Rachel Maddow points out that even as White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx offers serious cautions about whether schools should reopen in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump has confused matters thoughtless declarations that are no help to parents caught in an impossible situation. Aired on 8/4/2020.
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Agonizing School Decisions Made Harder By Flippant Trump Remarks | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
@i love beans penniless, entitlement and stupidity all wrapped into one big cluster fox… unreal. He should build a wall around them.
@TheSquad plus1 that’s actually a good point about voting
@Pay attention thanks… it makes the most sense to me… wish we had done the primaries the same way… the DNC wouldn’t have been able to rig it.
TheSquad plus1 maybe kids who don’t go to school might not develop social skills, until they are older, but at least the won’t get the virus and die! They can develop those skills later. My kids are grown, but if they were school age, there is NO WAY I’d sent them to school under these conditions!! Trump is just trying to win an election so he can get richer. So who cares if he is upset. It’s all about getting richer to him.
@Karen Smith agreed… and kids develop differently than from years past… they go to school and communicate thru their devices… it’s a different world being run by people still living in a different century and refusing to update themselves… time to put those individuals out to pasture.
School administrators need to make the right decisions and protect the children, teachers and other faculty members within their respective school districts. Don’t rely on any guidance or direction from the FAILED LEADER who HAS NO PLAN to protect Americans.
You are right on the mark here!
We will never be the same again. This will alter our culture, books, movies, TV, history, etc. It will change the way we see ourselves. It will make us callous and indifferent, in way that’s even worse than now (hard to imagine?) or, we’ll carry a burden of guilt, forever. We will never forgive ourselves for this. Our children, America . . .
As a certified teacher, I can tell you MOST school admins have psychopathy or some manner of personality disorder. Most of them care only about kissing up and punching down. Guess who counts as “down”? Teachers, and students. Admins will do what the superintendent, school board, mayor, or whichever rich powerful person says to do. They will not magically start caring about being fair to teachers or kids now. That would be totally out of character for most of them.
ONLY if the parents absolutely refuse to send their kids will they be saved. Only the parents have the power to protect the kids.
@Amber T if your feel there is a risk ignore them they have no right to ask teachers to put there lives at risk, you never signed up for that COVID is out of control and the U.S. Will haft to shut down again it’s not going to disappear, researchers are worried that viruses constantly change through a process called antigenic drift and that is a worrying thing
Patrick Kingfisher Kennedy there are teachers in a number of districts under threat of losing their jobs. Many teachers and faculty are being restricted in the type of ppe they can wear (as in no face shields in addition to masks – ie masks only. )
It’s deplorable that folks concerned about their safety and the safety of their families are being bullied into going against their own better judgement.
It’s all about dollars. Those who think it’s a bad idea to keep kids at home during this haven’t thought ahead at all, to the consequences of an outbreak in a school nor the psychological stress and anxiety that just the possibility of that happening fosters.
Have these fools forgotten they are human?
The uneducated and ineducable Trump advocating for opening schools during a pandemic based on his gut instinct is an irony piled onto another irony.
safari 87 i suspect it’s motivated by panic about the failing Trump economy, his instinct is to ignore the science and reopen and he just doesn’t care who dies because of it
@Doug Lowe but you can bet they still won’t be sending THEIR precious little darlings to those schools.
And his own son will not go to school – too dangerous!!! WTF
@Science wins also apparently the polls are too dangerous too so we have to delay the election… Schools are safe but he won’t send his son and polls are also unsafe… What kind of logic is this lol
@Columbia county DUI What does Trump having more money have to do with ANYTHING except your completely screwed up value system?
trump is truly an enemy to the American people. The president not caring whether you live or die. Just caring only about himself.
@Fiona Anderson Yeah well, he’s gonna need that money for his legal fees.
@snoop alert still better than trump
@Kathy Weis nope
@snoop alert everybody is watching the latest interview trump did….he digs his own grave.
Debates 2020!!! I can’t wait!!

Yeah, open the country, look how that turned out. All caps means this is his new slogan. I hate when he sticks out his chin after a dumb azz statement, like he’s said something great, in all his ignorant smugness.
A Regular “El Douchbag”
Go take a bath moron.
The most sad part is his dumb ads really do!!! Jokes literally on him
When he puckers his lips, his face really does look like a big, saggy, puckered butt!! He is so gross! Then he speaks and he is even more revolting!
Since Trump refuses to take responsibility, the American people will replace him with someone that will.
Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” —CNBC interview..
Jan. 30: “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment— 5 — and those people are all recuperating successfully.
—Trump speech in Michigan.
Feb. 10: “Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do—you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases, 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.” —Trump at the White House.
Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” — Trump in a tweet.
Feb. 26: “So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.” — Trump White House briefing.
Feb. 26: “And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” — Trump press conference.
Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” — Trump at a White House meeting.
March 4: “We have a very small number of people in this country infected. We have a big country. The biggest impact we had was when we took the 40-plus people from a cruise ship. We brought them back. We immediately quarantined them. But you add that to the numbers. But if you don’t add that to the numbers, we’re talking about very small numbers in the United States.” — Trump White House meeting..
He just has a case of verbal diarrhea….


Trump should be committed to a mental hospital as a threat to public safety, Dr brix, you can sign the order
Brix is what Trump has in his head. Think you meant Birx.
@Massey Forbusiness hahaha!
He should go to jail
Person Man Woman Camera TV = Mental Hospital
Birx said Trump, “understood the data,” and that, “his business skills were an asset in the fight against Covid”.
She is a shill.
I am going to file out the remote learning application for my child tomorrow.
Respect for this parent…..”Teach you children well” stay safe!!! Masks!!
Already did
Aren’t Trump voters mainly non college educated whites? He totally should be promoting closing down schools so he can grow his own base
Schools shouldn’t be opened until we have an actual vaccine!
This is true. And, the only way to ever send a child inside a school building!!
But you’ve got anti-vaxxers, cultists, and others who won’t be taking the vaccine or allowing their children to take it. I saw many of these in the school nurse clinic. They usually stated for religious reasons so we had to give them a waiver so we’ll only be maybe 50% of the way closer to control of the coronavirus.
It will be soo difficult. The virus learns as it spreads. There are now at least 20 different ways the the virus dominates our immune systems. We not only need a proper vaccine, we will desperately need a cure, as well. Recovered patients still suffer and young people will have lifetime ailments.
t’rump is the dumbest president ever.
The US has been the worst at dealing with the Corona.
These two things are def not related.
Dumbest person ever
I giggled partly because this whole scene is so remarkably Absurd.
But mostly what I do, is cry.
Trump is not dumb, he is criminal!!
@Frans van Mook A dumb criminal who wants every child in school. He’s messing with the parents’ children and will regret it immediately.
Ro G I don’t think DT will win the election. The public has turned against him. It’s obvious.
In her new book, Mary Trump writes that on the night Trump’s brother was dying in the hospital, he went out to the movies instead being there by his brother’s side. So what makes anyone think that Trump cares about the lives of the American people.
Trump: “Look, it is what it is.”
This will be America’s reply to Trump on November 3rd when we remove him from office.
Hey at least he didnt go to a Brothel!
Yes, this orange nightmare MUST come to an end! Vote the criminal lunatic OUT! Vote blue to save the people and the country!
Science wins They are trying their outmost best to cheat in the election proses Be aware
keep your kids safe above all else. what parent doesn’t follow that creed? American parents.
David Belway right!
I cry for the children now
It’s so fearful im shaking
@Hard Rocker yes you should be. Pray for the children
@Rose Arnold that’s why I march for the unborn babies too
Simple solution is to totally ignore the ignorant statements made by the clown!!#!#!!
A Failed Leader: I take no responsible at all.
Trump: polls aren’t safe so let’s delay the election day
Also Trump: open the schools.
You are now advocating that elected officials and school board officials violate state law.
Trump does not care about children. He can’t even fake it. Amazing.
Drumpf only cares for three things: money (power), his own life, and Ivanka.
…And the last one is probably for the wrong reasons.
Joe Frazier’s Left Hook He once said he couldn’t stand being around his own kids until they were adults and even now he still barely speaks to Eric. Has anyone seen him with Barron?
@нυмαη ƒєllα Barrons mum keeps that distance, soon as he’s out of power she’s divorcing him, you can’t blame Barron for that idiot’s sins, I think mum has learnt that lesson
He will never care about a single person on earth, and he will never have a plan to stop the virus I hope people see that.
He’s already killed so many senior citizens, why not add as many children into the mix as he can. For trump it’s not about being safe it’s about votes “SHAME”
And he hates children even more than elderly citizens. They can’t vote so totally useless for him. What a human piece of ****!