Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael and William "Roddie" Bryan have been found guilty of all counts in the federal trial of the three men charged with violating Ahamud Arbery's civil rights. #CNN #News
Ahmaud Arbery’s killers found guilty in federal hate crime trial

I’m glad justice was served, but the system needs to change. If these idiots didn’t film themselves, they probably would’ve gotten away with it. There needs to be a law that states if you’re armed and confront an unarmed person, you can’t claim self-defense when you kill that person.
So what if the unarmed attacked was much larger and younger than you? Would this disparity of size and age and strength change your mind? What if thr attacker was some 25 year old convicted felon on Parole burglaring a hime and the armed homeowner is some 68 year old man with a sick debilitated wife to he protected? So yiu woukd vote for th4 burglar?
@Ms. Ann Thrope Why would you even go there?
This was 2 ARMED LAW TRAINED MEN and a 3rd following to video it, which is the ONLY REASON THIS CRIME CAME TO JUSTICE!
Against a black man who loved to run.
Point in fact, prior gun/weapons laws WERE you could not confront an intruder with more “force”.
Then NRA & some states came up with “Stand Your Ground”, as others stated we must vacate premises, unless cornered.
Now it seems case by case if your a Bad Boy or Vigilante.
These 3 were Racist motivated Vigilantes.
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
@Jay Quintana It does trust
This whole case was almost completely covered up. Thankfully justice is occasionally served and these horrible men weren’t able to escape it.
RIP Mr. Arbery
@Man Up Ok skinhead.
@Robert Johnson You ARE racist, because you ASSUME he was a thief, with NO evidence. You can’t read his mind, and neither can these 3 murderers.
@Joboygbp Edwards Bet you weren’t for Police when they tried to defend the Capitol on 1/6, racist !
@sneaker face vids He was a thief. This video might explain a lot. Ahmaud was on probation for 2 felonies maybe that’s why he ran. find Ahmaud’s mental status also.
@sneaker face vids If you watch videos of that day (1/6) you will see Capitol Police opening barricades to the Capitol and waving the peaceful protesters in. They also opened the doors to the Capitol and waved them in. They even took selfies with some of them. There were also BLM and ANTIFA instigators in the crowd inciting people to riot. So let’s see how it plays out before you get your panties in a bunch.
This should go down in the record books as The Stupidest Crime Ever Committed. Think of it: these guys could be home right now – watching a monster truck pull and complaining about Hillary Clinton – and all they ever had to do was nothing. Just let the guy go. He wasn’t bothering them. SMH.
Instead, they get to spend the rest of their stupid lives in prison. For nothing.
@James Goodwin how do you burglarize a house under construction in broad daylight & you can’t chase someone grab them then say you was defending yourself when your the one that brought the gun with you
@Ollie Ox That act in it of itself is not a felony. Being a cohort of a citizens arrest is a dramatically different situation than being a cohort to a murder. In principle the average person would find the act of assisting your neighbors, who are retired law enforcement and employee of the district attorney, apprehend a person in suspicion of a burglary. Is a morally acceptable thing to do. At least in principle. Aside from optics of horrific outcomes. What evidence against him exists that he knew these men were not properly carrying out a citizens arrest? Look, I don’t like defending the scumbag either. It’s not really him I’m defending, it’s the principle of law. And I will go on to say that I think the average man in his position would be extremely remorseful, and I see that he is not. Disgusting as that may be, I don’t see how that makes him guilty of murder.
@Ollie Ox and shall I go on to say I believe the charges against him were a punishment for getting in the way of prosecution and not testifying for the state against the other two. He gets the same punishment. If he would have ran to the DA and said please have mercy on me because I only thought we were going to catch a burglar. Because I trusted that these two men from the legal world knew what they were doing. I didn’t know this tragedy could possibly happen. He probably wouldn’t even be considered him a villain of the situation. If he did the right thing and cooperated he would probably be a free man today. But he foolishly believes he was in the right. And because of that he spending the rest of his life in prison. Is that justice? Or is it a society punishing someone it finds repugnant for the ills of society? Maybe it’s because he got too close to those who did something awful that something bad should happen to him to is winning over the problem that he technically didn’t appear to have knowingly aided in what would later been legally dissected and determined to be a murder of which he was not a principal actor. The most that can reasonably be stated is that he was the principal actor in an unlawful citizens arrest. A life sentence for that is harsh, no?
@andre mcdonald Burglarizing a house in shorts and a t-shirt lol. No bag, no tools. He was gonna stuff his shorts with tons of valuable copper pipes lol.
@James Goodwin do you have facts to back up that claim?
You just have to take your hat off in appreciation of how much effort these guys put into assuring the jury would convict them.
Really, they left no stone unturned in making themselves look like racist assholes on the loose.
Well done, Sirs. Well done.
@ispeakfactsnotopinions Funny how it doesn’t matter. Funny how trespassing isn’t a capital crime. Funny how only troll accounts are the only ones who seem to care.
@Waltham1892 let someone tress pass on your property. What would you have done? Can’t call the police cause by the time police arrives, he’s long gone so what’s your next plan?
@Waltham1892 we’re all trolls including yourself
@ispeakfactsnotopinions funny how you racist still making assumptions about his plans and things he never did as an excuse for murder of that man. It’s sick and shows an evil spirit and mind state and is exactly why the cowards will never breath free air again.. I hope you run up one day on the wrong one and get your attitude adjusted by someone who profiles and assumes the worst out of you!!!
@ispeakfactsnotopinions Someone trespasses on my property, takes nothing, does nothing and leaves.
Why would I call the police at all?
Well gee, if only police officers were “convicted” and seen the same way these 3 men are.
@Randy Hilton I just tagged you in the explanation.
@AyjayAlleyway Sorry, I read your last comment first. The issue is the preponderance of cases, and not just murders or killings, but the denial of rights, unwarranted stops, manufactured evidence, wrongful convictions and the unwillingness to right them when found, unequal sentences for the same crimes, etc. In Brown’s case and so many others, the training of police stands out as lacking in what tactics are needed to fit the “crime”. Or what tactic might be in the best interest of the public in any circumstance. Do you remember the black therapist who was shot with his hands up, lying on his back telling the officer that the man who appeared to be having problems was autistic and having a bad day, was not armed and after telling the cop that was shot? After being shot he asked the cop, “why did you shoot me?” “i don’t know” , the cop said. Considering the life changing actions police can take, I believe they are woefully undertrained, and for the most part under educated as well.
@Patricia GO to be fair, there’s no reason to think their original intent was to kill him. They pursued him, illegally, because they thought he was going to commit a crime, and they ended up shooting him in a likely unexpected struggle.
@Randy Hilton I agree with a lot of that. Police often aren’t the smartest people, and they often don’t have enough training. They are underfunded. I think a lot of the unjust shooting are a result of those inadequacies, though, not a widespread racism epidemic. And there certainly are some of examples of systemic racism in the courts, especially a few decades back. However, when assessed more honestly and less emotionally, I think it’s less prevalent than it’s commonly made out to be, and I don’t see any benefit in intentionally exaggerating it.
@AyjayAlleyway oh right, so the crime that he was going to commit, he ran away from? Got it! So kill him because HE MIGHT commit a crime. No clear cut evidence that he would commit a crime. Just a hunch because of the color of his skin! His skin color made him GUILTY IN THEIR EYES regardless of what Ahmaud may do. These 3 RACIST thugs operated on hatred of blacks. It could have been another black person, they didn’t care, they only wanted a black person to lynch. You have already tried to make these 3 racist murderers all friendly and just mistaken but place all blame and criminality on Ahmaud! I see how you racists operate. You give the 3 racist thugs the benefit of the doubt but NONE for Ahmaud. Again, where is your white hood?!
Now let’s go after the police and government and officials who were involved in the cover-up and protected these men for months before the video came out
@Ejay420 NOPE NOT TELL PEOPLE admit black people are racist and should go to jail for racist reasons sorry I can’t get on your ship till then
@Faith Hudson well don’t then keep your hateful as away.
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Cameras never lie. Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
Their hatred meant more to them than their freedom. In fact, their hatred led them to believe that there were no limits to their freedoms. Now they have no freedoms. But at least they still have their hatred.
@Nett Gaines I pray they don’t, they deserve hell for all eternity.
They’re definitely going to _hate_ taking showers.
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Cameras never lie. Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
That’s sad, but true. They probably actually blame the victim for what his murder has resulted in for themselves.
@Rick Jag For those who think/thought this was a racist act, are the racist ones for even thinking of that. Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went snooping around on private property that wasn’t his when he was clearly caught on camera doing it? Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
Everyone has a choice in life. You can decide to love or hate. This is what happens when you hate.
@Lp K no pumpkin they didn’t get the death penalty. And they won’t. The criminal trial is over
@Kirk Patrick Actually, the Seattle precinct wasn’t burned to the ground. A trash bin was lit on fire. It was extinguished. Are you cultists ever right about anything ever?
@K Freeman
Although non White folks have been treated horribly and unfairly, it isn’t fair to say for all non Whites to fear all White folks. But if it’s how you believe, think and feel, I can’t debate those things anymore than debate with my bff racist father.
@Drew B nope
@Jerry Woods Yep
After all the sick decisions I’ve seen coming from the American justice system, Im sadly enough actually surprised they have been found guilty, while obviously they are guilty. It’s certainly not enough to gain my trust in the justice system, but it’s a small start.
One step forward two giant leaps backward.
Speak It!
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Cameras never lie. Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
For once, justice is served…..sadly, this SHOULD have happened in many more situations
@Faith Hudson so that makes these 3 people murdering an innocent jogger justified?
@ImABro mmmm did I say that …. again you are missing the point but what else is new
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
@Faith Hudson WTF are you talking about? The black man your secretly in luv with doesn’t pay you any attention so you make up lies about black men!
@ispeakfactsnotopinions after reading your comment I realize giving you an intelligent response would be stupidity!
Breaks my heart this was the last thing this child saw before his passing. May he rest in peace.
@April May we are all children in the eyes of god
@Jay Jay when, when have someone black raped, murdered or assaulted someone white and there wasn’t a peep. This is still in the news because of the cover up. But please give some examples
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Cameras never lie. Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
@ispeakfactsnotopinions those cameras caught many people on that property. But since you are asking questions. Here is one how would the McMichaels know of Aubrey belonged on that property or not? They had no access to that camera footage nor had they been in contact with the owner of the property
Justice won’t be completed until the police and prosecutor are held accountable for their incompetence.
@Robin Parker you see that thing written in blue in front of my comment? That’s the person who’s question I was answering. Instead of trying to guess what I was saying take your fat finger and scroll up and try reading.
@Von Mauser just know if you do what your three hero’s here did we will get you too.
@Daniel Caughlan happens all the time ..or D.A.s don’t want to charge cops becuase the other cops will have hissy fits and blow up other cases
@Daniel Caughlan umm I doubt she’ll get jail time I smell a probation plea coming where she will give up her law license
@Jay Jay well get out there and fight
I’ve had family members tell me that racism is only in the minds of people. I no longer have contact with these family members…..two cousins, their husbands and their adult children. I have three children that are half black and my oldest son have experienced racism. It hurt me to my core that my family members think that way. Racism is real and experienced daily by people of color.

Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Cameras never lie. Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
There isn’t true evidence they were motivated based on Race! The media decided that for them.
The worst part of HATE CRIMES: to have a reasonable racial opinion can get you incarcerated. “Hate crime” legislation is itself an anti-white hate crime.When Democrats passed these phony hate crime laws I knew they would be used to weaponize the legal system against white people.
@Sarah Reynolds What is your reasonable racial opinion? That only blacks should be chased down and murdered? How many times have you told on yourself without knowing it?
All people experience racism. Your son isn’t special.
Justice is not served. Let’s not forget the DA and local law enforcement that initially treated this as self defense with no arrest. But for the stupidity of the criminal in filming and distributing the tape there would have been no arrest or trial. This conviction is rare.
@Richard Russian troll, if you had ever even stepped foot in America you would know why that law was repealed
@megladon6 because he assaulted Travis. Why did he assault Travis? The Judge and media wont tell you or allow it BUT they tried to tell you covertly by posting Arbery’s mental illness documents online. He was Schizophrenic. Schizophrenic’s think they have super human strength and so that explains why he would attack a man holding a shot gun. And so on appeal, this will be one of the errors of the lower court not allowing that evidence in.
Here is another reason why people, especially a retired cop, suspect BLACKS twice as much as white’s in Glynn County: Search Glynn County Prison Population By Race
Glynn County Prison Population By Race
Asian Prison Population –
Black Prison Population 367
Latino Prison Population –
Native Prison Population –
White Prison Population 175
Other Prison Population 3
@megladon6 If you want to see the court filings as to who Arbery really was, search Free Black Thought Arbery, and the links are at the bottom of the page.
Murders need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law!!!!….. GUILTY!!!!!
@Richard GUILTY….glad the law sent them to prison for their murderous behavior!!!!PRISON AWAITS THEM!!
Hate is exhausting! If someone can teach HATE; someone can teach LOVE!!!!
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Cameras never lie. Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
@ispeakfactsnotopinions There were others (white folks, actually) who wandered in and around that same property. Nothing was ever stolen, according to the owner, even though all had the opportunity to do so. You are just prejudiced, and that’s a fact.
@Randy Hilton For those who think/thought this was a racist act, are the racist ones for even thinking of that. Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went snooping around on private property that wasn’t his when he was clearly caught on camera doing it? Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
@ispeakfactsnotopinions Obviously you know nothing of the law. Try educating yourself.
Little kids try to teach us every day but adults teach hate! So sad!
This was the last thing this child saw before passing away, and may he rest in peace.
@Roger Bing Rodger a spend the rest of their life in prison, crying like little b******.
@Roger Bing why don’t you mail them they’re metal for being a hero, While there are protecting each other’s butthole. Send them canteen money because they are going to need it for the next 50 60 years until they have dirt thrown on those douchebags.
@ispeakfactsnotopinions No, you racists say that BS a lot. Shows you aren’t property owners.
Yeah he was a good boy he was running to his college class that he was late for
@FUCKTHESYSTEM70 The racist wit fails again.
I can’t even wrap my head around the idea that someone could hate someone based on the color of their skin. And though I am happy that these imbecilic, hateful men were convicted, this does not bring back the beautiful young man who was lost, and so the grief does not end for his family. Heartbreaking.
Well said

@Phil Kosick what facts do you have
Dont try to wrap your head around it, hate is based on ignorance and fear. The baggage of racial hated is unfortunately with us until we mature from this notion of skin color makes us different
@ispeakfactsnotopinions There’s no death penalty for that.
what’s truly disturbing is how many have gotten away with this sort of thing the Local DA wasn’t going to prosecute.
God See’s all things, judgement day is coming!!
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Cameras never lie. Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
@ispeakfactsnotopinions you are not very smart are you troll
Trump agree. Trump rules
Only the uneducated ones will defend these facts. For those who think/thought this was a racist act, are the racist ones for even thinking of that. Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went snooping around on private property that wasn’t his when he was clearly caught on camera doing it? Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
The worst mistake committed by DA Jackie Johnson, George Barnhill and the Brunswick Police Department, was to assume that Wanda Cooper was an uneducated and member of a permanent underclass.
They didn’t know who they were dealing with. She’s truly a Queen and an inspiration to many.
Funny how they never asked why did ahmaud stopped jogging and went inside on private property work material around and why was he snooping around when cameras caught him before he left the property? Cameras never lie. Only one answer to that one folks, it’s because he was probably going to go back to that same property later that night or the next day and try to to steal stuff. Think about it, ahmaud would probably be still alive today if he hadn’t did any of that.
@ispeakfactsnotopinionsThe fact is that, three Racist White men ran Ahmaud Arbery down and Murdered him, they will be spending the rest of the their Hate filled lives in prison, where they belong, of course you have a problem with that, there were people in and out of that empty house in camera, but, you chose to focus on Ahmaud, to defend the men that Murdered him.
@Beatrice Mitchell Youtube CNN deletes the truth so i keep posting it for you
@Richard everything u said was pointless
and has nothing to do with 3 white men chasing him down and killing him. Go sit down somewhere pointless Bob..
@Richard Even if that’s true are you saying you agree with the murders and wish you could do that to black people . do you have Lowe self esteem or your just like blaming blacks people for your bad life choices. Don’t mean he deserves the death penalty for two CRAZY Nuts. I have white people on property looking at stuff my uncle built special items from wood and nobody in the black community tried to kill or walked out or chase him.
I’m still confused about the DOJ offering them that sweet deal when they had all of this evidence.