Rev. Al Sharpton joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss the “outrageous and unbelievable” justification of the grand jury for not directly charging the officers with the murder of Breonna Taylor. Aired on 09/23/2020.
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Al Sharpton: ‘Alarming’ To See Grand Jury Decision In Breonna Taylor Case | The Last Word | MSNBC
They’re clearly saying in Louisville that drywall damage is more unlawful than a black woman being murdered. And they wonder why there’s protesting…..until someone in power sits down and listens to them…there’ll continue to be protesting….
Laura, and they will all go to prison!
Of course they care more about the drywall. The drywall was white.
Dementia Joe Fingers
No you’re just a troll, your comments will not come to fruition. I used a big word there for you so you got a look it up in the dictionary dim wit
the lady was involved in drug selling and her boyfriend fired first on police hitting one of them… get a clue
America is
23 in education.
37 in healthcare.
34 in raising family index.
No high-speed train.
Highest number of homeless people.
Highest number of incarcerated people.
78% of people live paycheck to paycheck.
Stock market is not economy of Americans! Where 90% of money belongs to top 10% of the population, it’s wallet for the rich.
Let’s talk like adults, instead of name calling.
I have left the proof on my playlist, if you would like to check!
Let’s make our country better together …
We need to start a purge first
Dementia Joe Fingers
Hey everybody Joey here, wants us all to believe that he just found out about YouTube a couple of months ago, what say you community is he a troll?
Hey Joey, you don’t have what it takes to interfere in the election you’re not bright enough, you’re a dimwit
@Mike Regi
President Trump doesn’t want any more wars but the Democrats will have wars.
Because they’re ruthless money whores.
Yeah that’s all because the left are all communists.
Every republican president has given a recession but this takes the cake
When will Americans learn ?
@Nicole Cordova Mr Patrick is a troll
Patrick Hill
Yeah that would be your opinion Patrick, and your opinion is worthless absolutely worthless, because you don’t have any insight, you’re just spouting Republican talking points and make you look foolish
Yell Barry toped it all
Hard Rocker
Hey troll how’s it going, do you really expect us to believe that you just found out about the YouTube format a couple months ago? What a dimwit little troll you are, since you don’t know about our American government you little troll, Obama was the most popular president we’ve had in centuries. Only the racists didn’t like him,US citizens by and large loved him, so with that being said I’ll let you in on a little information troll, you don’t have what it takes to interfere in our election you’re just not that bright
Yeah, I mean there wasn’t a pandemic or anything. When will you learn?
$12 million paid off and no officers charged wtf???
@Mox Avenger Apparently “it” was a “legal” murder as well. You’re out of your skull.
Sound like the “legal” warrant was based on false information. shows the 49 Paige investigation report on breonna for 4 years. She was not an emt anymore cause of the body the found in a car rented in her name. She was literally trafficking drugs with Jamarcus and others. They have a lot of pos in the report and phone records of her and Jamarcus talking while he was in jail about money and the trap house. The media twisted it all up to get the morons tearing the city up fired up. Politics of 2020. Pretty messed up to not cover the whole story. Look for yourself if you want to see the truth of it all. It’s mind blowing
Reverend, if I may? Everyone should March to Kentucky. Get him Rev, Get him.
Oh if only I had the money!
Sorry Sally but I have to disagree with you. This is a dangerous time and with the election around the corner, emphasis should be on voting for candidates who will implement change and weed out the rot. There’s no point in getting one’s head bashed in or getting shot for nothing. The law enforcement are govt-sponsored goon squads who are not concerned with civil rights such as peaceful protest. That, in addition to the govt-sponsored suicide being touted as a means to get through the current health crisis, are just a means of culling the population and playing into the govt’s hands. #be smart #dontplayintotheirhands
I would happily sh00t a bunch of blm terrorists
Victor Mason
That would be murder you dim wit, you would go to prison you dim wit, you probably shouldn’t even on a gun seeing as how you’re so dim witted
Victor Mason
Hey dimwit troll, you expect all of us on YouTube to think that you just found out about YouTube less than a year ago what an ignorant troll, you need to take a seat clown
Is it true that UK healthcare system is better than USA?
Where does USA ranks for healthcare system ?
No i lived overseas and our system before Obama was better
Poodle Girl
Wrong, you didn’t live overseas, you’ve only had a YouTube account for a couple of years, nothing you say is true, take a seat you little clown
Brad Dibble just out of curiosity, what does not having a YouTube account have to do with living overseas?
USAs Left
I am implying that she is a newbie troll, who falsely claimed that the health care was better before Obama, implying that she lived here then, I assert that she is making up her statement out of whole cloth. You can usually gauge someone’s legitimacy, simply based on the comment they make.
So basically I said she lied, she’s a troll,she doesn’t have any insight into this issue ,that’s how trolls work.
This isn’t her first post, you can gauge even better after multiple comments.
They all are colluding! DA, president, Mitch, officers, prosecutors
Democrats are a terrorist organization
KY AG is a “rising young Republican star”,and a protege of Mitch McConnell who Trump endorsed for Attorney General after Andy Beshear was elected Governor.
Voting will be overwhelming. Enough is enough
Just like 2016
You’re right! Trump landslide!

@Mike D so you gonna vote more than once, maybe three times?
@Benson Alvin yea vote for this.
I’m from Kentucky, I’m from an hour n of Louisville, im probably a. Outside agitator
Trump probably payed them for that decision! Vote Biden, Vote Biden. Free us from the lunacy!!
Sally Hammond paid with Putin’s money.
Creepy joe is Hiding in his Basement
You sound as twisted as “Fake President!”
the lady was involved in drug selling and her boyfriend fired first on police hitting one of them… get a clue
$ 12million + payment will be paid by tax payers through the taxes. The officers involved should be held to pay a portion of the settlement also the police force that the officers are part of should also have to cough up part of that payment. Police might start policing the other cops that go off and black mark police
Sadly it was expected, its why there are protests. Anti American decisions in favor of a ruling army.
the lady was involved in drug selling and her boyfriend fired first on police hitting one of them… get a clue
And it don’t matter how much money was settled for her and the tax payers are the ones paying not the fricking police department!!!
the police federation insurance will pay.
@lima leaf frog (Face Palm)
There’s a lot More than that going on right now with our vote black people. We have to also make sure that you vote at the correct! Polling Station folk’s. If you should go to the wrong polling station, you will be given a Provisional Ballot that they Will throw away. WTH? Make sure you know where to vote people.
the lady was involved in drug selling and her boyfriend fired first on police hitting one of them… get a clue
@Ailene Tabada shut it Lady Lie’s poison the soul creep.
Imagine when America is under trump the dictator !
I’d rather not, this is ridiculous, Trump has to go and the Police have to be held accountable for killing Black People and the fact that they are often being Murdered for No good reason other than the Colour of their Skin is Disgusting, if Breona Taylor had been White none of this BS would have happened, this Murder of Black People has to Stop and Moscow Mitch McTurtle has deliberately sat on the George Floyd Police Reform Bill, he’s Sat on the Gun Reform passed after the School Shootings and that has been on his Desk since February of 2019 and yet the Trump Administration has made it easier for Felons to get Guns, they have made it easier for people who have Mental health problems to get Guns, it’s been made easier for people with a history of White Supremacy, who are classed as Domestic Terrorists to get Guns, but for Black People to get Justice? No they’ve made that almost impossible, even when the Police are Supposed to Protect and Serve, it’s Not the Black Community that they are Protecting and Serving.
@Kev Warriner it would have happened but it would not be a big deal if she was white. Don’t hangout and sleep with drug dealer thugs she asked for it
@Noles fan89 …you must be the original ignoramous
Per Trump! This is Joe Biden’s America! LMAO
“We must turn our pain into power.”
“And turn our Division, into Unity!”
the lady was involved in drug selling and her boyfriend fired first on police hitting one of them… get a clue
I was born in Kentucky. Lived there until I was an adult and could move away. Currently back in Kentucky visiting relatives near Louisville. As Kentuckians, we tell you: Rev. Sharpton and other celebrities who value this woman’s life are correct in their priorities and are welcome here.
How is it Alarming, who did not know this was coming after the settlement of 12 million and boarding up of several Federal Buildings.
Was there any blacks on the grand jury if not that why
the lady was involved in drug selling and her boyfriend fired first on police hitting one of them… get a clue