Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reacts to Texas judge’s abortion pill ruling

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) explains to CNN's Anderson Cooper why she believes the Biden administration should "ignore" a ruling from a federal judge in Texas that halted the approval of abortion pill mifepristone. #CNN #News #alexandriaocasiocortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reacts to Texas judge's abortion pill ruling


    1. @LotsOfFun Okay, we’re making progress so we agree that abortion is reasonable up to a point (with I presume additional exceptions where medically critical). So the only question is when does a gob cells become a full fledged human and that is a purely objective question for scientific experts to answer.

    2. @LotsOfFun  No doubt you’re entitled to an opinion. But you might want to consult someone who is more educated in reproductive healthcare. Doctors uphold an oath to protect human life. In my opinion, ideology doesn’t trump science and facts. It wasn’t that long ago I remember Evangelical’s supporting abortion. All that changed when someone realized it could be monetized.
      And at the end of the day, you don’t want someone telling you what you can and can not do with your body. Nobody does.

  1. If this drug can be disapproved by a judge, what about any other drug? Or medical procedure? If he really wanted to save lives, he could disapprove of guns.

    1. @Jackie Boy america doesn’t have a monopoly on ppl, or mental health issues, but what they do have a monopoly on guns which is why you don’t see loads of shootings and homicide like we have in other countries… I own guns… I’m responsible but unfettered access is the real issue… why is it that ppl diagnosed with mental illnesses can get as many guns as they can afford?

  2. The Governor in Washington State has ordered a two year supply of this medication. I just don’t understand how one judge can tell the rest of the country what to do

    1. ​@KT Mac WA state judge did not block it, he issued a ruling prohibiting the company from withdrawing the pill from the market.

    2. I hope my governor in California did the same thing. California is already making its own insulin and should just start producing other pharmaceuticals because birth control is next on their list.

    3. I’m sure if the judge ruled in favor of your choice then it would be fine but since it’s not what you want it’s terrible….hypocrites!!!

  3. Why does one federal judge out of the 670+ district court judges have the authority or power to make a decision that affects the entire country?

    1. @Florin Jurcovici unlike 1860, there’s no hard border. Which side is AZ or GA on? Which side is WI or MI on? Which side is OR or NV on? Omaha skews NE. Portland skews ME. The rural parts skew both OH and NC. The borders are inside states, not between them. Even ID & WY have blue dots within them.

  4. This drug had been approved and successfully prescribed for OVER 20 years with almost no problems. This is absurd for a federal judge shopped by the GOP to take women’s rights away.

  5. What’s to stop the judiciary from rolling back FDA approval of cancer meds, and a whole host of other drugs?

    1. JustSayPieHole’,
      They already have. Many state judiciaries have band trans hormone blocker for kids.

  6. Federal judges should have term limits so we’re not stuck with them for life. Now we have a bunch of nutty judges appointed by a crazy guy.

    1. Great take. Thanks to the people who turned out for Trump in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
      We are living with the consequences of those voters 7 years later. great expletive job.🤔🤷‍♂️

  7. Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions. I agree, this ruling should be ignored. This undermines our constitutional rule of law.

    1. Yeah, this was a federal judge’s decision; as far as its reach goes, that aspect along with how poorly it was written and reasoned indicates that it’s heading for a quick demise at the full panel level.

    2. @Jack Rich Nobody else sees the words “cannabis” or “legalization” anywhere in OP’s post. So weird.

  8. I’d like to see this judges medical degree. If he doesn’t have one, then he’s practicing medicine without a license.

  9. I was a test subject for this drug. I had no problems with it. It makes me mad that these males think they have a right over any womans’ body.

    1. Was it a study of one because we’re all different? BTW Boys are HALF of pregnancies so yes they should have a say!

  10. Congress needs to end the practice of district court judges issuing nationwide injunctions. They need to take that up right away. The practice is being abused. This judge is not a king.

    1. @JustSayPie Don’t think they are incompetent; they are doing EXACTLY what they are supposed to be doing for the minority. The government better step in and protect the people from hostile religious zealots wherever they are.

  11. Someone needs to take a case in front of that same judge claiming that Viagra is just as unsafe. His ruling on that would be very telling. Let’s take away the man candy. No more boner pills would probably mean a lot fewer unwanted pregnancies…

    1. @Reuben Herrera
      The ACA was the biggest failure and joke in insurance history. A company should not have to provide contraceptive insurance if it’s against their religion. Why such a controversy? Rubbers are cheap, abstinence is 100%. It should be up to the individual to be responsible. If you play, sometimes you have to pay.

    2. @Jay Mass That we (American citizens) can deduct and decide for ourselves; especially woman. It’s for them to decide with their physicians. Not you, me or a judge in any state.

    3. ​@Jay Mass​​​Companies cannot have religions. You’re making silly arguments.

      And before you come back with “I meant the company’s owners!”

      That doesn’t matter. Companies operate withing guidelines set by their municipality, state, and nation – not by the religious convictions of whoever owns the company.

      If the owner of a plumbing company truly believes by his religious convictions that black people should not have running water, they can not refuse to take jobs from black customers.

      You’re mixing and matching individual rights & reaponsibilities with those of companies in a way that’s convenient for your argument, but dishonest.

  12. The fact that they thought ahead to make sure it couldn’t be FDA approved is crazy. Judges aren’t lawmakers but they’re trying to be.

    1. ehm. did you notice, US is having common law system ? Judges in common law system have significant role, and they are also source of law 🙂 this is how common law is different to i.e continental law…

    2. they make rulings, which face motions and challenges, its a first step, not the last.

      rulings like these go though checks and balances in higher courts etc. A ruling is just that, its a starting point not a finishing point

  13. “Let the States decide!” they said..
    ..before proceeding to undermine the very options to be decided.

  14. One judge should not have that kind of power ! No matter who’s side they’re on . ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

    1. a judge has the power to rule of the lawfulness . If a judge finds something that they think is unlawful they rule upon it. Whats so mad about that? the ruling can be challenged. thats how it works

  15. The fact that this case was shipped in this district, by Josh Hawlinass’s wife, instead of brought in a Missouri court tells us a lot.

  16. I completely agree. Blue states should ignore this judges ruling. After all, SCOTUS said it was a “state’s rights” issue, right?? 🙄😡

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