After Night One, DNC To Focus On Biden’s Bio And Economics | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Rick Wilson of The Lincoln Project and John Heilemann discuss former Ohio Gov. John Kasich's appearance on the first night of the Democratic National Convention and why the DNC will focus on Biden's bio and the economy. Aired on 08/18/2020.
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After Night One, DNC To Focus On Biden's Bio And Economics | Morning Joe | MSNBC

After Night One, DNC To Focus On Biden's Bio And Economics | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. ARP
      Watching the cult of Trump dissolving & running down the legs of Donnie like a overflowing depends. Returning back into the ground & under the heavy rocks of racism.

      🇺🇸💙🌊🗳💙🇺🇸 “Byedon” 2020

    1. Sleepy Joe can take his fake “bringing the country together’ spiel and stick it where his handlers enjoy themselves.

    2. Dear Boss Childish comments like, sleepy joe, radical left, and dummy? Take your fake intelligence, fake news, and shuffle on to the russian right. 💙

    1. @Albert Costa Whatever you do, don’t look up “the great awakening”… DO NOT LOOK IT UP!!!

  1. I turned on Fox news for a bit last night and they were of course, not showing the DNC convention. Instead, Hannity was playing some sound bytes of earlier speakers and literally they would string together 3 or 4 words at a time, leaving out all context.
    That is how far removed actual news is on that channel. Much like the t’rump campaign ad that has Biden saying, “absolutely” with ZERO context as they voice over – falsely – that he wants to abolish the police (he doesn’t). Like, really? 🤷

  2. It will be nice to focus on a plan rather than name-calling, conspiracies, and the LACK OF A PLAN that has been part of our 4 year “presidency”.

    1. @The Quantum Alchemist Ok… We get it! You hate America and everything it stands for. Now run along to your “Hate America” cult meeting now.

    2. “Government is the problem. Vote for Republicans and we’ll prove it”, has become their self-fulfilling prophesy.

    3. @The Quantum Alchemist did you hear pictures just came out today of Clinton on Lolita Express. Getting a massage by one of the victims. Jesus Christ health he’s waked left be set free from these leftist lying perverts.

      JesUSAves 🙏♥️✝️🙌🏿🕊️🇺🇸

    1. Biden received $1,000,000,000 from the Chinese communist government to sell the USA to China😷🖕🏻🇨🇳

  3. I loved the diversity of speakers. Never again will you see Kasich & Sanders agree on anything. 2 polar opposites coming together just shows you how low we’ve fallen. God help us if Trump wins.

    1. Get your bedsheet ready cause you and your blm/antifa/portland/lolita express wierdoes are going to do a lot of crying when trump has an even larger win than lastime.

    2. I think the diversity of speakers shows why it is so important to keep our political system CENTERED.

    3. In 2014, at a Koch brothers summit against Medicaid expansion, Kasich criticized the Koch brothers. In answer to Randy Kendrick, who questiond his pro Medicaid position., Kasich retorted; ” I don’t know about you lady, But when I get to the Pearly Gates, I’m going to have an answer for what I’ve done for the poor. I know this is going to upset alot of you guys, but we have to use Government to reach out to people living in the shadows”. He and Bernie aren’t so far apart after all. Gov Kasich was never invited to another Koch Brothers summit. From the Jane Mayer book “Dark Money”. Page 457.

  4. Trump is blatantly cheating to win at all costs… His determination to suppress the vote by handicapping the Postal Service is in our face…

    1. Thought this out well did you? Or should I say “You listened to the leftard talking heads did you!”

    2. @Ben Lutz
      And they swear each other into office so quick before the dust settles…
      It’s the system is skewed in favor of the Republicans… The Senate gives 2 Senators for each state. There are more Red States than Blue but the fewer Blue States have a Majority of People but the Senate transfers the power of the Majority to the Republicans because there’s more Red States but have fewer people… That’s undemocratic and unfair… The Senate passes laws and confirms Judges thus the entire system is skewed… It must change, Democracy NOW… Abolish the Electoral College and make the Senate Democratic…

    1. Life will not be good until we are out from under this pandemic. Biden has a better chance of achieving that than Trump.

  5. The Lincoln Project are patriots. Staying in “good trouble, necessary trouble” providing a voice to America that’s invaluable. Stay strong. Resist. Vote 🌊

    1. I enjoy and support the ads and analysis of the tRumpian dystopia but let’s not forget that these guys were there while the Republican party devolved. They let it happen and now here they are. Oh, and David Frum the Axis of Evil guy too. They are all making $ writing books and gigging as punits. So all good for them ain’t it? Nonetheless, please vote Blue America.

  6. Vote on Nov 3,2020! If you want to this End Vote them Out! Let your vote be heard. Don’t be Afraid.

    1. Even if you’re dead or never existed, vote….Sleepy Joe & Heels Up Kamala need every single fraudulent ballot.

    1. Kamala Harris is a TARTUFFE! The former prosecutor is now for defunding police, the most unaware and cognitively impaired politician in America teams up the the most predatory and unprincipled women in politics bested only by Nancy Pelosi. Let them run the country like Democratic mayors have run major cities in Democratic states. Letting the mob destroy public and private property, loot, burn, and destroy innocent lives in the middle of a pandemic. Let them show you how to ruin an economy with trillions of dollars wasted in AOC’s “Green New Deal” … the Green is your money shipped to China so they can make cheap solar and wind mills that break into toxic waste before the investment pays a return, and by the way Germany with 36% “wind and solar” pays 3 to 4 times what Americans pay for electric power. So what are the poor to do? Go stand all day in a Walmart store on hot Summer days to stay cool, assuming Walmart pays their bills. How will China make all that Green equipment? They same as they always do, burn a lot of coal. What other brilliant ideas will they not tell you the costs? Not their way to talk numbers when labels is all they’ve got. Shame and ridicule, disagree and you are an environmental “racist.” Have we not had enough of leftist trops and phony narratives of systemic racism, down with one point, one dimensional history as taught by leftist activists in the schools, down with project 1619, and lets get back to project 1776

    2. Congratulation Rick you’ve done it once again, the title is so appropriate, can hardly wait to read your book.

  7. Apparently there’s a glaring conflict of interest in the appointment of DeJoy as the postmaster general of the USPS. Personally he and his wife have major investments (millions) in alternative delivery service interests (eg XPO, JB Hunt) that stand to profit from a diminishing of USPS’s service mandate and/or eventual breakup and privatization. This alone disqualifies his appointment. These sorts of shenanigans and outright corruption are hallmarks of this trump administration.

    1. @thenspeakonit …You LYING sack of crap…The 6 Member Board were all APPOINTED BY TRUMP, and ORDERED to SUPPORT Dejoy or be FIRED!!!!

    2. Not a bit surprised, I’d bet that the DeJoy’s and other kleptocrats are poised to snap up the more profitable pieces of a dismantled USPS with minimum wages and no health care jobs.
      Privatization is a mantra

    3. Not a bit surprised, I’d bet that the DeJoy’s and other kleptocrats are poised to snap up the more profitable pieces of a dismantled USPS with minimum wages and no health care jobs.
      Privatization is a mantra or the moneyed American oligarchs. The bottom line mandating all or any policies. Then they can do anything they want.

    4. You might think it would disqualify DeJoy, but I don’t think it’s illegal. The problem is that everyone thought conflicts of interest would disqualify people, but only when the President cares about legality and morality. When a President has no morals and is willing to do anything to win, and when his party is also willing to sacrifice the country to have power, then anything goes.

    1. Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

    2. Actually, the Republicans LOVE socialism, they just don’t want anyone but themselves and their rich pals to have it. For the average person, they just want corporate capitalism.

  8. I live in Cleveland, Ohio, and when the RNC held their 2016 convention in Cleveland on the day that trump accepted the Republican nomination John Kasich a Rupublican was building a Habitat for Humanities house in my Black commuity.

    1. @Shaunitha Banks
      Maybe, that Trump didn’t mind a Republican doing something charitable and see Trump ain’t such a bad guy after all?!?

  9. I really don’t understand how anyone thinks that the economy is doing better under trump. Seriously? I live in Montana and a lot of our farmers NEVER got any of the subsidies that were needed when trump destroyed the trading with China. Our farmers don’t want subsidies but when the economy is crushed by people who don’t understand how business really works…we lose. So many small farms have had to go out of business because of this president. I don’t understand the people who think that the past 3.5 years have been anything but a disaster. Most people DON’T have stocks but somehow this president has convinced his followers that a good stockmarket equals a good economy. WTF?

    1. Man you got people might be paying rent but have to go to a Food Pantry’s so their Families Can Eat only in America under#45 WOW

    2. @orphan 200 Since the signing of the Phase 1 trade agreement, Trump has continued to wreck relations with China. With constant threats towards China’s internal affairs with their own territorial areas of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the South China Sea and blaming China for importing the virus, and their failure to buy as much unwanted American exports that he wants them to take, there will not be further success with China trade ever. Hmm, China has changed their own supply lines for goods previously traded from the US. It will take years to obtain China’s trust to buy more from the US, than they ever did in the past.
      Trump revealed that he had eliminated Hong Kong as a competitor, but never omitted that Hong Kong had been a customer with one of the few trade surpluses on the planet. The American banks and financial companies in Hong Kong were sanctioned, and now that American economic source for trade, banking, and investments are gone completely.

    3. @orphan 200 China is in their Phase three already to out last the US tariffs, that the American consumers are forced to pay with borrowed money. The American economy of debt has fallen below the US national debt, and no hope insight to produce more than the $26 + trillion the government owes. This isn’t the deficit but the underwater economy that is rapidly shrinking for lack of demand.

    4. Trump has a narrow focus on the economy, it’s gotta be simple to for him to see it. If the stock market is doing well the economy must be great.
      The masses, you and me, don’t count, unless you are in big into the stockmarket?

    1. Covid has hit nearly all countries, but ONLY the US has TRIPLED its unemployment rate. Trump’s incompetence and mismanagement are to blame.

    2. codent you’re 100% totally right. The health and economic mess of the USA is a massive failure of leadership of the president

    3. @James Lade We had our 1st confirmed case the same day as S Korea. But they jumped on it early with testing and contact tracing and their economy is already on the rebound….we, however, continue in a downward spiral. “It didn’t have to be this way”

    4. @Valen Jade I hope you saw and are sharing President Obama’s speech from last night. For me, possibly his best speech ever.

    1. Real American’s know what the economy is doing?? You have Suburban families going to food Pantry’s and just enough money for rent?? Dam what Economy.

  10. Michelle Obama: when they go low, we go high.
    Rick Wilson: we go low so you don’t have to.
    Me: It is what it is.

    1. Right now, I would welcome the stain on my soul if going subteranian would remove that sociopathic horror from the white house.

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