Alberta Premier Jason Kenney says the province will be lifting the mask mandate and nearly all COVID-19 measures starting March 1.
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I’m shocked Kenny kept his word with his mask mandate….
yeah am changing my mind about him///
but I think its all due to upcoming election
He is a horrible premier done nothing but put alberta in more debt
Trucker protest gave them a taste of ensuing unrest, which made them do a 180 from the direction they started heading a couple months ago, and set them back on the path they promised.
Except you still need a mask on public transit, unless you can find a doctor to assess you for an exemption. Which means I still can’t take public transit, at least not officially, which means I can’t take it anywhere further than I can walk.
ETA: Maybe I can walk to the public library (only one hour each way) and actually go inside? Oh, wait, Edmonton bylaw.
Let all the pastors go that still remain in Jail
They can pray their way out of jail
They aren’t pastors, they’re poorly educated nutbars.
@alan4sure snd they make more than you. Cope.
@alan4sure math is racist remember.
When the hell will govt in BC stop bonnie from power abuse and end this crap
3 letters, N, D, P.
They’re trying to get out ahead of it. Don’t give them any credit.
Great! Free all Pastors and Medicine Hat hero Tamara Lich.
*plot twist: they find a new variant*
It’s true, it’s already here.
Read the headline they didn’t
Oh Pandering Kenny has been doing the hard closing and opening for 2 years.
This is just half-time, until the next boogeyman cough-cough.
All the mandates have to be removed.
There is no future for those that do not learn from history.
Im in B.C and thinking about moving there.
That’s odd. I lifted my own mask mandate, as well as all other restrictions 20 months ago. I didn’t realize it was even up to Premier Kenney. What has everyone else been doing this whole time??
YES I’ve been saying this for 2 years who has the right to tell grown adults what to do
Awesome, i never had one imposed on myself. I am a contractor and if the customer required me to wear one i did…around my was pathetic. But on my own schedule, never.
Why the F do you need to wait till March 1st for God’s sake!
it’s 3 days away karen, you’ll be fine
What does he mean by “nearly” all restrictions?
Did you not listen? Masks required in hospitals, senior care homes and public transit.
Well he’s got a review coming up that’s why he’s caring all of a sudden… hopefully he gets replaced with brian .
He’ll change his mind in a month or two and lock down again . Wait and see. Reel in let out some slack etc
There is something about him that I don’t like. He doesn’t seem genuine. Plays his cards to his benefit.
He said “nearly” all. What’s still going to be in place?