NBC News’ Leigh Ann Caldwell reports on new information from senior aides of the impeachment manager team, previewing the second day of the Senate trial. Aired on 02/10/2021.
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#SenateTrial #HouseManagers #MSNBC
Aides: House Managers To Present New Video Evidence On Trial’s Second Day | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Trump should Probably Start Paying

his Lawyers.
are you talking about practicing ethical business dealings? that goes against EVERYTHING trump stands for.
lie, cheat and steal is the mantra trump lives by wholeheartedly.
What reputable lawyers would ever work for him at this point? He couldn’t even con a paralegal to help him out.
@Brian Jones if the truth doesn’t matter to you you can effort yourself that.
Lawyers will no see a dime lol!
His loyal supporters will be the one to pay for his legal fees. They are wealthy people, so I heard from the news.
F**k Jim Jordan.
Boycott anything made in Ohio. He will be voted out when the state starts losing money.
Gym Jordan is a disgusting human.
As linguistics go, I could not have chosen a better word. Though it is tempting to drop the ” ** ” and add back the ” uc “.
What a tangled mess of logic that bounces around Jim Jordan’s head.
Logic? Hardly.
Jim needs to lose his job.
He’s still thinking about all the students who were molested on his watch. During these proceedings he’s preoccupied, running those images through his head constantly. Hence the frequent bathroom breaks.
Is that a basketball coach joke? This guy, who used to be a basketball coach, is driving national policy? Where’s my vodka breakfast shake?
Jim Jordan: how many young boys were molested by your friend and fellow coach? And how is your cocaine problem these days?
@Ralas Mom Jim Jordan was 22 when he started assistant coaching for the OSU wrestling team.
Guess Trumpers dont do well with reading comprehension unless it’s about guns or cattle.
@DJ Jones Dude I said he was a team doctor. Do you me pointing to what team or sport he was a doctor of ? Typical Trumper.,filling things in that aren’t there. Do you belong to Qanon by chance? LOL Weak Tea dude
@BRealistic “Being the team doctor was much, much worse, dude”. You said “the”, implying he was the wrestling team’s doctor…. not “a”, referring to any sports teams doctor. Weak rebuttal and actually, pretty 12 year oldish.
@BRealistic Guess children don’t take too kindly to being corrected by adults.
Leave it to Gym Jordan to defend the indefensible.
Why do they even give this guy the time of day? All he does is lie and cover up. MSNBC should do better reporting give someone who actually matters a voice.
He’s a Despicable guy!
@DinkDiink my very thoughts
I’m from Ohio and Jim Jordan is a toady and a fool. I cringe every time he speaks on anything.
Me too. We need to get rid of him. He’s a disgrace.
Right on, K Emerson. I was starting to think Ohio must be one confused state.
That’s because you’re a pajama boy.
In Ohio we have a radio talk host name Bill Cunningham that broadcasts throughout the state. I once heard him say, “Democrats are trying to destroy America”, among other things. I was deeply offended. And I think such language is responsible for the deep divisions in this nation. I am a veteran, a father of two grown children, and served on my church board of trustees for 19 years. One can argue about the effects of a particular issue, but ….
Video is powerful in response to Republican Lies.
Jacob, Trump is acquitted home boy
Jim jordan should be removed
Lol Gym highlights the ONE PHRASE PUT IN deliberately to be used as a FIG LEAF in this situation. Gym needs to GO.
Gym Jordan has trouble with good judgment. ask any of those wrestling students…
sick burn lol
To discover Jim Jordan’s low level of judgement, all one has to do is listen to him in committee.
A disgusting person. Ewwww!
Jim Jordan needs to go! He does not represent Ohio. Shame on him.
Sadly he absolutely represents Ohio and the way the majority of Ohio’ans
@Trevor Lee No, he only represents his own backward district.
None of the GOP should remain we will see another insurrection next elections but they will be out and we will be ready this time!
Why Jim Jordan hasn’t been investigated yet he knew what happened with those boys and did nothing.
Same thing I’ve been saying for years now.. Jordan should be in jail!
Please stop giving JJ a platform. Anyone who turns their head on children being abused should have no voice. He’s disgusting & it hurts to see criminals acting honorable when they liars. STOP interviewing him!
Couldn’t agree more. Please MSNBC stop giving this guy a platform. It is NOT helpful to our country. It’s how we got into this mess in the first place.
Yet, he has enough of a following to be voted into his position. How does America have a chance to avoid the iceberg?
MR. Jordan is a liar and a prevaricator, telling half-truths and spewing falsehoods is his specialty. By the way, I have a sport coat I am not currently using.
I couldn’t have done it without you.
Skipping over Jim Jordan now… Waste of airspace, waste of headspace.
Waste of a slot at Capital University Law School.
Gym Jordon is a loser. If he can t protect his team from sexual assault how can he protect you.
Jim Jordan is a disgrace to his own party. Why they keep electing someone so bigoted and just plain dumb is beyond my understanding. Every time he opens his mouth, he proves that he is incapable of doing the job he was elected to do. His district must be gerrymandered so that no one else can win.
Why is jim Jordan so deathly afraid of trump????
Gymbo Standby And Watch Jordan. Why does the MSM repeatedly give this creep air-time to vent BS and lies.
Jim Jordan is only a mouthpiece, he’s trying to cover his own backside. He has no credibility. He will vote no to save his own political power.
If we look at Jim Jordan’s history, he only defends sexual predators. Soooo…