Alex Jones says he’s done apologizing in heated exchange with attorney

InfoWars founder and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones took the stand for the first time in Connecticut, where a jury will decide how much he owes in damages for lying about the Sandy Hook School shooting, which left 20 children and 6 educators dead. Jones claimed the shooting was a hoax and that the grieving families and victims are paid actors. CNN's Erica Hill reports.
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    1. When you are consistently an a$$hole your entire life, every thought and word,people figure that’s just who you are.

    2. The type of Contempt of Court you are thinking of is about disruptive or sever disrespect and not so much about having an ‘attitude’. Jones is skating the line alot but he is being polite to the judge and, for the most part, answering the questions.
      I suspect Jones is being calculated in his response. He knows he is going to be hit with a huge settlement so he is now showing just enough defiance to fire up his supporters (to keep getting their money) but not enough to actually get charged.

    1. ​@Mario Mario Rational people know that Alex Jones is a liar (in fact, two juries have already determined this)…why don’t you?

    2. @danuta dobrowolska I’m 13 hours late – but you said it! That was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the OP

    3. @Alex Stout Coming from him, it’s just insulting as he mouths those words only. You can see the contempt on his face, hear it in his voice.

  1. No problem alex. You don’t have to say you’re sorry anymore. We know you don’t mean it. Just surrender all your money.

    1. Maybe the government can surrender all their money to us since they lie as well. This case is messed up, but it’s the very beginning of destroying freedom of speech. I can say the sky is red all I want im a free person…but once I have to go to court and pay money to the people who got offended I said the sky was red is sign people we are way over controlled. These families got nothing from the government for their loss so they have to get money from someone…it’s sick.

    2. Agree. Take his money, homes, cars, retirement funds….every single dime and then make him get a job to keep paying.

    1. @NINJA-GAIDEN25 To your point, every comment you make on their channel, gets them revenue. Thanks for the support brother.

  2. “Is this China?” “I’m done apologizing.” Wow, he really feels bulletproof. Apparently that Texas payout wasn’t enough, he needs to be reminded with even worse damages that this behavior is unacceptable

    1. @Random Dude “a dumb mistake” is missing class or an 8 am conference call because you overslept.

      This was a willful lie for years which became a living nightmare for the families of the victims day after day. So don’t give me that “dumb mistake” bs.

      Frankly if I was a defendant I wouldn’t accept an apology from Jones. It’s not since anyway, we all know that. I’d want him to be hurt in the one area that he cares about, his bank account.


    1. For what…these families are just looking for a pay out because they got nothing from the anyone else or their own government!!!

  3. His complete disregard for the pain and suffering he’s caused and his belligerent attitude isn’t going to do him any favours. Imagine if he were capable of feeling shame and remorse.

    1. Because this man created a voice for himself as a bombastic commentator. And like most mouth puppets in the media cesspool. We feel we must hold certain people accountable for their rhetoric that has nothing to do with today’s issues. Wake up Dumbo-bratz…wake up Repukeitcans…you are in a nightmare. This is just a distraction. Conflict over seas and at home is on the way. Wake up! ⏰

    1. @Michael Alvarez Doesn’t matter? LOL! your not very bright are you because they decide monetary damages to the families Trump supporters have such low iQ’s.

    2. Whatever the defendant’s are awarded will be “go funded” to the point of irrelevance. People are still making real money off of Sandy Hook & it’s real victims. I lnow this judge & these attorneys will profit handsomely from this trial. The grief of these parents is now going to make people richer. Doesn’t seem good, but it’s true. The best thing to do is ignore it. It’s what we teach our kids so they can focus at school & on the ball field. I don’t even know or care what Alex Jones said because I do ignore what people say, for the most part. Free speech is free. Attorneys will have to prove damages with receipts for anyone to award them anything. Hard to do when there aren’t any.

  4. I love that when he’s doing his little dog and pony show, he’s referring to the judge as a tyrant. But then when he’s putting on a much more low-key show in the courtroom and the tyrant judge helps him out by telling him to hold off answering, he’s saying ‘Yes judge’. Yes, what an awful tyrant she is by helping you out in court because you can’t seem to keep your mouth shut.

    1. @Daniel Drader ‘take it’ anyway u like it, however like all defendants, I’m sure he was coached by n atty prior to his court appearance & told n no uncertain terms what not to say. Regardless of yr opinions, his legal strategies r n his best interests. But u knew all that rite?

    2. @Claudia Valentijn Why would I get on a so-called ‘high horse?’ What do you mean? Try not tb a dunce, explain yourself

    3. @John Dough Clearly you haven’t spent much time in a schoolroom that teaches English. Why are you now putting on this affect of not being able to type full words? But I digress, you made a comment and I simply asked you to elaborate and instead, you ramble on about things that everyone knows.
      So I’ll ask a different question for you to avoid: What in my post are you taking issue with John ‘Dough’. By the way… that’s such a witty username. A real knee-slapper.

    4. @John Dough ‘Clearly you haven’t spent much time in a courtroom’ is an arrogant remark, implying this person is ignorant. Lots of people haven’t spend time in a courtroom, yet they are perfectly capable of thinking logically.
      And ending your second post the way you have, it confirms the high horse theory.

  5. When you’re faced with a misbehaving toddler-level idiot, you just take away their toys (money & influence) so they can’t play any more.

  6. Jones is a sociopath. He doesn’t feel remorse, he is sad he can’t grift off of these lies he has told. He will continue to do this to other innocent people as long as he has a platform.

  7. Dude is soooo triggered by the fact that he’s expected to face consequences for his actions, like everyone else. The entitlement from these people knows no bounds.

    1. Ummm, he hid his money and the states where he’s getting sued have caps on damages.

      He’s literally getting away with slandering these families and doesn’t care about the children who died.

      Alex is the epitome of greed and the best example of being morally bankrupt.

  8. He is amazing. He hires people he might know of, they make their own content, it gets aired without his knowledge, and he makes millions. That is a great business. I guess it’s easier if all you do is lie, and everyone there knows it and contributes in their way.

  9. He’s so used to lying that he doesn’t understand that there are consequences. He thinks we all just know he’s lying and he gets to keep doing it as a showman rallying up the uneducated and gullible…

  10. Once you regret something you said or did, you are sorry and you apologise. Having to repeat your apology, no matter how many times, should not change your feelings. If you are fed up saying you’re sorry, then you were never truly sorry in the first place.

    1. So if you push your friend over and he falls down, and he gets up and you say you’re sorry. Are you not supposed to move on with your life or are you supposed to apologize for the rest of your life? When is enough? He was wrong. He said he was wrong. Why don’t the “globalist” he speaks of sue him for defamation?

    2. @Christie Drewery What Alex Jones said and did was not exactly the equivalent of pushing a friend to the ground. It was the equivalent of killing the victims a second time and we don’t just get on with our lives for that.

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