCH…These assholes that want higher taxes don’t pay taxes.
Swamp Thing starring William Barr.
Who didn’t see bs like this coming? The US is starting to look just like the countries we used to demonize.
@Umbrella Corporation I really fear for our country, we must vote Bernie Sanders in.With all these jobs coming back to America we will loose all of our food stamps and free stuff . we will have no choice but to go back to work!!
@presmak05 Yeah man I Agree with you. All I wanna do in life is Drink Soy, Take Opioids, Smoke Weed and Empty My Bowels where I feel like. Bernie Sanders says if I vote for him, he’ll let me do that AND give me free food. Like Wow Man, that’s Groovy
@Umbrella Corporation Obvious troll is obvious.
This is a backroom deal, done by the president in full view from the Oval Office.
Gangsta Democracy…or should it be called DeMockery : /
Welcome to the United States of Russia
Where on Earth do they grow ppl like you?
Putin and Deutsche bank.
RIP: Rule of law.
You must be a total fool.
Concerns of Following rules and regulations? With possible retaliation with unjustified retributive behaviors. It appears now a pardon-san manipulating the law. All brought to you by trump tv and his follwers the trumettes.
Corruption at its best imagine fox if obama did the same for one of his aids
Obama would have been tarred and feathered by now if he had done 0.0048% of the bullshit Drumpf has gotten away with. We are living through one of the most shameful periods of American history. Our allies have no reason to ever trust us again.
Obama is a racist
Witness tampering with stone! Witness tampering by Trump! Open your eyes my fellow Americans!
AG must be dis-Barred!
I recommend using a guillotine…seems like it would be much more effective than going through the proper channels, as those are all obviously compromised if not completely corrupted.
People what were seeing is right before our very eyes is the END!!!