A year into the coronavirus pandemic, and the response to the virus has exposed a huge generational divide in America. In this special report, MSNBC’s Ari Melber explores this divide and explains how this crisis has particularly upended the lives of younger Americans who already face crippling student debt, low wages, and a tough job market. The report also notes a range of factors that contribute to the obstacles this generation faces, including the Trump administration. This is an excerpt of a longer special report. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 03/18/2021.
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After Trump Failed Them, 'Generation P' Fights Back | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Well said Ari..at 60yrs old, I totally understand the younger generation has a lot of knowledge and can really teach us things. We have to be willing to listen.
@Cindy Carroll yup. Thank you for that. I like to use them to espouse truth, thinking they’re getting over on me
@Cindy Carroll It’s funny that the trolls seem to be trying to communicate but most times it is a word salad that makes no sense whatsoever…they really do stand out like sore thumbs don’t they?
@Dan Ozmatlan agree!! So sick of Ba Doai and its minions spamming these pages. I’ve been relentlessly reporting that bot and its similarly named compatriots yet they are still spamming these comments with their CRAP. Yo Ba Doai, GO AWAY!!!
@Kathy Mullins good to be aware of that. I can usually tell who they are and use them to tell truth when I can

My VCR keeps flashing 12:00, can the younger generation help!!

Wonderful points about American youth. Depend upon Ari Melber for thoughtful commentary.
And the nation continues to go downhill. Thank you, democrats. By the way, how is that human trafficking situation on the border going, and how much is gasoline where you live? Welcome to joe biden’s America. Well done, democrats.
Why are you so against human trafficking when Republicans trade in indentured servitude and tax breaks for the rich and corporate gains while arguing that the minimum wage os $0 and paying people $15 an hour to support themselves is bearly above the poverty line. $400,000 is not middle income, either. That’s Regan, Bush, Trump America.
@American Patriot Dude, the price of gasoline has nothing to do with who is president. Nothing.
Gas prices are annually cyclical, and this year is no different from past years.
Feb 2015 – Obama – $2.21
Feb 2016 – Obama – $1.76
Feb 2017 – Trump – $2.30
Feb 2018 – Trump – $2.59
Feb 2019 – Trump – $2.31
Feb 2020 – Trump – $2.44
Feb 2021 – Biden – $2.50
Source – USEIA (March numbers are not compiled yet, you can be assured they will be in line with previous years)
If anything, higher gasoline prices are a proven indicator of rising a Consumer Confidence Index, which is already higher than last year, and rose in February to 91.3, up from 88.9 in January.
So stop with the “It’s all Biden’s fault” crap.
As a Senior I am very energized to hear the reality of youth debt being discussed. It must not be forgotten that many took benefit of free education following the second world war, and built their wealth and future through the investment of education in them in the 50’s. Our young people are inspirational in standing up for change. Take Them Seriously.
@Val Kiri They get mad because they don’t wanna foot the bill. I can relate a little bit. How fair would it be for me to dump my medical bills on other people and expect them too pay it? I think this could open doors later down the road with people calling out the prejudices of it. We taxpayers will end up footing the bill so it really isn’t free. Now if they can design the system where taxpayers didn’t have to foot the bill, I’m 100% for it. Food stamps in our state is a generational reoccurrence. People learned how to cheat the system and they pass it along to their kids. Vicious cycles. I have no problem helping people out. Most of us had help so we could attain what we have today. But, the leeches gotta go and mandatory UA’s for people on assistance. or seeking free education. They learn more appreciation and take less for granted when they are financially responsible .
IMO, we/ taxpayers get to choose to “foot the bill” for measures to either PREVENT or CURE problems later!
We can invest early in things proven to improve lives & protect society: EG, Like investing in childcare for working mum’s, good education, healthcare etc…
OR we can be reactionary: Save money by leaving people, esp. Kids to sink or swim!… Then “taxpayers STILL foot the bill” LATER… Paying out for more courts, private prisons, more lives ruined by opiate abuse etc… OR paying to compensate victims of crimes instead of preventing it!
… More aftermath of mass shootings/ More horrible police incidents etc…
Sadly, America has high racism & very low community spirit. So few people are willing to *invest in the common good* …
On the positive side, LeBron James’ *I Promise Community School* was a GENIUS, “prevention is better than cure” move!!! … It’s an amazing set of ideas put into practical things, that COULD improve lives in USA & many other types of countries!
There just going to put a higher tax on something else that will help pay for it. That’s how it works. They haven’t even started to tax us yet. Give it time. I agree with the majority of what you said though. You brought up great points with probable solutions . How will we get past the Big Corps and politician’s greed and make sure it is done correctly? Who do we trust to oversee these things? Regardless of what party anyone resonates with, we have too be honest. Our Govt. has shown us time and time again they are not too be trusted. I’m not gonna play the blame game, because I would be a fool if I did. We need honest people to oversee these things or we’re just kidding ourselves really. We need to do something though. Our younger generations will be taking care of us but, how can they if we continue like this?
IMO, 50% of Americans need to travel to *normal sane countries!* (Just to learn about & experience normal governance. On “Fact-finding mission’s). EG: To New Zealand, Finland, Germany etc. Where concepts like community spirit, scientific research & competent professionals in Govt exist! …
Granted, in the rest of the developed world we’re as IMPERFECT as USA…But we’re BETTER off, because we’re not as bogged down by grievances, selfishness, SPITE & racism like the GOP / *Grand Old Pointlessness Party* has GROOMED so many Americans into accepting as their version of normal…
@༒ Di ༒ TY. It is rough going. But hey, I believe in good old-fashioned American ingenuity. And if college is getting too debt-inducing, there’s more than one way to skin a cat, as they say. Well, at least where I grew up
I’m not exactly young and I have student debt. To remain current in my career path, I had to go back to college. If not, I could become irrelevant. As a single mom, I had to make some choices to take care of my family. It is a Healthcare profession that doesn’t yield a huge increase, but keeps me employed. College kids today don’t have the job opportunities I had, but that debt is very real.
@dadzilla blah blah blah restate what was already said but use ALL CAPS to really make it special
@Monica Mazzaro Glad I can be of service.
@dadzilla yeah, here’s your participation trophy for trying

@Monica Mazzaro I believe I have emerged victorious. You can have the second place participation trophy.
@dadzilla only in your inflated little head
Yo, I am 60 still paying student loans. I owe more now than when I started in 1992 – 193K! We would ALL be happy.
@Linda Casey I feel you.
Sounds like you made a bad investment. Almost 30 years? Why should I help pay your debt, when you made little effort yourself?
@Colino Deani Thanks to Biden (loyal servant of finance and credit card companies) and bankrupcy “reform” it is almost impossible to get rid of student loans. The sick scheme is as follows: 1) outsource jobs, so not enough jobs in manufacturing that helped to build the middle class with blue collar jobs / jobs that need “only” highschool. Getting an education from age 6 – 18 is not enough.
2) talk up higher status white collar jobs, and everyone get a degree to get such a job. – Not easy to work your way up in the office with only good highschool grades. There are plenty with a degree that they can hire.
Even Starbucks now asks for a degree. (No, not for management). Dr. Richard Wolff overheard such a conversation in New York. The young woman seemed embarrassed when asked if she had a degree, and admitted she had dropped out. Manager: I will give you the form and submit it, but I have to tell you honestly: Unless you have a degree HR will not consider your application.
Dr. Wolff: Why does Starbucks demand a degree for pressing buttons on a coffee machine ? Because they can !
Now, more larger companies dominate the economy, and HR demands the degree by default. They are checking boxes. It is a CYA strategy. Just in case the new employee does not perform well or leaves soon – they did everything according to the handbook. They made _sure_ the formal qualitfications were met.
A degree only meant a good job for sure when not as many folks had one.
Imagine a smaller biz: and 2 equally attractive candidates make it into the final round. One with highschool diploma, good grades and interesting hobbies – one with a generic degree. Owner hires, so he or she can go off the well trodden road if they want. Will they ? it is almost suspicious if a capable smart, ambitious person does NOT go through the motions of getting a degree.
Chances are the applicant with the degree is good, too. So prefering the college graduate (all things equal) will confirm the bias. Especially if there are so many graduates that they do not have to pay for the longer education.
And the degree seems to add security to the hiring process, the chances that the person is organized, somewhat driven, smart, information affin are higher – or it seems like that.
3) do not admit that the American dream is over. Young people age 18 push into the job market and there are not really enough jobs, and it has to do with the way the economy has been set up since the 1980s. Do not admit that, make it their fault if they do not get a well paying job with “only” school age 6 – 18.
Everyone get a degree or higher education or traing is the solution. That makes it _their_ fault.
In Austria and Germany nurses are trained in a paid internship. They have board, on the job training and theoretical training, get a few hundred bucks, needless to say they have healthcare coverage. The minimum age used to be 16, has been raised to 17. After 3 years they graduate. Lab technicians, radiology assistants, physiotherapists go to school. Typically after they graduate from highschool. (School till age 15 is mandatory). They have to make it throught the appliation process so either good grades – or working in the field (healthcare related) if grades are not great.
4) so they have the young people at college, that takes care of the problem for 2 – 4 more years. The terms of politicians in the U.S. are short, 2 – 4 years is a long time
5) cut taxes for the rich and profitable biz (since 1980s) they would riot now if the Reagan era taxes would be implemented. So there is not enough money to offer the public colleges at low costs.
Never mind if the degrees are even helpful. Either a person has an academic / nerdy mindset, they are infomation junkies. OR they need very specialized knowledge that is directly needed for a career: law, medicine, architecture, STEM, ….
There are plenty of very capable nerds in the STEM field who also have a hard time finding jobs in research, society could generously fund that. Every once in the while something comes out of it, and it could be a big hit like penicillin or graphene.
That changed our civilization. Not only health of humans, also for lifestock. Such “hits” pay for a LOT of indulging nerds that love information and research w/o tangible immediate advantage. (Einstein was such a nerd). Basic research
However, now a lot of young adults are pushed towards college that are neither. Even the nerds – if they have an arts / social science degree – can contribute. But now a lot of folks “go through the motions” although they have no interest in “thinking”. And for qualSome people like to play around with ideas. it is not a luxury to indulge them with free university (even if it is not a STEM field). Every once in a while something comes out of it.
6) Cut spending for public housing. Quality affordable housing for even middle class people would keep housing costs down in college towns and the cities. Therefore it would cost less to go to college (cost of living)
7) collude with the adminstrators (voters, partially also donors, jobs for party loyalists !) and the publisher of materials. The expensive books get a few alterations. professors / universities demand that students have the latest version. That way there will be no second hand market (maybe with some amendments). In the era of oneline courses that would be easy to administrate. I get that academic literature has to cost more, but that is an outright extortion scheme
8) It is costly to go to college. Now those that run society could either admit that the degree is
a) necessary not for functional reasons but to stand out enough with the resume to even get a job that in former times would have been given to a highschool graduate with good grades
and b) not everyoney can REALLY afford the degree. Screw low income families. Only briliant students that can get a scholarship. If you are average / mediocre you better have a wealthy family. Then you can get your degree and later the job.
But that would not be meritocratic and the low income families could start voting more.
The “solution”:
Partially: pretending that charity and scholarships (or sports scholarships) can be a solution to a systemic problem
Big time: pushing naive young adults into debt – loans they would NEVER EVER get for buying homes or cars.
NORMALIZING that insanity. To the degree that their parents (who should know better) accept that as an unpleasant fact of life.
But of course if the wrong kind of people are pushed into college (they are not management material and no MBA can change that) or if the times are over when the degree got you the good job – then a lot of young people would default on paying. They have been duped and it cost them a few years of their life, but they are not shackled to debt.
They have an old car (or the parents are on the title). They are renters. So if they declare bankrupcy the whole scheme goes belly up within a few years – the banks miss out on too many loans. They have not yet built assets, so if they see that they cannot ever recover the costs for their education with earning good money – they will declare bankrupcy. The only thing that could keep them: they already have assets (nope !) or they plan to have a family and buy a home soon (nope !).
After a few years they are good regarding their credit score.
If they do better eventually they can start saving up. If they have a solid downpayment and the 8 years after bankrupcy have passed (or whatever the rules are) their credit score revocers. They should be mid 30s then. THEN they can build some wealth using loans. (before that they could safe up). Then the banks will hopefully apply some common sense rules if it is safe to give them a loan. Then they have a history of employment, of saving up.
A young adult age 19, 20 w/o income would not get a loan for a car, or home for 30,000 or 50,000 or 100,000 USD – but they get it for “education” to cover up for the systemic failure of politics, of neoliberalism, of the media that does not connect the dots and calls a spade a spade.
If they cannot EVER get rid of the loans, the banks will extract enough money from them over time. AND they can make a “financial procuct” of it. Bundling the claims, selling them off, betting on it.
There are people whose Social Security checks are garnished for the student loans (did not work out, mental or other health problems, worked a thankless social services job, it is harder for people of color to turn their degree into a well paying career that would allow them to pay off student loan easily.
With interest the people that paid for decades likely have paid enough that there is no “loss” for the bank.
I am so glad I never went to college. Sure, I haven’t been rich, but at least I haven’t been working all this time with the damned Sword of Damocles hanging over my head.
@Colino Deani Student loans are not included in bankruptcy. That was stopped by GW Bush because so many people were doing that. There was a 60 Minutes segment about a couple who finished law school and declared bankruptcy.
I was also thinking, while Ari diverged into the financial struggles of young generations, I have to ask: When our Federal Government was bailing out unscrupulous banks “to big to fail”, who was helping close-to-retiring or senior citizens who lost their life savings? No one, that I’m aware.
My uptake is that there has been for decades a constantly upscaling crawl for corporate pillaging and zero legislative help for the average American citizen, be they of any age.
@Bryan Machin You have a good point, a lot of people don’t understand. But it’s not all that secret- I’ve read books by Naomi Klein, David Cay Johnson & Michael Moore, to name a few, that explain exactly what you are saying. Some people are sketchy on Moore, but Klein & Johnson are both highly respected economists & journalists. I encourage you to check out their books if you’re interested, and share the knowledge!
@MrWhoevr I know, I keep wondering- what happened to all the middle-aged and senior citizens who were financially stable until Enron or the 2008 crash demolished them? Now they are probably crammed in living with their adult kids or on paltry welfare, instead of boosting our economy with the hale retirements they WOULD have had.
What I have studied of economics so far is also that it isn’t so easy as bailing out the people who were ripped off instead of the big banks & corporations who screwed up. We’d just end up with incessant stimulus packages just like the COVID-19 situation now. The federal government has to re-work our macroeconomic system, and that ain’t no easy job.
@AmberWaves I hear really good things about Klein’s books, AND Johnson is a guy I’ve seen a lot on MSNBC.
Thanks for the tip, and yeah, keep reading and sharing!
@Bryan Machin Boss! Keep up the fight!
Also lectures by Matt Taibbi (hope I spelled his last name right). These are also on Tedtalks
As a 64 year old, it’s time to embrace these young ideas.. If we don’t, the old relics will keep the status quo.. And it ain’t working..
please. More jobs exited under Obama’s 8 years. He crushed individual sovereignty.
@John Bennington This is NOT a debate on rep vs dam it is a debate about old vs new yes i deeply respect our elders but i also know that a lot are afraid and very set in their old ways, that is the crux of why at this juncture we are led by people who have long since outlived their usefulness they have served way beyond retirement and i will be honest i do question their senility.
@Osv Carbajal It’s great to be able to spin off so many excuses in support of your blatant Ageism. “Respect your Elders!?” Yeah, you want old people to “Enjoy their Retirements”. That means deny them employment, right?
Also, how is MORE Experience at a job not better than LESS Experience on a job. Yeah, I know instances can be sited of Smart Young Managers replacin g Stupid Old Managers, but give an equality of Intelligence then MORE Experienced has to take the ring over LESS Experienced. Any argument to the contrary is just opportunistic wish fulfillment for young predators who want to murder their boss to take his job, but do it legally… use the Law to force him out… then change the Law back when your turn comes when I anticipate you will eventually see the light and realize that now that you are one, that Old People aren’t so horrible after all, not nearly as horrible as the Young who would willfully cannibalize on their Elders.
I’m on the cusp of turning 65 and I totally agree!!! There’s a lot of wisdom in the ranks of youth these days.
@Linda J But Linda, we are listening to the first ‘feelers’ for what is intended to be a huge power grab. Linda, you already know about age discrimination in hiring. This will make it worse. It will impose a Working Age Limit, basically a legal end run around Age Discrimination. Forced Retirements!
Yes, Linda, we can concede that there are a few “smart kids” but THEIR premise is that ALL OF US ARE SENILE. None of them are talking about OUR Wisdom, which at our age is NOT an aberration but something that goes with the territory. Yes, the kids don’t understand us and think our opinions are based on false or mistaken premises, but THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT WE KNOW. THEY HAVEN’T BEEN WHERE WE HAVE BEEN. So of course they don’t understand us. All they want from us is our JOBS.
I say it is just another reason we should never have had them in the first place. They were a Mistake then and they are a mistake now. Their lives are characterized by Mistake, and this campaign they are proposing to herd us all into some Old Age Ghetto, well, it’s just another of their mistakes.
While growing up time goes by so slow then after you’re 40 it starts speeding up then after your 50 forget it life enter turbo mode.
Boy, I’m only 35 and it feels like turbo mode has already started.
I looked this up once and it IS a thing, it happens to everyone. The only advice I could find from the few articles I read (desperately looking how to slow it down) was to vary your days, the mundanity of our lives can add to the sense of time going faster because there are no significant differences. If I could take a medication I probably would because it was Xmas just a couple weeks ago but here we are hurtling towards April!!!!!
34 already feels like it’s in turbo and our chance to live is leaving without us ever getting a chance to do it. Glad to know it gets worse
And now we are just beginning to see why Donald tried sooo hard to remain President.
Maybe Trump will have a Platform in 2024 if he promises to protect Old People. It looks like the MSNBC Centrists are ready to herd all the seniors out into the killing fields.
If more young people would vote, then there would definitely be more representation for us.
@brenegade7 Vote in every election, including midterms.
Vote in primaries and runoff.
Do not wake up every four years and complain that neither candidate makes your nipples tingle.
@brenegade7 “The Other guy is worst” is actually a good motivator. Democrats can’t get anything done because Republicans obstruct them with pointless filibusters, gerrymandering and a lack of interest in actually governing the country. The last four years showed Americans that the Republicans were shameless hypocrites who only want power and nothing much else.
Yeah, Young People would ignore experience and vote for hairstyles. Is that supposed to give us hope?
First time voter in 2020, reason was to get Trump out of office. After seeing Republicans choose to traffic in voter suppression I realized my vote does matter. Will never miss another election. Presidential or mid terms. Our generation (millennial)is strong and that’s the reason boomers have been trying to silence us in the past. Glad to see that they are opening their eyes and realizing we can and will be able to handle the future after being put down for so long. Glad to see that we are finally looked at as allies after years of talking down on us. Believe that we will be okay when y’all age out. We’ve survived and worked through a few recessions and continue to be strong despite them. I can’t wait to see how we do. As for gen x. Sorry yall were born between 2 of the largest generations and never really got your representation.
@brenegade7 Do you research candidates and their party’s ideology?
From an Aussie, we definitely need younger more innovative leaders for this world to survive, I’m 60 I’m too old . Let them have their turn, fresh faces fresh ideas.
I’m almost 65 and I agree
@rich5817 why didn’t trump just stop the war, he said he would
@Beenthere Donethat sounds easy maybe if the dems worked with him he could of but still destroyed Obamas ISSI and pulled out troops, why didn’t Obama end wars like he said instead of starting g new ones?
@rich5817 In case you failed to notice it was W Bush that started most of the wars. One thing I think we can agree on – Trump wanted out of those wars, & so did Obama. The Military Industrial Complex was more powerful than both of them. That’s who we should be worried about.
And a lot more relevant to the world we now live in. It is imperative that the young come into leadership. Half the leaders in the world right now don’t understand cyber security.
The new front line of defense.
It’s also unjust that once you pass 40 you are effectively on the scrap heap as far as employment is concerned, yet many will have to work until they are nearly 70 to get any form of pension. Age discrimination is alive and kicking.
Employers are looking to hire older workers more often, the new generations simply don’t have the ingrained self reliance that we had to develop. The newer generations have had it too easy growing up, we gave them everything and expected them to automatically know what we learned the hard way. Younger people want someone to tell them the how, what, and why of how to start or do in a job. Consequence of having internet at your fingers and never having to figure it out for yourself.
@zdcyclops1 lickley True, but circumstances change and even jobs for life don’t work out sometimes.
That’s right I agree 1,000%
@D Geetar it’s also true that jobs for life are pretty much non-existant these days and it’s been that way for quite a while, more and more employees are seen by business as expendable for young and old. And the ones in control may be older but although they play lip service to the elderly, because they vote, they rarely act in their interest to any large extent, look at health care and prescription drugs, what have they done for that except help the big corporations milk the elderly for every cent they own. Let’s not forget and lose perspective it’s the 1% doing this and yes the ones in control are elderly but it’s not the elderly at large as more and more of them are being forced into poverty
I had to work until I was 75! I think some relief for seniors in property tax would be helpful. Yes I’m grateful that I have a home when others don’t. I’m definitely for helping them as well!
“Some of my favorite people are a little bit older” says Ari. “I just wouldn’t want my sister to marry one.”
I am 70 yrs. old, so I’m gonna indulge in some ageism. These old fossils have got to go! We need the fresh perspectives of the young. This is gonna be their world.
You’re right. Younger minds means more flexibility in mind and action, fresher ideas to move with the changing times. We need that if we as humans want to survive on this planet. When things change we have to change with it. Adapt or die. It’s the way the world works. Always has. The dinosaurs couldn’t adapt so they died to make room for mammals to thrive. If dinosaurs were so perfect they’d still be here. Instead we have the evolution of the planet. Time moves on so must we.
Change is coming. Like it or not.
@Valerie Perry What to do? Term limits in the Senate? Mandatory retirement at age 75? Take ’em out and shoot ’em?!?
We also need the wisdom and character that comes with those who age and retain their intelligence and perspectives on history. And of course, those who have learned the value of compassion and never give up.
@john lyon Get rid of Gerrymandering. Get rid of the Filibuster, the only reason why that relic is even still around is because of Smith goes to Washington. That movie gave many people an idea of what the Filibuster was and it was presented in a romanticized light. When in reality it doesn’t work like that anymore no one goes to floor to talk for hours.
The fact that Joe Biden and Joe Manchin want to keep the relic for novelty’s sake only reinforces how old they are.
And get rid of the Electoral Collage.
It is not ageism. The older generation is the one in control in both public and private sectors; therefore, the US is impacted by their decisions, and the rest of us would have to fix the mess they leave us behind. Why do we want to continue ignoring the younger generations? The answer is logical as opposed to ageism.
2020 “Let’s all take a moment to honor our essential workers”
2021 “…but not with a raise”
When one says “Great again” “.. and the other knows its about being “Greater” .
As a 70 year old individual, I agree
%. Wisdom can come with experience, which sometimes comes with age, but it can also calcify thinking. Time for us to go camping.
Plus old politicians just let the next generation to deal with the problems
Yeah, and you must have already retired and have a huge pension. What about all the people who might be forced into retirement and lose their homes because you are so gracious in admitting how calcified and senile YOU are. No wonder they are all after our heads, with old dotoring fools like you throwing the towels for the rest of us who want to keep on fighting.
We need term limits.
@wordsculpt we do a president can go up to 8 years 2 terms, this was taught in school
@wordsculpt Term Limits is code against professional career politicians. When we no longer have Career Politicians then guess who takes over from there: the Lobbyist Firms just start rotating their own people, you know, do a Term as something and then back to work doing all that Lobbyist Legal Bribery and Special Interest work. The problem with most voters is that they believe the Surface Story, the “sales pitch” behind all the crap like this that just makes things worse. Look at how “Campaign Finance Reform” worked out, when we already had laws against Bribery, well, that is when the Lobbyists took over, isn’t it, because there were so many laws and everything needed to be accounted for differently and all those lists and names, it seemed that ordinary Politicians had to bring in Lobbyist Firms (half Lawyer Hald Accountant) to ‘launder’ the contributions. The only reason Trump is in trouble was he cut out the Lobbyists and it is the Lobbyist Firms most screaming for his blood.
So, before you think some Political Suggestion is a great idea, clear your mind of the sales pitch and try to imagine what will really happen.
yes. perfect summary: respect elders for their accumulated wisdom but listen to youth for the new perspectives & energy they bring
But completely wrong, look at the Bernie vote. Not supported by old people with accumulated wisdom.
@Flanamac accumulated wisdom takes many forms but I think yer analysis is right it just highlights that not enough old people are holding up their end by listening to the new perspectives of the youth
@Flanamac It should tell you something about Bernie that the people who knew him best didn’t fall for his line of BS. You kids listened to what he said, but Pure Talk is cheap. His Contemporaries know Bernie for somebody who never did the first thing his entire life. Even now he just talks like an Old East Coast Union Hack.
@Leo Volont You are absolutely incorrect, but a lot of older folk fell for the status quo (& the establishment Democrats desperate actions to prevent Bernie’s success was not covered by the mainstream media, so I’m not surprised). The problem was a lack of courage, not an issue with the message Bernie was spreading (something exit polls proved true).
These are our kids, our grandkids, and our great grandkids of course we’re standing behind them!
THIS is the message we need to repeat and repeat. Shout it from the rooftops! This generation can heal our country if we let them!!