"I slapped my friend and said, 'That's my dad!'" Watch the moment Bentley realizes his stepdad is standing right in front of him.
RELATED VIDEO » Dad reunites with kids after 6 month deployment:
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Thars Nice
Official Akshay yadav dude I meant it, am not a mean man
I think these types of “surprises” are not empowering to the child. Perhaps this child is perfectly fine, but with many others the poor kid is taken off guard, thrown with all the pent up emotions into sudden spotlight. It helps enforce the feeling that a child has no control over their lives. They are full of private emotion but have to ‘act’ them out as if on stage. Shame on the adults assigned to protect the child. This hype is for the adult and others in on the “joke” but not fair to the kids.
I would think he would be thrilled to see his father and touched that his classmates were so excited for him. To say it isn’t fair to the child, and to shame the adults for their role seems a bit of a stretch. However, that is my opinion just as you are entitled to yours and I am genuinely interested in your thoughts on my reply.

I am not from the USA however so my knowledge on these reunions is based purely on what I have read and seen in videos so I may be missing some pertinent information.
I bet you’re fun at parties
@DROPKICK Chester lol
That’s pretty Awesome.
So sweet! When a member of the family is in military, all the family is in the military
What’s the Principals Plenty of Fish account
I’m tryna see what’s up lol

What’s the Principals Plenty of Fish account

I’m tryna see what’s up lol
Thars Nice
So sweet ! When a member of the family is in military all the family is in the military