‘Air Canada is playing hardball with the government’: former Air Canada executive

Former Air Canada Executive John Gradek believes Air Canada's layoffs are a move to threaten the government in exchange for loans or grants.

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  1. Let em go bust, they are a terrible arrogant airline anyway. Someone else will pick up the slack.

  2. History always repeats itself..It was corporate welfare in the past for Air Canada..Looks like corporate welfare in the future..
    ..Air Canada Then comes SNC .. Bombardie..and every other Liberal supported company will have their hands out for welfare..

  3. Oh so sad, all the money they charge for a ticket within Canada every year more expensive

  4. Fly lighter than air. It hurts less when you crash. Voyage allège, çà fait moins mal quand tu t’écrâse.🐱🏍

  5. What do you mean Air Canada is playing hardball. it’s losing 22 million dollars a day and they have 7.5 billion dollars left. Time is ticking. They have lost 95% capacity. 50% employee reduction to be quite honest is not enough. They should have at least 75% reduction.

  6. We should just nationalize the company. If we have to pay them to stay afloat we should run it as a crown corp.

  7. LET THEM GO! Let the smaller airlines come in and provide better service, better prices and more safety! Employees of AC can apply for work in the new smaller airlines that move in…let’s get real here, nobody is doing any tourist travel for the next year or even two years! Sad but that’s the truth. And frankly in this pandemic climate the internal structure of all planes needs to be looked at carefully and then rebuilt…I would NOT get into a plane the way they are now and I’m not alone in that decision….think about that Air Canada…use your time in limbo to restructure what you are offering and make those safety changes INSIDE your planes!

  8. Screw air Canada…let them go under!!! When there is a demand another carrier will rise, its called CAPITALISM

  9. This is a multi-billion dollar yearly profiting company that has no problem passing the buck onto the customer.
    No sympathy from me.
    Again, where do the billions in profit go…?

  10. The fact that Air Canada is laying off 50-60% of its employees is NOT indication that it needs a bailout, IF IT IS FLUSHED WITH MONEY, IT WOULD STILL BE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING in this market condition with low demand for air travel due to the pandemic. Air Canada is just adjusting to the market, nothing more should be read from this action. What is really needing help is, again, NOT Air Canada, but the Market, which needs consumer confidence to be restored, so money should instead be invested into finding the vaccine as soon as possible.

  11. Air canada getting screwed by the government with border lockdowns. Open them up for we and start vacationing again. Other countries being economically responsible by opening them up. We can travel and still be safe

  12. Air Canada, make adjustments to their New Era Business Plan, NO BAILOUTS, Just like Virgin in Australia.

  13. When they were making money they over booked, took away food on flights, charged for luggage and were rude to customers. Air Canada is no longer a crown corporation they are a private company and want taxpayer money. They are corporate parasites. This is communism for capitalism.

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