AG Barr Authorizes DOJ To Probe Fraud Allegations | Morning Joe | MSNBC

AG Barr on Monday issued a memo authorizing DOJ prosecutors 'to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections.' The panel discusses. Aired on 11/10/2020.
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#AGBarr #Elections #MSNBC

AG Barr Authorizes DOJ To Probe Fraud Allegations | Morning Joe | MSNBC

AG Barr Authorizes DOJ To Probe Fraud Allegations | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Chilango Pacheco The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday that election officials in Pennsylvania can count absentee ballots received as late as the Friday after Election Day so long as they are postmarked by Nov. 3.

    2. @Jasmany Foch Just Macron, Merkel, Trudeau and every other intelligent World Leader.
      Stupid much? – or just uninformed?

    3. @Chilango Pacheco yes sir, and if they do so it won’t be valid, and they will get a fine!. I believe it was some time around July., Democrats made sure they fix this loophole before the election, which is the right thing to do (if not what’s the point voting when the electoral college can do as he/she pleases!. It’s about the will of the people!.

    1. Here’s how HYPOCRITICAL the DEMS are! They want Trump to admit defeat and concede to the “LEGITIMATE President” BIDEN!! This after 4 years of the DEMS claiming that Trump was NEVER the LEGITIMATE President!! How hypocritical!! It’s not going to happen, until every vote is PROVEN a legal vote!

    2. @Kimberly you worry so much about your money that you don’t even consider the pandemic. Do you think American people will be able too keep there business going?? Your former president only have self interest and divides your country. Have some common sense

    1. I just said the same, copy and pasted their wording and posted a link for the non believers. If he concedes he can not ask for recount donations which is going towards his campaign bills. What a swindler.

    2. @Anne Gonzalez that’s back when Real Estate hit bottom everybody lost money went bankrupt he didn’t file bankruptcy as a person knows were independent little companies that he owned

    3. I do agree! I think that he is using this time to con as much money out of his Cult as he can before hes forced out of the White House

    1. @Elbar Jones Obama’s my hero, no doubt. My problem with him as AG is that he’s too nice a guy! We need someone in there with that killer instinct, which is why I’m thinking more along the lines of a Glenn Kirschner – former prosecutor, JAG attorney, and judge. Now – talk to me about Barack Obama on the Supreme COURT, and I am 100% solid WITH that.

    1. @Kent Skillet Do your Christmas shopping early. Apparently there’s a Red Hat sale going on with 90% off. The proprietor is moving to the country the hats are manufactured in.

    2. You are so so right , the Republican is a danger to this country , why are they doing this ? I believe they are trying to change this country for the worse ! If his followers praise him so much can you imagine when the antichrist comes they are going to praise him the same way because there is a comparison here with trump , he’s straight out evil and the sad thing about is that there doing it right in front of our faces and they don’t give a dam or even have a care in them except for power and control . There is definitely something going on with the way this regime is portraying itself in United States ! Very strange ….

    1. @newbeginnings I ran the numbers: $210,000 / 365 * 71 = $40,000 he’ll make if he holds out. Wrecking the legitimacy of American democracy for $40,000.

    1. @Zoviet Texans right, right… ‘cause NOTHNG close to what you described ever existed in the world, or in the government of this country, until Obama got elected. We hear ya’ Hoss… *_The destructive nihilism of the Trump cult,_* and by proxy ALL of Trump’s autonomous actions, are completely justified and reasonable. MAGA 🔥✝️


    2. @Donald Jesus Trump Read what it says. Years. Do you understand English? How many years exactly to do you think this has been going on, genius? And it’s obvious who the narcissists psychopaths are who don’t raise much of a fuss about these crimes UNTIL IT HAPPENS TO THEM. Maybe y’all just looking in the mirror and Trump staring back?

    3. @Bonnie Or the Constitution Or the Rule of Law
      Billy Barr is a pitiful, disgusting, treasonous Trumpubelickkkan shill.

    4. @Zoviet Texans Trump created the worst cholera epidemic in history by bombing and starving the entire civilian population of Yemen(backing his buttbuddy MBS who murdered a U.S. journalist in a (supposedly)Protected Embassy
      Please remove your Ignoranium Helmet

    5. @Zoviet Texans So, you missed Ronnie Reagan, with his coke for arms deals with Ollie North in El Salvador(Remember the Congressional hearings where Ollie lied and Ronnie said he couldn’t remember ’cause he “had no knowledge”?
      Or Reagan’s total dismantling of unions and his continuous and ill-advised spending for his DEA
      Or G.W. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld committing Treason(and perjury)before the U.N. so they could start their illegal war in Iraq?
      Got more if you can handle the truth.

    1. @mike briganti Barr is the attorney for the people not the president. Just like everything else in this admin he has it backwards.

  1. “Custer’s Last Stand?!” Joe Biden, the voters fired Trump. It will be the duty of the new administration to FIRE William Barr! Thank you.

    1. @Private Private : A Case of Spring-cleaning in the White House! Phew! An activity which is both exhausting and rewarding!

    2. @Prophetess : Immunity is “Gone With the Wind.” He will be taken down and given a MEGA-slice of humble pie!

  2. Just in.
    Top barr election crimes chief QUITS after barr pursue fraud.
    Even the person in charge has a conscience. Nobody wants to do their dirty work.

  3. Georgia….Kentucky let America down show them how to make America proud & prosper by kicking
    McConnell to the sidelines.✊🇺🇸🗽

    1. @Carla Robbins That would be good, but there’s the executive order pen that President Biden will hold, too.

    2. That old turtle is the main reason for a lot of this mess. The issue is his own party can vote him out as leader. The question is why don’t they?

    3. @Al Greenwood I’ve asked this same question on other threads. The only answer I get is, ‘Have you been to Kentucky?’ Well, I was to Kentucky one time, and that one time was enough. Kentucky is the fifth poorest state in the US with a horrible education system and lots of people on welfare, and Moscow Mitch has done NOTHING to help the folks in his own home state. That doesn’t answer your question though, does it?

  4. IMO, there is another reason for all this: These events serve to delegitimize the election in the minds of Trump’s base.

    1. And that’s probably the ‘End Goal’ because he has no evidence to present to a court as far as we can see but if he can solidly convince his base that Biden’s ‘Presidency’ is somehow ‘illegitimate’ then he leaves office with control over HALF the population of voters in America. We really need another Million or so to come out and support Joe, vote in Georgia’s ‘run-off elections’ and vote in the Mid-terms this time around.
      We also need Republicans who are finally ‘TIRED’ of all this MESS to stand up and speak out! Everything about Georgia’s power structure is REPUBLICAN and it doesn’t look to me like they’re ‘backing off’ of their stance that the State’s election was FAIR and Joe just won!

    1. You are forgetting about President Obama‘s wing man, Eric holder. We have the Mexican gun running scandal that killed numerous Mexicans as well as at least one border patrol official. Obama had to classify all of the information involved in this fast and furious scandal in order to protect Eric holder.
      We also have a Loretta Lynch who met with Bill Clinton on that notorious airport tarmac. I think the justice department was dirtied long before Barr got in there.
      We also should not forget the IRS scandal targeting specific political groups. We remember the head of this IRS operation before congressional committee members. She ‘took the 5th’ Which was very reminiscent of a mafia chief.

    1. I don’t think anybody is going to be going to jail. Hillary didn’t go to jail. Eric holder didn’t go to jail. Trump will not be going to jail now or will Barr. I doubt if a couple of the corrupt FBI officials that got caught meddling in politics, I doubt even if they will go to jail.

    2. @T. R. Campbell Have you been living in a vacuum?
      If Kult45 Kovid Klown had Anything on Hillary, she would be in jail by now.
      Also Dimwit Donnie has already had to PARDON two of his former minions
      More convictions to come.
      Getting caught Lying to the FBI is illegal, no matter what your politics are.

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