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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) offers short, but powerful remarks while seconding Sen. Bernie Sanders' nomination at the Democratic National Convention.
#AOC #DNC #CNN #News
Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez seconds Bernie Sanders’ DNC nomination

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@W D If youre comparing AOC intelligence to a Rock, I could hop on board with that.
Kyuss Qotsa The DNC asked her to do this and it’s standard procedure at every convention to have a supporter nominate the runner up. Leave it to CNN to not give context to villainize a progressive.
Swamp Slayer Her ideas are the same things ever other modern country already has. America is living in the dark ages.
Tell Don nobody needs his godless help. A guy calling people dumb. who gets drunk on national TV. And does perverted things. Is nobody to be calling anybody done. The guy needs some serious spiritual help. he is not independent he’s a radical leftist. Who tries to hide his hatred for God, morality and what’s good for people. he’s no independent. He’s a pimped-out worker of the devil. Who’s part of the devilish cult. a quote that if you don’t agree with them though excommunicate you since you. They’ll attack you. To try to make you feel guilty. Thank God for liberation from his warped ideology and mental abuse.
Leftist ideology is the real virus birthed from sin. Systematic sin is what leftists are all about. Calling evil good and good evil.
Then the eyes of those who see will not be closed or dimmed, and the ears of those who hear will listen. And the mind of the rash will understand knowledge and have good judgment, and the tongue of the stammerers will speak readily and plainly. The fool (the unbeliever and the ungodly) will no more be called noble, nor the crafty and greedy [for gain] said to be bountiful and princely. For the fool speaks folly and his mind plans iniquity: practicing profane ungodliness and speaking error concerning the Lord, leaving the craving of the hungry unsatisfied and causing the drink of the thirsty to fail. The instruments and methods of the fraudulent and greedy [for gain] are evil; he devises wicked devices to ruin the poor and the lowly with lying words, even when the plea of the needy is just and right. But the noble, openhearted (TO JESUS CHRIST) devises noble things; and he stands for what is noble, openhearted, and generous.
Isaiah 32:3-8

DNC gives her one minute. Hilarious.
@David Jenkins I am not sure you can recognize mastery in anything, can you? Follow your Orange boy.
@mino guirguis You seem upset with me. Misdirected anger mino guiguls. You should be upset with the DNC and Biden who have been screwing progressives all along. Giving AOC one minute to speak was just another manifestation of that mistreatment.
@David Jenkins Good job (or not so good) with the mind-game scheme, fella…
The focus will continue to be on the Orange Ape, sorry
Good job with the choice of words… On the surface, it appears as if sophisticated. Ta..ta…
@mino guirguis Hate Trump to your hearts content. If Biden wins progressives will be heard saying “Yes sir, may I have another sir.”
They’re trying to appear less radical for the moderates
When will Andrew Yang speak ?? WE WERE WAITING FOR THAT MOMENT
What about Tulsi!
Andrew Yang is a joke.
Your sick
Andrew seems like a great guy, do you think he would be Red come a few years?
“Hi I’m Joe Biden’s husband” -Joe Biden.
Patricka Elizabeth, I don’t see why those publishing the video would be privy to information we aren’t. We are all watching the same video. I can hear it either way, but I think it sounds more like “Joe”. But just the fact we are having this debate says a lot.
Yeah, he thinks he married himself!!! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
bryanatwku Hold onto that I would after his amazing speech. I’m not over here to debate these insignificant small things. I’m focused on the more essential things like policy and integrity. I don’t like distractions. I know we had four years of that, but can we move past this and get to what matters as a nation.
Patricka Elizabeth, I would agree with you normally, but these gaffes seem to be getting increasingly worse which makes voters wonder if he is in the early stages of dementia. Cognitive decline should be concerning for someone whose role would be to make decisions that impacts all of us.
What a bunch of characters! LOL!!!
Wait. What? She endorsed Bernie?
@C P so vodka & oj is not the same as oj & vodka? I’m testing that theory tonight

@Jdl Mac did you just compare vodka vs oj to dem socialism vs social-democracy? lmao
@C P I compared vodka and oj vs oj and vodka…
@Jdl Mac ah i see you’re trolling lol
@C P trolling would be saying that Bernie is not a socialist, which he himself claims to be
Joe Biden: I have over 30 years of experience and I will beat Joe Biden!!!
Best Biden quote yet!
MikeflightFPV let me guys you’re a trumper? He’s a joke and has dragged the Republican Party with him. News flash: it’s 2020, no one stands for that type of behavior anymore
@Sana A Haha, Do me a favor n point out the part where I said I endorsed/backed trump? I didn’t..
I think trump is an arrogant jerk.. ok? So now what? That aside though, you cannot honestly tell me you’re going to wholeheartedly put your faith into a man that could be taken advantage of by a 5th grader, much less someone that’s truly sharp? By the likes of say, individuals like Putin, Kim Jong un, or president Xi of China? C’MON MAN!! If that’s bullying Biden by Re quoting something he clearly said? Then these men will destroyed Biden and we’ll be the ones to truly pay for it!!
All while he’s safely hiding in a bunker.. That’s the reality and reality doesn’t care about your feelings or mine for that matter!!
I liked the fire a shotgun off your porch line! But there are soooo many to choose from!
Biden does get confused and say the wrong thing some times, but this was not one of them, and your quote is wrong. From the transcript, or context, or just listening carefully, it is clear that he said “I am going to BE Joe Biden”. He was talking about how he was going to be true to his ideals and not try to out-liberal his more progressive opponents.
I understand how you might have been confused. Similar accusations were made about Trump – remember “bigly”? It was funny for a few seconds until we all learned he was really saying “big league”.
Edit – for context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_p33LCZ9go
MikeflightFPV no bullying is when you say something demeaning or make fun of someone of something they can’t control. And I’m putting my faith in the guy that has the capability to empathize and has a progressive woman on his side. I will vote for him 10000x’s over trump. Because priority number one is to get trump out of office. You can nit pick all you want about Biden once he’s elected.
Did she say « Bernie Sanders »?
@El Barranquillero te instruye y te enseñaTrump is not a Christian and you know it! If you don’t, I suggest you step back and really look at the man you’re willing to support! Jesus wasn’t a wealthy man, he didn’t toss away people full of sin, prostitutes, beggers, the sick, he pulled them closer! No one is perfect including Biden. But Trump is a blatant liar and that’s facts! Trump cares about White America, and anyone that thinks different, look up his long history of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, adultery, greed, corruption, and sexual assault on a very young girl! The Bible says, “you will know when by their fruit” Mathew 7:15-20! Trump bares none! Your job as a Christian, is to bring God’s children to him, not push or scare them away! You are responsible for every man, woman or child you lead away from the Lord! There are a lot of false prophets in this country, and all over the world! God warns us about them many times in the Bible! Saying your a Christian is meaningless if you are not living it! I’m a Christian and have been since I was 9 years old, and when I read your comment, I felt the judgement in your words! You are not God, therefore you have no right to condemn anyone! I pray that God deals with your heart, that he convicts your spirit to the point you either have to learn the Truth, or denounce this Ungodly rhetoric you so freely spewing to believer’s and those that do not know Jesus Christ! God bless♥️
@Jessica Ribot a self described Christian telling other people that someone else isn’t Christian.. condemns this person and then continues on to say that only God can condemn someone..
are you actually trying to be hypocritical?
@Games That I Play LMAO, that’s how you choose to interpret this scenario? OKAY…
lmaooooo it just keeps getting better
@Dave S You must have read the cancel culture spark notes. Margaret Sanger founded planned parenthood, still in operation. Solely for eugenics practices. Said to estimate the extermination of 40M black lives since it’s founding. Robert Byrd, a wizard in the KKK. Served in the Senate to 2010. Hillary called him a Mentor, Biden gave a wonderful eulogy at his funeral. Biden lead the filibuster attacks on several school segregation bills. It made quite the highlight when Commyla Harris called him out on it, if you care to recall.
@Mike ! Sounds like someone has been listening to Slanthead Hannity or other pundit with Republican white man’s disease. So what, is that what PP is doing now? Is that an issue for us now?
@Dave S White man’s disease???
Seems so.
The narrative of the “Party Switch” is a lie. It’s inconvenient for the Dims to know that
they are the party of slavery. I took history 101…..I know you didn’t.
@Dave S You must be referring to Certain Black Lives Matter? 40 deaths in 80 days, billions of dollars worth of damage, police resigning in record numbers, cities ruined for absolutely no reason. Still being described as a peaceful protest movement by CNN and the rest of the propaganda ministry.
Cannon Hinnant R.I.P.
#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant Say it loud. Say it everywhere.
Madd Peanut as a leftist a agree
That is hilarious!
Everything is free except for the blue collar working Americans!
Which policies are you specifically referring to? Blue collar working Americans would be idiots to vote for a party that only cares about the top tax bracket.
@Jacob Lehy I’m guessing that you live in your Parent’s basement or attic.
@Cheery Eric nope, I was a homeowner at 24. Maybe you should stop making assumptions about others based on the norms of your own social circle, Eric.
@Jacob Lehy I was a homeowner at 18. Capitolism. _.I..
What’s “Capitolism”?
This is CNN site, and I’ve yet to see any liberal comments
@Frankincensed it’s actually disturbing how ignorant and wrong you are. We are in serious late Empire decline right now. We are mired in wars that we can’t win all over the world and spiraling into an economic depression. You are in a cult of personality. I really hope you can shake yourself out of it, but you probably won’t because that’s how Cults work. Facts don’t matter. Nothing matters except for your dear leader. I hope you find the help you need.
Liberal is vernacular from the later 1960’s – 1970’s+ Progressive is far more proactive
@Frankincensed Did you read the article or are you not interested in the truth?
How do you know? Maybe liberals don’t like her! She is not a liberal after all!
@Stomp TheElite You are a fake account –
haha she probably said “you wanna give me just 90 seconds, alright then take this”
Nick This is how all conventions work. In case you didn’t know the candidates are nominated and the candidate to receive a certain number delegates becomes the nominee. Someone needed to nominate Bernie Sanders. The DNC chose AOC for that.
David Ramlagan Nothing funnier than an ignorant idiot giving his opinion
@Fujin Yumi its literally people being mad at her for something likely scripted for her
@Bored Dude And she was invited by bernie sanders and not dnc like media say. DNC give bernie two slots of 60-90 seconds and one them bernie give to aoc. And now they try to f*ck aoc
She IS suppose to nominate Bernie
Hey CNN when are you gonna acknowledge that you havent interviewed Biden in weeks? Not Kamala? No? Not a biggie? Cardi B landed that first one since VP announcement? All normal here?
HAHAHA! Well said
“Ocasio-Cortez was asked by the DNC to officially nominate the Vermont senator under convention rules that require every primary candidate who passed a threshold of 300 delegates to be backed in the roll call.”
For those who are confused.
@Is that a thing? He didn’t. How is that relevant?
@Is that a thing? well that sure answered my question. Thanks.
@L A please accept my apology
that was really stupid of me!!! I am drawn like a moth to a flame with this election shti. Satan gets in your head and makes you think a man a mere man can solve these problems. that’s stupid right in itself… I am removing that post. apologies again..
@L A hahaha who said that?? That’s your insecurities showing I said nothing about mr orange
Y do you feel the need to belittle my vote
Are any of these people commenting even old enough to vote? I can’t believe so many people have no clue how things work at the convention.
Or bots.
nah not really tbh
Don’t buy into the headlines being used to bait you for clicks. As part of standard DNC protocol this is a routine move that happens for any candidate who reaches a specific threshold of delegates.
Y do you need to belittle my vote
The DNC asked her to do this and it’s standard procedure at every convention to have a supporter nominate the runner up. Leave it to CNN to not give context to villainize a progressive.
Don’t worry. Nobody wants communism and socialism in this country. And nobody listens to this goofball prom queen.
Y do you need to belittle my vote
Yaelra R. Good thing AOC is not a socialist then. No more radical than conservatives here in Norway
Take 12 AND you still sound like you’re auditioning on Comedy Central