Ahmaud Arbery’s father: His death was a modern-day lynching

Marcus Arbery Sr. recalls the memory of his son on the day of his 26th birthday. Arbery Sr. called his son's death a "modern-day lynching" following the arrest of two men charged with Ahmaud Arbery's murder.

#CNN #News

Ahmaud Arbery's father: His death was a modern-day lynching


  1. Just imagine, these two would have never been arrested if there wasn’t a public outcry. Shameful.

    1. I totally agree my brother ! And in the word of Warner wolf let’s go to the video tape thank God for Steve jobs

    2. @Unapologetic 662 like Warner wolf always say lets. go to the video tape ! People lie video cameras don’t !!

    3. whataqtify You obviously didn’t listen to the 911 call, go listen and see where you’re wrong

  2. It’s high time we as Americans stand up to this these types of lynching..ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

    1. Black lives doesn’t matter period. Federal State and local comunites don’t give a dam. Working together to protect themselves from huge fiencal lawsuits.

    2. Maria Welling Of course his racist black father is quick to play the race card even though it has nothing to do with racism and he attacked them and tried to take away their gun which then led them to defending themselves.

    3. @American Ancap We definitely should get rid of the fed. I wouldn’t recommend going full Ancap though. We should nationalize our money supply and make it work for our benefit. Going full free market especially at this stage of capitalism will not end well.

  3. As a Georgia resident this story is especially gut wrenching. Those 2 thugs should be thrown under the jail. It’s because of people like them, this country is so screwed up.

    1. @Joshua Foster I don’t have to tell you there were not only an infinite number of alternative actions Ahmaud could’ve chosen but also many directions in which he could’ve run (you can’t block a guy off on foot with two vehicles). The white guys did not start any conflict. Ahmaud did that when he decided to beat the son and steal his shotgun. Use your common sense. If they went there to murder him, they could’ve done that from afar without boxing him in, and certainly without video. The ‘racist’ DA and police department wouldn’t bat an eye anyway, right? So, which is it?

    2. @Twoofer Derper Why did the white men chase after him with guns like this is the wild west.

  4. I wouldn’t be able to come on here and talk about my kid. 😔😔😔 I’m so sorry sir. Bless you!!!

    1. @Lexi S not in high schools moron.
      50 bucks says it was stolen. But your boy is an angel right? Just like all the others.

    2. @blaz. If you bring a loaded gun to a school you are a thug you idiot. What mindset would do that? None of my friends did.

    3. @cj p whats your angle bc i don’t see how a past crime like that qualifies him for a lynching by 2 bigots

  5. Why did it take 10 weeks for them to be charged?
    That is insane!
    People need to be FIRED!

    1. @Odaray Powerwurth exept that the police wanted to prosecute after the initial investigation, and the DA who had direct ties to the suspects overruled the police and recommended against prosecution. She only recused herself after that when her connection to the suspect’s was made public.

    2. Torontopia, because the local police didn’t care that a defenseless black man was murdered in broad daylight that’s why.

    3. REMEMBER .This is Glynn County Georgia . THEY take care of LAW ENFORCEMENT Criminals . Sasser. Simpson . Sheriff’s Deputy Austin [ Attempted murder of wife – In Nashville, Tennessee . ] Who Else ?? HOW do I know this ? Because I served Under a CROOKED Sheriff at the Glynn County Sheriff’s Office for ten and one half years . A disagreement caused me to go without pay for more than 3 months . When I filed a Law Suit , then I was fired . Then the Sheriff tried to block unemployment and REMOVE my Jail and Police certifications . [ ALL UNSUCESSFUL ATTEMPTS ] In addition, He contacted my next Law Enforcement Employer trying to have me dismissed . What is the Punch line ? I am WHITE . I went to the SAME Academy as THEM . But I WAS NOT A ‘Good Ole Boy.” THEY PROTECT THE “Good Ole Boys. ” AND THEIR SONS ?? Check out the listed names above . Glynn County CANNOT be proud of their Law Enforcement . G.B.I. needs to set up Camp there. And MAYBE move these two GOONS to Atlanta so the CURRENT ‘Good Ole Boy ” Sheriff does not allow them to disappear ! L.O.L.

  6. The father was a police detective? They need to take another look at all his cases…ALL!

    1. Yes and can you imagine what his arrest history looks like, the people he persued. Ill bet hundreds of black mens lives where destroyed be these criminals with badges.

  7. I “BELIEVE” , the entire police department of Brunswick GA should be investigated , some thing fishy here. All their cases involving fatalities must be investigated. Hope it not a pre planned Lynching.

    1. @C V [How can it be lynch when guy only shot him after he attacked and went for gun.]
      And they left the truck unlocked and the property unguarded! It was a SET-UP!!!

    2. @Jake Liu [C V bro are you telling me if someone was shooting right in front of you. You would let the guy keep shooting you?]
      Oh, so he was shot BEFORE he went for the gun? Isn’t that like all the ‘unarmed’ men cops shoot all the time? How do we know they were unarmed? Because they go for the gun.

  8. if this murderer is retired cop!! so how many blacks he killed when he was in service for 30 years??

    1. IDDGAF the link you posted states nothing at all about his criminal history but it does state Action News Jax has looked into Arbery’s criminal history, and it doesn’t include any violent offenses. Action News Jax contacted his attorney and he said Arbery doesn’t have a history of mental issues.
      Arbery’s mother, Wanda Clark, said her son was not armed when he was killed.
      A former high school athlete, Arbery was often seen jogging in his neighborhood to stay in shape, family members and neighbors …. so again what is your point if I’m running down a street n two man with guns approached me I’m not just going to just be calm I’m going to fight for my life just like he did just admitted it. The hate in y’all blood line are decades long no need to convince me we all have to answer when we are dead and gone. But like I said he got in trouble in high school and those are facts but burglaries you are reaching

    2. @Sippinwitjessi news states he is ” “jogger..general attorney have different opinion and its mentioned strings of burglaries..

    3. IDDGAF since he did burglaries that u claim and you know how to copy and paste show me the actual charge page . I know u can’t cuz it ain’t one

    1. Trump 2020 I can’t tell if you’re just trolling, but the fact that supporters like you try to muddy the waters to make this election a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils deeply disturbs me (and no I’m not crazy about Biden before you assume I’m some hardcore fan) but bringing that card to the table is pretty laughable given the fact that Trump has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by multiple women. I am not condoning behavior like that on either side, but you don’t deserve to act holier than thou when you support someone who is way worse with his behavior.

    2. @Nate Gustafson Grand jury did indicted county police chief Powell, and 3 others with 20 charges related to another case last February. Powell was facing four counts of violation of oath by a public officer, two counts of influencing a witness and one count of criminal attempt to commit perjury.

    3. @Nate Gustafson You can’t be that obtuse! Did you not see the video? That the police Dept had it from day one?

    4. The police department wanted to file charges against the father and son. But the prosecuting attorney said no. Later she had to recuse herself from the case. So did the second prosecutor.

  9. This took 10 weeks for them to get arrested. Now imagine how many times this happens with NO video evidence and people just go on without arrest.

    1. @King of America No I call you satan and a racist because you made up a lie to justify this man’s MURDER. Otherwise you wouldn’t have made this comment. He did his best to stay alive, and here you are trying to put him on trial for his own murder

    2. @HateTheTruth running away would have been less aggressive, he chose to attack. Self defense case closed.

    3. @King of America Dude in the car tried to block him in before the altercation, he ran around the truck and Travis clearly raises the shot gun and aims. Sorry buddy, you don’t get to claim self defense while being the aggressor. You can’t claim self defense while you’re clearly trying to block his path, you’re armed along with two other gunmen. That’s not how self defense works

    4. @King of America But this is why I called you satan and a racist. You know there’s no logical reason the Mcmichaels could possibly claim self defense. If that’s self defense, then murder in this country should never be tried again. If you’re boxed in from behind, the side and there’s a man with a shotgun yelling and pointing it at you, you have every right to defend yourself. Only in a racist person mind can you accuse an unarmed man of being the aggressor while being outnumbered, surrounded and being blocked in after a fail attempt to block you in the first time. What do you expect that man to do? How do you outrun three gunmen

    5. Only a racist feels so emboldened to tell a man who’s in clear and present danger what he should have done. Clearly if you’re black and you’re surrounded by white men with guns, you have no right to fight for your life. The white man says you should never under any circumstances physically attempt to save your own life if it’s being threatened by a white man. You should either run and give the white man a better shot, or you should just just except your fate and let said white man decide what happens to you. Because your skin is black and his is white means he dictates the outcome. This is how a racist mind operates. All others clearly understand this man had every right to fight for his life

    1. @sheilah esuzor Bye liar… Time to run away now that you’ve been handled…

    2. @sheilah esuzor Just goes to show you can always shut a Liberal up with FACTS…

    3. Biden raped Tara Reade your prejudice is based on fear and lack of understanding there is so much info on the internet being fed as legit info all you gotta do is pick what fits your narrative all of us
      now know that you are not a good person deep down

  10. 10 weeks??? I thought this happened earlier this week. Shameful. Seems like this type of crap will continue until the Eye for an Eye way is applied.

    1. Indeed an eye for an eye. How is it that fear of the law has caused men to bow down and ask the same law for justice. Sorry. If this had been my son no law or man could cease my fury…only my death.


    1. @Emrah Trumic No they can’t it seems. Was this murder? Of course not. Aggravated assault is even a stretch. If the kid hadn’t grabbed the gun and punched the guy it would be murder. They should walk based on evidence so far.

    2. @Emrah Trumic you’re right, I was going off speculation and I can’t tell what kind of shoes he had on. It was hypocritical of me to speculate when I’m calling out people for speculating the shooters motive. I’ll own it, my bad

    3. And-yS throw that whole god damn speech away people like you are making the world weird.

    4. @BASED ᛋᛋ arm robbery? No loot was recovered no victim. Where is the robbery victim? OOHHHH you just talk out the side of your racist neck

  12. And “they” told his mom that he was committing a crime when he was killed 😡 I hate this so much 😣😢

    1. @Uncle Ed their identity politics doesn’t absolve white supremacist from the same critiques.

    2. Uncle Ed What are you talking about these look like your everyday Republikkkans. The inbred looks confirm they were Republikkkans

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