University of Alberta law professor Eric Adams explains how Alberta's sovereignty act could change how provinces challenge federal law.
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Finally, a hero we can back with the full force of our lives!
“The full force of our lives”? Nobody is even trying to stop this. Maybe you can have some friends over and wear civil war memorabilia or something.
@Joseph Smith
Are you drunk
The UCP only has until the end of next May in power.
Who will take over the reigns?
What’s even legal anyways. It’s a joke after the emergency act I realized the law is irrelevant. During Covid I realized our Charter rights are only protected if convenient. Let Canada break apart and be annexed by America.
I realized that I was doing all of the work trying to get the virus under control when a bunch of layabouts just did what they want and took advantage of my hard work.
Works well for Quebec.
Cry Liberals Cry
100% legal and within the Constitution and Charter .
OK, I’ll bite. What federall laws have Quebec ignored?
@Marc Fourniermany lol. Especially with immigration.
@Marc Fournier Every province has the right to Provincial Sovereignty.
Quebec is the only province that doesn’t have to pay the new carbon taxes they are exempt
Business Litigation Lawyer.

Federalism is out dated. Provinces need more independence. We have seen what 7 years of what a Federal government with to much power can do to the country.
Perhaps we should devolve into city states. Ancient Greece and Rome, here we come. If only you had a time travel machine. To be fair, it works for Singapore, Monaco, and The Vatican.
Hear hear !
@Art Vandelay Amelia Bedillia/Art Vandelay/VaccinesSavesLives…
Well known paid commentor .
Shoo fly
Great time to be an Albertan
I think it’s time to move out of commie BC
Served this country well for 150 years? Well it hasn’t served Albertans very well for the terms of both Trudeau governments, past and present. Something has to be done, so why not this?
Stop being a crybaby. Ontario was a have-not province for most of Stephen Harper’s time as PM. Then after he is defeated, they are not.
So what does that tell you about who is hurting whom?
This will come in handy for the next NDP government.
nice try but I don’t think it’s going to work
seems to work ok in Quebec
Quebec has been doing this very thing for years! It’s about time Alberta, and every other province does the same thing!
Too little too late
Would have been nice for the mandates jabs!
Only for crackpot conspiracists and moral troglodytes
Wrong as usual, Alberta want the same powers as Quebec. Go back to your University and sleep.
Read Quebec’s and Alberta’s sovereign acts. Both are very different.
Quebec seems who’ve gotten away with this approach. Most recently, not accepting more than 50,000 immigrants. What other province can set such limits without being challenged by the current government.
well there should have a vote to see if this is legal by other provinces
It was legal for Quebec why is Alberta different.
It’s 100% Legal .
I am shocked

what is going on in Canada ! 30 years ago I came to paradise 
Canada opened its doors to me ! I always was so proud of our country for its unity
WTF ?? What is going on now?

Elect a clown for PM, expect a circus.
About time
I hope Manitoba and Saskatchewan get on board
Alberta is the Arkansas of Canada. And just to clarify, because obviously albertans aren’t that bright, that is NOT a compliment!