International travellers who don't quarantine are not being fined in Alberta. Kevin Green reports.
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Lol I see that 600 million payout is still working hard for trudeau
I’ll tell you why. Money makes everything move in Alberta. And we have a conservative government in Alberta. How is this hard to figure out? They would rather play politics then actually fix the problem. Same old same old in canada. This is nothing out of the ordinary. As a tax paying Canadian, this is what ive actually come to expect from our government. Both Liberal and Conservative. Ya’ll are a bunch of clowns to worried about how much you can make for your friends. Makes me sick
@Nataliya Sharlay He’s already here. Another basement dwelling complainer with no solutions.
@69Mach I CJ

Vote Liberal
@Richard C Not ever. Ever.
@Richard C Why? Doesn’t matter. They are all the same crooks, just in a different wrapper.
My MASKARINO saves grandma ! I’m a hero
Why should they???? Calgary International is a FEDERAL airport. Trudeau rules should be enforced by Feds. Why should Calgary taxpayers foot the bill??
ABnormal dark justice minister
Everything in Canada should be opened up, just like in Texas, Mississippi, and Florida.
USA got 82% like more than 265 million Americans got shot vaccines out of 335 million, that why new cases been drop and fall down, Americans did listen to Biden but Canada? Canada got only 45% like 17 million Canadians got shot vaccines out of 38 million, cases been rises really bad and worse than Mexico because too many Canadians ignored health guidelines and keep more spreading virus make me think many Canadians really love virus very much because virus is Canadians new girlfriend? what disgusting! I can see why many covidiots in Canada worse than anywhere nations
@Antilowlifes 420 Where is your proof of this .
@Golden Falcon look at bloomberg com vaccines tracker
@Antilowlifes 420 just a coincidence, i’m sure, that the surge in ‘cases’ correlates to the surge in vaccinations. mind you it also correlates to the surge in testing.
@boghopper Conspiracy Theory is a joking covidiots
I love Alberta. Province with no rules. Just do what you please. Now I know where to go when coming back from a resort vacation.
Charter right: every Canadian citizen has the right to leave and enter Canada freely. House arrest does not fit the definition of entering the country freely.
Lol pretty sure it does. You entered freely
Maybe because the fines are unconstitutional
Yep, keep your federal legislation in Ottawa!
Ok thanks for letting me know I can travel
Jail these covidiot violators
Guys help. I accidentally walked the wrong way down the aisle at walmart and killed 3 grandmas!
Hope they were yours?
Go Alberta !!
Yes…. go…. anywhere but here
Everybody want to fix this nonsense? Then stop VOTING for it. And more importantly, stop PAYING for it.
Alberta is Canada’s Florida.
How about its still in the charter section 6 : mobility rights!!!!
How dumb can journalists be, letting out such information will make more passengers using Calgary airport and not do hotel quarantine.. This raise the risk of covid spread