Air India flight crashes in Calicut – here’s what we know so far

Aviation expert Keith Mackey looks at the factors that could have caused an Air India flight to crash and skid off a runway.

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Air India flight crashes in Calicut – here's what we know so far


  1. Cant wait to listen to the ATIS or ATC audio and hear a perfect go around situation but the pilot decides to land it

  2. Table-top airports exist in high altitude areas in many parts of the world. The international airport where this mishap occurred is operating since 1988. This is the first major accident that happened since then claiming 17 lives. The weather is to blame as the visibility was poor due to heavy rain and wind. There are also unverified reports about the aircraft’s landing gear that got jammed and nose-dived, skid off/overran from the runway. The pilot Capt. D.V. Sathe who lost life in this accident was a Former IAF wing commander with over 22+ years of flying experience, both combat and commercial aircraft. Condolences to families of those who lost their lives.

  3. Humans can build bridges, aircraft carriers, etc You telling me they can not ensure a safety zone on the end of a table top runway?

    1. It’s still unclear what runway drainage is at that airport. The plane seems to have landed with a tail wind, meaning a faster landing. The plane was a “stretched” version so flaps are limited, meaning a faster landing than shorter versions of 737 would use. The runway has a stretch of pavement beyond the numbers, which the plane apparently over-ran before plunging down the hill. Deep gravel in the over-run area is a better solution than pavement as the plane would sink and stop rapidly. The down side of doing that is it would rip the gear off a plane that landed before the numbers.
      Aircraft carriers can be extremely challenging to land on!

    2. @koolerpure I hope you won’t change your position.
      Q1. Why do you call yourself koolerpure ?
      Q2. Are you ashamed of your legal name ?
      Q3. Why did you choose this fake name ?

  4. The worst part of this video? This reporter keeps interrupting this poor guy who’s just trying to answer her questions lol

    Best wishes to the survivors though, and deep condolences to those who lost family.

  5. Whatever you do, don’t let the expert finish his thought, and keep cutting him off. Totally makes for a great interview considering nobody actually cares about what you think behind the desk… How did she make it this far in her career?

  6. I’m from India, the pilot was an ex wing commander, sword holder from the afa. It was a case of contaminated runway. He used his presence of mind and turned off engine and electrical supply at the last moment, saving most of the passengers. B0th pil0ts are no more.

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